(2001), "TECNU® Inc. introduces new instrumentation to improve the electroplating of PCBs", Circuit World, Vol. 27 No. 4.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2001, MCB UP Limited
TECNU® Inc. introduces new instrumentation to improve the electroplating of PCBs
TECNU® Inc. introduces new instrumentation to improve the electroplating of PCBs
Keywords: Electroplating, Printed circuit boards
TECNU® Inc. has developed and introduced a new type of amp-time counter, as a standard feature on its Pulse Reverse (PR Series™) and Wave Sequencing (WS Series™) product lines. Typical amp-time counters include amp-hour and amp-minute meters.
Traditional amp-time counters were designed for direct current (DC) and measure only the positive amp-time. A few more advanced amp-time counters are able to subtract the negative amp-time from the positive. This incorrectly assumes that deposition and removal occur at similar rates.
TECNU has now introduced, a new amp-time counter that will allow the user to select either amp-hour or amp-minute mode (by job) and to program the manner in which the amp-time counter operates.
The inability to properly model a manufacturing process hinders overall success and capability. This is especially true with the complications of electroplating chemistry and pulse reverse waveforms. TECNU has now introduced a new K-Factor Amp-Time Counter which allows the process team to model the fact that material is deposited and removed at different rates during the electrochemical process.
Figure 1 Effect
of positive and negative portion of pulse
The basic application of the product in a traditional plating shop using traditional plating baths is as follows. Deposition (effect of positive position of pulse) and removal (effect of negative portion of pulse) of the chemical bath often occur at different rates (see Figure 1). TECNU's innovative counter allows the user to modify a K-factor multiplier in order to allow the counter to properly measure the actual electrochemical (plating) process (see Table I).
Table I Counter
types and formulae
This ability assists the production team to ensure that the instrumentation is precisely monitoring the resulting deposit. This is especially important as PCB fab shops produce such a wide variety of products on an annual basis. Proper measurement ensures: the ability to deal with a wide variety of products, improved quality, ISO-9000 compliance and an improved bottom line.
For additional information on the product visit the Web site or contact a TECNU representative at (+1) 303/471-0999.