(2000), "Geological Hazards: Their Assessment, Avoidance and Mitigation", Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 9 No. 3.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited
Geological Hazards: Their Assessment, Avoidance and Mitigation
Geological Hazards: Their Assessment, Avoidance and Mitigation
Fred G. BellE. & F.N. SponLondon and New York1999648 pp.ISBN 0 419 16970 9£65.00
With chapters on assessment and planning, volcanic activity, earthquake activity, mass movements, problem soils, river action and control, marine action and control, wind action and arid regions, soil erosion and desertification, waste and its disposal, groundwater pollution, and ground subsidence, this book leaves the reader with a wealth of understanding on the topic. My initial fear was that the book would be too technical in nature for me, but I found the writing style excellent with a good flow of concept. In other words, it starts off easy and slowly builds up your knowledge.
The book is well illustrated with graphs, tables, diagrams and photographs which adequately highlight the point the author is trying to convey.
This is a book both for students and the lay person who wants to increase their knowledge on geological hazards. It is informative without being to technical; it supplies a review of the current science surrounding the topic without confusing the reader. Well worth the price if you want a good book on the topic either as a primer or a reference source.