(2001), "Ruwel branches in the USA and Hong Kong", Circuit World, Vol. 27 No. 4.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2001, MCB UP Limited
Ruwel branches in the USA and Hong Kong
Ruwel branches in the USA and Hong Kong
Keywords: Ruwel
Flex- and flex-rigid circuits, very high count multilayer, HDI-boards and backplanes in large formats are technological very high quality circuit boards, which stand out from other mass produced goods by realizing a high appreciation of value. Owing to their centrality these high quality circuit boards are marketed by Ruwel in the Far East and now also in the USA via their own branches in Hong Kong and Dallas, respectively.
The worldwide demand for circuit boards is forecasted to be around US$48 billion for the coming year (2002). Asia's proportion thereof (without Japan = 22 percent) is approximately 25 percent. Therefore, this market is substantially larger than the one in Europe (18 percent) and can be compared with the North-American market (29 percent). To give special attention to this still over-proportionally and continuously growing Asiatic market, Ruwel has established their own office in Hong Kong. This will be used in future to build up and coordinate co-operations with business partners on location. For the management of this office, Theo Langer, Dipl. lng. (FH) for surface technologies and material science has been appointed. With his 26 years of experience in the European, American and the Asiatic circuit board industry, he certainly has the ideal background knowledge for this task. Especially his several years of experience in the Asiatic circuit board market should prove to be to his advantage. By the way, the starting point of his professional working life, was Wetter in Hessia, where, in 1974, he used to work for Schoeller Elektronik, which is now a part of the Ruwel-Group, plant Wetter. Since then the circuit board has never let go of him. After many different leading functions in the technical as well as the managerial field of known circuit board suppliers, Langer has now found his way back to Ruwel.
For the care of customers in North-America, Ruwel has now opened a sales ofice in Dallas. The management of this office has been assigned to Steve Brazas. The 35 year old has got excellent contacts in the US electronics industry. After his economic studies he has gained more than 17 years of experience in this industry. Since 1997 the circuit board has been his only professional concern. Before he started to work for Ruwel, Steve Brazas was looking after major customers of a very well known American vendor in the circuit board industry. Even if so far, most people in the USA thought of backplanes as a "typical American topic", it is the aim of the office in the Federal State of Texas to make the Ruwel-Backplanes, among other Ruwel products, into a German "export hit". The Ruwel group has planned to produce more than 10 percent of their turnover, in 2003, with US-customers.