Seven-day working week in sight for Viasystems

Circuit World

ISSN: 0305-6120

Article publication date: 1 September 2001




(2001), "Seven-day working week in sight for Viasystems", Circuit World, Vol. 27 No. 3.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2001, MCB UP Limited

Seven-day working week in sight for Viasystems

Seven-day working week in sight for Viasystems

Keyword: Viasystems

Viasystems is to move to full seven-day working at its South Shields operation. The move, which will deliver significant cost and efficiency gains, has been under way since 1996. A total of 84 per cent of the manufacturing workforce is now on an eight-day shift cycle of four days on, four days off.

The remainder of the manufacturing and manufacturing support workforce move on to that pattern in the coming weeks.

Sarah Murphy, human resources director at the plant, said: "We're already renowned for our quality and efficiency in the printed circuit board sector, and this move to seven-day working is all part of that.

"When all of the manufacturing employees are in the new pattern we expect communication flow to improve further, and to see benefits in product output, cycle time reduction and unit cost reduction. The changes will make us a more efficient plant overall, keep us ahead of the competition and enable us to better face future challenges."

She said the Viasystems Corporation had invested more than £18m and accepted plans for high-technology manufacturing. The final stage will affect about 170 employees.

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