(1999), "NOAA adds new photo library and history Websites", Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 8 No. 4.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 1999, MCB UP Limited
NOAA adds new photo library and history Websites
NOAA adds new photo library and history Websites
The NOAA Central Library, in co-operation with the NOAA Home Page Design and Construction Team, has added two new Internet sites:
NOAA Photo Library at
This site includes the NWS Historical Album at with approximately 600 pictures of weather phenomena, equipment, and personnel. The NOAA Photo Library also offers the National Severe Storms Laboratory Album, which details the work of that organization.
NOAA History at
This site includes biographies of Weather Service personnel, personal accounts of working in the old weather service, institutional histories, and even weather service poetry and art.
The NOAA Library would like to borrow photographs (35 millimeter slides preferably) to digitize and add to the photo library. The site will credit the photographer and source organization. For loaned photographs, please provide caption information such as location, date, and subject matter. The library is also seeking autobiographies and biographical sketches of Weather Service personnel, accounts of technological innovation and evolution, project histories, and accounts of significant weather events. Many individuals have contributed to these sites already. We hope that a full cross-section of Weather Service observations, work, and accomplishments can be chronicled.
Other products that the Library has developed include:
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WINDandSEA, an Internet guide to the atmospheric and oceanic sciences.
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NOAA Browser, which has links to over 500 NOAA organizational home pages.
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Access to AMS journals.
Staff in the Silver Spring, MD, campus also have access to the Meteorological and Geoastrophysical Abstracts. These are all accessible through the Library Home page at http://www.lib.noaagov
If interested in helping develop the NOAA History Web site or loaning imagery for the NOAA Photo Library, please contact Skip Theberge, NOAA Central Library, 301-713-2600 X-124, e:mail: