Special issue on direct marketing and computer-mediated communication

Direct Marketing: An International Journal

ISSN: 1750-5933

Article publication date: 27 March 2009



(2009), "Special issue on direct marketing and computer-mediated communication", Direct Marketing: An International Journal, Vol. 3 No. 1. https://doi.org/10.1108/dmij.2009.32503aaa.001



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2009, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Special issue on direct marketing and computer-mediated communication

Article Type: Guest editorial From: Direct Marketing: An International Journal, Volume 3, Issue 1

The rapid evolution of technology has given rise for individuals to express their views through interacting with web-based discussion groups, known as computer-mediated communication (CMC). These discussion sites allow interaction or direct communication between interested parties who share their views on products, brands andconsumption experiences. Such exchanges are known as peer-to-peer communications (P2P).

P2P communications can have an effect on the opinion of customers and potential customers, and marketers are beginning to view such sites as being useful in collecting information about customer perceptions as well as identifying the themes of discussion. Some organisations host their own discussion sites in order to learn more about their customers and/or prompt discussions relating to product usage or hints and tips from users to help others. Research in this area is especially important in order to clarify how, or whether, customers want to interact with other customers and/or the organisation/brand they have in common. Submission of articles is invited to disseminateresearch relating to how technology is used for intra-customer communication and what effect this is having on direct marketing practice.

This special issue wants to focus on articles concerning interactive marketing which facilitates interactivity between organisation and customer, interaction between internal customers and interaction between customer and customer. This broad topic may include:

  • The use of computer-mediated communication to facilitate new product development

  • The use of computer-mediated communication for customer satisfaction research

  • The integration of customer forums into the direct marketing web site

  • The use of customer forums or social networks to develop relationships

  • P2P sites that are hosted by direct marketing organisations.

The list of topics shown is not exclusive and contributions covering other related topics are encouraged. However, all contributions should contain a rigorous research method section and contain clear reference to theory in both interactive/direct marketing. This special issue aims to provide articles of high standing which can be referred to by future researchers in this discipline.

The closing date for submissions: 31 July 2009. Expected publication: Vol. 4 No. 1, 2010

All papers will be subjected to double-blind peer review. Submissions should follow the format prescribed in the journal Author Guidelines which are available in the inside back cover of any hard copy of the journal or on the journal web site: www.emeraldinsight.com/dmij.htm

Submissions are made using Scholar One’s Manuscript Central online submission system. This is accessible at: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/dmij

Prospective contributors with questions concerning the potential suitability of topics, or additional requirements about this special issue, are invited to contact directly by e-mail:

Sally Harridge-March,Department of Marketing and Operations Management,Business School, Oxford Brookes University, Wheatley Campus,Wheatley, Oxford OX33 1HXE-mail: spharridge-march@brookes.ac.uk

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