Pundziene, A. (2012), "Editorial", Baltic Journal of Management, Vol. 7 No. 3.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2012, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Article Type: Editorial From: Baltic Journal of Management, Volume 7, Issue 3
With this issue I would like to step down from the position of the Editor of the Baltic Journal of Management. Since the first issue, seven years of growing experience as an Editor and as a Journal passed by. This extraordinary Editorship experience was first of all created due to the very special community and people that were always around the Journal. Thus, I would like to thank my best and loyal authors from the USA and Estonia, Finland and Lithuania as well as all over the world. Also I would like to express my gratitude to the readers that find the Journal interesting and useful as throughout the seven years the downloads of the articles grew from 1,078 in 2006 to 37,769 in 2011. Also the number of users grew from 278 in 2006 to 1,499 in 2011. The coverage of both the authors and the readers covers more than 30 countries starting with the USA, Canada, Europe, China, India and other countries. Baltic Journal of Management was born in Baltic States (Lithuania specifically) but has really reached the global stage.
Big thanks to the 400-plus reviewers from all over the world that review the submitted articles often three or four times to bring the article to the publishing level. Without diligent work of Reviewers no Journal would survive. Thank you to ISM University of Management and Economics colleagues that always gave a hand in the review or any other need in developing the Journal.
Also the Journal would not be as it is without the support of the Founding Rector of ISM University of Management and Economics, Virginijus Kundrotas, who in 2004 suggested that the Journal should find an international publisher and initiated the contact with Emerald. Great thanks to the Regional Editors of the Baltic Journal of Management Prof. Tatjana Volkova, Latvia, Prof. Ruth Alas, Estonia, Prof. Zigmas Lydeka, Lithuania. Special gratitude I would like to devote to the Nordic Editor Prof. Rolv Petter Amdam, BI Norwegian Business School as he significantly contributed as a Reviewer and Guest Editor, as well as promoter of the Baltic Journal of Management in the Nordic region and beyond.
Big thanks to Emerald (in person to Kate Snowden and Martyn Lawrence) who as a publisher has been so professional and so Editor- and Journal-community friendly as well as open for innovation throughout these seven rewarding years. Finally I am very much grateful to Jurga Duobiene as Assistant Editor throughout the last five years and offer best wishes in her new position as Associate Editor. Thank you to all!
To the papers. BJM Vol. 7 No. 3 is a regular issue composed of six outstanding articles. The issue is opened with the article “Finding the right problems to solve: value creation unpacked” by Pia Hurmelinna Laukkanen, University if Oulu, Finland and Bruce Heiman, San Francisco State University, USA. The purpose of the research is to develop a concept of value creation in regard to knowledge management. Authors attempts to expand the understanding of how organisations choose problematic areas on which to work.
The article “Activity specific knowledge characteristics in the internationalization process”, Aalborg University, Denmark investigates the differences among characteristics of knowledge in emerging markets such as China as well as India. The research shows that R&D knowledge gap still exists in China as well as India.
Brian Vejrum Waehrens, Aalborg University, Denmark; Yang Cheng, Aalborg University, Denmark and Erik Skov Madsen, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark present the article “The replication of expansive production knowledge: the role of templates and principles”. The article aims to explore the use of templates and principles to transfer expansive productive knowledge embedded in a production line and understand the contingencies that influence the mix of these approaches.
Mari-Liis Soot, University of Tartu, Estonia elaborates on the role of management in development of anti-corruption organisational culture.
The article “Pay-for-performance in Estonian general educational schools – the situation for further development” presented by Reelika Irs, University of Tartu, Estonia. This paper analyses the situation of performance management, to be more precise, the usage and attitudes towards pay-for-performance on the example of Estonian schools and brings out practical implications for implementing pay-for-performance in Estonian general educational schools.
Finally Antero Putkiranta, Finland with the article “Benchmarking – a longitudinal study” examines the use and effect of benchmarking in manufacturing companies and closes the issue. I hope you will find the set of the articles interesting.
Incoming Editor Prof. Ruta Kazlauskaite and Associate Editor Dr Jurga Duobiene will start with the new team of the Regional Editors with the Vol. 7 No. 4 and Special Issue on Accounting. Let us wish the new Editorial team inspiration and rewarding experiences!
Asta Pundziene