A note from the publisher

Disaster Prevention and Management

ISSN: 0965-3562

Article publication date: 1 December 2001



(2001), "A note from the publisher", Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 10 No. 5. https://doi.org/10.1108/dpm.2001.07310eaa.001



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2001, MCB UP Limited

A note from the publisher

Emerald, the new name and vision for MCB UP Ltd

For 2002 the publishers of this journal will be changing their trading name from MCB UP Ltd to Emerald. You may wonder why! Well basically it is to reflect the success of our Emerald Fulltext database – our electronic database which, along with much other material, contains current and archival content of this journal. As a reader you will almost certainly know the Emerald name because electronic usage of the material contained in our journals has doubled every year since 1996 and the trend continues. Here are some interesting statistics representing the performance of the Emerald database in 2000:

  • Nearly 1 million user sessions in 2000.

  • Over 5.5 million articles delivered to users in 2000 (more than 16,000per day).

  • Between January 2000 and May 2001 the number of academic institutions with access to the Emerald Fulltext database more than tripled.

  • Of the world's top business schools,92 per cent choose Emerald journalsand 93 per cent of them have contributed articles to Emerald journals ("top" business schools based on Financial Times business school rankings 2000).

Why are we telling you this? Well, partly to explain why this journal will look different in 2002 and why it will carry a new logo. We will be introducing a new logo and giving all our titles a new cover design for 2002 to reflect the Emerald brand. More importantly, however, frequently it is the case that the users of material published in our journals are also potential suppliers (authors). If you are thinking of submitting an article for an Emerald journal in 2002 please be assured that you will have the full reach of the Emerald Fulltext database on your side to ensure that your work reaches the widest, global audience.

DPM in 2002

You never know when a disaster is going to happen or what form it will take. Yet planning for the unknown can make the difference between a successful salvage operation and disorganised panic. How would you deploy your emergency services in a crisis? What is their maximum capacity and where would you go if the situation exhausted it? How do you best co-ordinate your resources to save lives and prevent further damage ?

In 2002 Disaster Prevention and Management will help you to answer all these questions and more and will provide an international focus on the latest research and practice in the prevention and mitigation of natural and man-made disasters. The journal aims to:

  • Foster greater understanding of disaster phenomena, and how to limit and contain damage, or prevent the development of a crisis.

  • Create a proactive climate where contingency planning is a central element in the prevention and mitigation of disasters.

  • Demonstrate through case history studies and empirical research findings how rescue, salvage and aftermath operations can be co-ordinated to achieve maximum performance under intense pressure.

Topics in its field will consist of:

  • Industry and disaster preparedness.

  • Top management attitudes to safety.

  • Public attitudes and actions regarding disaster preparation.

  • Post-event support for disaster workers and victims.

  • Improving operational effectiveness and cost efficiency in emergency planning and response.

  • Health effects of disasters.

Submissions should be sent to: the Editor,Dr H.C. Wilson, Senior University Teacher, Department of Cybernetics and Virtual Systems, University of Bradford, Bradford BD7 1DP, West Yorkshire, UK.

For further details view the journal homepage on: www.emeraldinsight.com/dpm.htm

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