Dan Janal's Guide to Marketing on the Internet

The Bottom Line

ISSN: 0888-045X

Article publication date: 1 September 2000




Cassell, K.A. and Mercado, M.I. (2000), "Dan Janal's Guide to Marketing on the Internet", The Bottom Line, Vol. 13 No. 3. https://doi.org/10.1108/bl.2000.17013cae.002



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited

Dan Janal's Guide to Marketing on the Internet

Janal, Daniel S.John Wiley & Sons, Inc.New York2000

Keywords Internet, Marketing, Selling, Profitability, Customers

This book tries to separate the hype from the reality of marketing, products, and services on the Internet. The author targets those marketers and communicators who know that their successes are tied to a well-founded, integrated marketing plan that uses as many corporate and institutional resources in the most beneficial ways possible for maximum return on investment. Entrepreneurs and small business owners also will benefit from the tactics, insights and strategies presented here. Because the book is presented in an easy to read format, the reader can read it without having a background in technology.

According to Janal, because the Internet is a powerful marketing tool, which can take profit and non-profit businesses to new heights, it should be integrated into any organization's marketing program just as you would use public relations, advertising, direct mail and outbound calls to make sales or raise money. Whether you are a corporate entity or a non-profit institution, you are realizing that the Internet is an important tool to use in your marketing program to build brand identity and sell more products and services. Thus, Janal states that by integrating the Web into your marketing program and by using the same design, feel and messages found in your other promotional materials, an institution will reinforce its image and themes to customers, contributors, patrons and clients, who in turn will reward you with sales, contributions and loyalty.

This book contains 28 chapters covering online marketing strategy, tools, building traffic for your Web site, and making the sale of goods and/or services. Most chapters feature strategies and tactics for succeeding as an online marketer and includes step-by-step instruction on how top carry out each task.

Part 1 discusses Online Marketing Strategy: three chapters included in Part 1 highlight Web success stories; explaining the differences between Web marketing and traditional marketing and cautioning the reader to respect the netiquette code of conduct; and tips on writing the plan. Part 2 discusses the process of online selling by demonstrating how to write advertising messages for the Internet. This means that marketers must use powerful words to get people to act. Thus, marketers must be good writers, who exude personality, humanity, are straightforward and call you to action. According to Janal, most Web sites fail because they do not have a strong call to action. There is simply no incentive to move people from being curious to being committed, to closing the sale. Place the important information at the top of each page. Important information includes the name of your company or institution, what it does and how it is unique.

Chapter 6 discusses correct design features of your Web site to accomplish three important elements:

  1. 1.

    attract visitors;

  2. 2.

    hold their attention;

  3. 3.

    gain closure by completing the online sale or fulfilling a request for information, subscription or data exchange.

Janal states a good design is essential for presenting sales information in a comfortable and convenient manner on the Internet. Because the online services are consumer driven media, it is essential that information be used as the main persuasive and educational tool and thus be easy to find and absorb. Good design will build credibility and sales; bad design can ruin your credibility. Therefore good design and good content are essential ingredients of any Web site. The next four chapters discuss sales issues and show how companies selling consumer products, services and business to business are using the Internet with great success.

Part 3 is concerned with ways in which you can promote your Web site. Chapters 11 and 12 offer the largest source of proven strategies for publicizing and promoting traffic to your Web Site and encouraging visits. Many of these strategies are low in cost or are of no cost. Chapter 13 examines ways in which to measure the return on your investment in online marketing activities. Among these realistic techniques are benchmarking and the direct response Web page to give marketers useful tools for determining the effectiveness of their online marketing program, i.e. how many converts did the Web site make?

Part 4 deals with the task of creating customers for life with One to One Marketing Programs. Chapter 15 explains how to build relationships with e-mail and private mailing lists and is followed by Chapter 16, which discusses how to use news groups and public mailing lists to create relationships. The next four chapters discuss how advertisers have broken new ground by creating online communities which bond with the company; create public relations campaigns to influence your communities; conduct market research; and how to use the Internet as a customer support center.

Part 5 discusses the role of Online marketing Tools. According to the author, great marketing starts with great research. Online services provide virtual online libraries of up-to-date data that can help you find information quickly about your industry, competitors and trends. In many ways, online researching is better than resorting to printed materials because the information is revised more often, is distributed faster, and is easy to integrate into reports. If you conduct online research, your marketing plan will be much more solid. In addition, by joining and participating in professional groups on the Internet you can hone your skills and learn new strategies. Chapter 24 is very helpful to the marketer in that the author discusses and explains the meaning of new terms of advertising online such as "banner ads," "click-through" and "visits." In this chapter the author also teaches us not only how to buy and sell online ads but also, teaches us about the measurement techniques which are most effective, and those which are outright lies. Part 6 teaches the marketer how to conduct effective online media relations.

This is an action book. It is meant for the reader who is committed to actually carrying out the suggested strategy and tactics. It is important to note that the author intends that marketers in various industries can make the material their own. Therefore, if you work for a non-profit or government organization, a company selling consumer products or a business-to-business organization, you will find material targeted for your needs. This book is highly recommended for those who wish to utilize the strategies and tactics relevant to marketing your product and or service on the Internet's cutting edge.

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