(2000), "Microinfo launches health & safety Internet reference service", Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 9 No. 1.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited
Microinfo launches health & safety Internet reference service
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Microinfo launches health & safety Internet reference service
Microinfo has concluded an agreement with SilverPlatter's Health & Safety Publishing Group, to host a comprehensive collection of databases of vital importance to health and safety professionals countrywide. The databases will be held on servers at the "Fm ServerCentre" from where they will be accessible to licensed users via the Internet. The collection features the industry-leading WinSPIRS software system originally pioneered by SilverPlatter for their CD-ROM services. "FmServer Centre" is jointly operated by Microinfo and its technology partner Fenwood Systems. Microinfo has been offering electronic information services for more than ten years and Fenwood has similar lengthy experience of CD-ROM networking systems and, more recently, Internet applications.
Access to databases in the Microinfo/SilverPlatter Health & Safety Internet Collection will be available to users on an annual subscription basis; networking and site licences will be offered where required by larger users. Health and safety specialists can subscribe to any one or more of the 13 titles in the initial collection. Organisations with interest in a wide range of health and safety issues may wish to subscribe to the complete collection. Full details of annual subscription costs, networking and site licence fees are available on application.
The initial collection of databases to be offered by the service includes the following:
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CHEM BANK: provides data on thousands of potentially hazardous chemicals. Features numerous subsidiary databases including the Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (RTECS).
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DOSE: Dictionary of Substances and their Effects - over 4,000 chemicals; includes UK and foreign threshold limit values.
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EINECS: produced by the European Communities Office for Official Publications; contains extensive information on over 100,000 chemicals.
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ENVIRONMENT PLUS: features the full-text of UK and European environment related legislation.
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FIRE-CD: provides full-text coverage of a wide range of authoritative information on fire and fire prevention. Includes UK and European legislation.
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FIRE WORLDWIDE: a collection of a number of complementary bibliographic databases including FLAIR from the UK Fire Research Station. Databases from the UK Fire Service College and the Forensic Science Laboratory are also featured.
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FOOD SAFETY Plus: a full-text database produced in collaboration with The Stationery Office and MAFF (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food).
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MSDS: more than 92,000 Material Safety Data Sheets from the database of the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety (CCOHS).
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OSH CD/OSH-OFFSHORE: contains six important databases - four offering full-text of legislative and other data.
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OSH-ROM: brings together six complete bibliographic databases covering critical international H&S information. Features more than 1,000,000 citations from over 500 journals and more than 100,000 monographs and technical reports.
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SPORTS and LEISURE HEALTH and SAFETY: provides full-text of all appropriate UK legislative information plus two related databases.
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WASTEINFO: the world's literature on waste management and related hazard and environmental issues is covered in this unique resource.
All databases in the Microinfo/SilverPlatter Health & Safety Internet Collection are updated at regular intervals; users have immediate access to the latest data without the necessity of loading new CD-ROM discs in their desktop PCs or in CD-ROM storage systems.
Contact: Janette Clements, MICROINFO Ltd. Tel: +44 (0)1420 86848.