(2000), "Encyclopaedia of Explosives (on CD-ROM)", Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 9 No. 1.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited
Encyclopaedia of Explosives (on CD-ROM)
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Encyclopaedia of Explosives (on CD-ROM)
The Encyclopaedia of Explosives CD-ROM, published by the US Government's National Technical Information Service (NTIS), contains the complete ten-volume set of the classic encyclopaedia that was prepared by B.T. Fedoroff, O.E. Sheffield, and S.M. Kaye at the Picatinny Arsenal from 1960-1983.
The new CD-ROM version enables users to: search all 8,000 pages for chemical name, descriptive phrase, or keyword to find topics of interest; view or print a page or the entire entry with embedded diagrams and figures; and copy and paste text and diagrams into word processing documents.
This encyclopaedia provides comprehensive coverage of the following:
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Military and industrial explosives, explosive compositions, propellants and pyrotechnic compositions.
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Explosives and explosive compositions that have not been used for military or industrial purposes.
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Analytical procedures for the more common explosives, propellants and pyrotechnic compositions.
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Compounds which deflagrate or may possibly explode because of the presence of phosphoric groups.
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Ammunition items, such as projectiles, bombs, grenades, detonators, fuses, etc.
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Calibres of weapons and projectiles used in the USA and foreign countries.
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Brief definitions of ordnance terms.
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Names of scientists who made important contributions in the fields of explosives, ammunition and weapons.
The encyclopaedia contains not only compounds that have been reported as explosive, but also compounds that may possibly be explosive. The data include many substances, ordinarily not considered explosive, but that have exploded accidentally or been caused to explode experimentally. Compounds containing phosphoric groups in sufficient percentage to make them dangerous under certain conditions have been included. In addition, nitro compounds that contain about 40 per cent or more nitrogen have been included. References are made to what may be considered as the parent compound of azido, nitro or nitroso derivatives. Other references (mostly Beilstein) are included for intermediate non-explosive derivatives.
For further information on both products contact: Brian Bridge, MICROINFO Ltd. Tel.: +44 (0) 1420 86848.