Goodair, C. (2011), "Round up", Drugs and Alcohol Today, Vol. 11 No. 2.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2011, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Round up
Article Type: Round up From: Drugs and Alcohol Today, Volume 11, Issue 2
Christine GoodairCompiled by Christine Goodair Chair-Elect, of SALIS, The International Organisation for Substance Abuse Librarians and Information Specialists.
Reducing Underage Alcohol Harm in Accident and Emergency Settings – a new report from Alcohol Concern outlines steps that A&E departments can take to provide harm reduction to young people who attend hospital as a result of their drinking. It highlights successful practice and provides a “how to” guide. This report recommends that A&E departments should prioritise the reduction of alcohol harm in young people in order to improve patient health outcomes and deliver long-term cost benefits.
Nearly, all American adults with untreated alcohol use disorders do not think they need treatment – a data spotlight from SAMHSA that shows that only 1.2 per cent of the nation’s more than 7.4 million adults aged 21 to 64 with an untreated alcohol abuse disorder perceive they could benefit from treatment.
Out of the way? Alcohol displays in supermarkets – a snapshot survey of Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Morrisons and Asda supermarkets highlights how alcohol is no longer confined to a specific drinks aisle, but is found throughout stores, in doorways, on end-of-aisle displays, by checkouts, and alongside everyday groceries such as bread and milk. Alcohol concern is calling for supermarkets and off-licenses to confine displays of alcohol to a single area of their premises. Such a measure is already in place in Scotland and is supported by the Welsh Assembly Government, whilst 70 per cent of 1,000 supermarket customers in Wales surveyed have also backed the proposal.
Alcohol Improvement Programme and Alcohol Learning Centre funded by the Department of Health (DH) until this March 2011 to support the NHS and third sector in delivering on alcohol harm reduction have now ceased. The ALC website will not be updated for a brief period of time whilst re-structuring takes place. The DH will continue to take forward the alcohol agenda in line with government directives.
Alcohol Insight number 80: Adult Consequences of Late Adolescent Alcohol Consumption: A Systematic Review of Cohort Studies this review investigated whether late adolescent alcohol consumption is a time-limited activity without significant longer term consequences or whether it impacts upon adult health and well being
Psychosis with co-existing substance misuse: assessment and management in adults and young people NICE Clinical Guideline 120, a quick reference guide for healthcare professionals and other staff who care for people with psychosis and substance misuse.
Specialist drug and alcohol services for young people: a cost benefit analysis. This report from the Department of Education looks at both the immediate benefits of treatment and the longer term benefits, and assesses the value of substance misuse services. The researchers say that every pound invested in such services saves the taxpayer between £5 and £8 over a lifetime, based on the most conservative assumptions.
2010 Annual Report of the International Narcotics Control Board – provides a survey of the drug control situation in various parts of the world. One of its central themes is the role of corruption in drug trafficking. It highlights the board’s concerns about issues such as designer drugs, synthetic cannabinoids and precursor chemicals and also presents regional developments and recommendations for governments.
Availability of internationally controlled drugs: ensuring adequate access for medical and scientific purposes –a supplement to the INCB Annual Report 2010 that looks at the issue of 80 per cent of the world’s population not having insufficient access to pain relief drugs, 2010/en/supp/AR10_Supp_E.pdf
National Documentation Centre on Drug use (Ireland) has developed several new on-line resources and has been involved in initiatives in the education and information literacy area. These new resources include National Drug Treatment Reporting System interactive tables of drug-treatment data, a new database of evidence resources for drug and alcohol interventions and an online directory of drug and alcohol training courses, and other projects.
National Drug-Related Deaths Index presents new figures on drug-related deaths and deaths among drug users in 2008, and updates previously published figures for the years 1998-2007.
Social work services and recovery from substance misuse: a review of the evidence – Scottish Government Social Research that reviews available evidence on social work’s contribution to supporting recovery for those with problem drug and/or alcohol use. The review also collated the available evidence on workforce development in this area as well as reviewing what is known about social work roles and training.
Psychosocial Interventions Resource Library from the National Treatment Agency is a resource made up of evidence-based or expert panel-derived protocols and other resources on psychosocial treatments for use by practitioners working with drug misusing clients.
Control of tapentadol and amineptine under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 Home Office circular 005/2011 25 March 2011 provides information about the control of tapentadol and amineptine
Report of the 2010 NDPB Review of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs this report by Sir David Omand finds that the ACMD is an authoritative and good source of advice on drug misuse. a Canadian drug prevention web-site for youth has added more drugs to its Addictionary. It e now features information on the effects of cocaine, LSD, marijuana, meth, heroin, mushrooms, crack, ecstasy, ketamine and GHB.
Smoking and tobacco
Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks an evaluation of the role of tobacco additives in the addictiveness and attractiveness of tobacco products.
Stop smoking service delivery and monitoring guidance 2011/12 provides best practice guidance relevant to the provision of all publically provided stop smoking interventions and sets out fundamental quality principles for the commissioning and delivery of services which can be used to inform the development of local commissioning and provision arrangements. It also includes full details of the data requirements for local stop smoking services.
14 April 2011