(1999), "Unidirectional cross-plied epoxy E-glass fabric laminate", Circuit World, Vol. 25 No. 3.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 1999, MCB UP Limited
Unidirectional cross-plied epoxy E-glass fabric laminate
Unidirectional cross-plied epoxy E-glass fabric laminate
Keywords Isola, Laminates
UNIVER®-E-Cu 104 (FR-4) is one result of Isola's ongoing activities to find long-term solutions to the technical requirements of circuit board manufactures and OEMs. (This product incorporates GIVID's patented NEXFAB(tm).)
The laminate is produced by cross-plying prepreg made with a stabilised unidirectional glass fabric with at least 90 percent glass weight in the warp direction (warp yarn EC G 67) and a resin content of approximately 41 percent.
Owing to the glass structure this higher quality rigid laminate is bringing potential process cost savings during PCB manufacture.
The electrical and thermal properties are similar to those of the standard DURAVER®-E-Cu type 104 (FR-4).
The product incorporates the following improved characteristics:
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A lower surface waviness which gives a better image resolution, improving the quality of micro-fine lines leading to lower reject rates.
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An improved flatness of approximately 0.2 percent, bringing benefits during the various automated processes of PCB production and assembly. So far no values have been found > 0.3 percent.
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An improved flexural strength (lengthways approximately +30 percent and crossways approximately +10 percent).
In addition, the product brings the following benefits during the drilling process:
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reduced drilling deviation;
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reduction of drill wear;
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lower frequency of drill breakage during micro-drilling.
For further information, please contact: Isola Werke UK Ltd, 2, Wyndford Road, Cumbernauld, Scotland G68 0BA. Tel. +44 (0) 1236 811100; Fax: +44 (0) 1238 811101; Internet: