New from Edward Elgar

Asian Libraries

ISSN: 1017-6748

Article publication date: 1 April 1999




(1999), "New from Edward Elgar", Asian Libraries, Vol. 8 No. 4.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 1999, MCB UP Limited

New from Edward Elgar

The purpose of this section is to alert readers of Asian Libraries to new products, services and resources that may be of professional value or interest. Information is taken from publicity provided by the producers and is not evaluated or assessed for accuracy. Inclusion in this section does not mean the editors of Asian Libraries or MCB University Press in any way endorse a particular product, service or resource. An item listed here subsequently may, if appropriate, also be reviewed in a relevant section of Asian Libraries (a new journal, for example, in the Reviews section).

New from Edward Elgar

Innovation in East Asia: The Challenge to Japan. by Michael Hobday, Edward Elgar, London, 1997. 240 pp., A$46.25 soft ISBN 185898601X

This text shows how late developing firms from Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore have caught up technologically with Japan. It explains the technology acquisition strategies of these firms, their strengths and weaknesses, and the origin and extent of their innovation in the region. Detailed case studies show how individual companies developed and how large groups of firms formed industrial clusters from behind the technology frontier. It appears that the competitive challenge to Japan is coming increasingly from these countries rather than from Europe and America.

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