(1999), "IFLA/UNESCO survey on digitisation and preservation", Asian Libraries, Vol. 8 No. 4.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 1999, MCB UP Limited
IFLA/UNESCO survey on digitisation and preservation
IFLA/UNESCO survey on digitisation and preservation
A major worldwide survey on digitisation programmes in libraries and other cultural institutions is now underway. The survey will build a picture of the activity in this important and growing area and will result in the creation of a directory or virtual library of digitised collections worldwide. The work is being carried out on behalf of UNESCO by IFLA's Core Programmes for Preservation and Conservation (PAC) and Universal Availability of Publications (UAP).
Many national libraries and other institutions are now undertaking or planning digitisation programmes for some or all of their major cultural collections, whether this be for preservation purposes or to increase access to the documents.
However, a comprehensive worldwide listing of digitised library collections does not yet exist, and it is the task of this IFLA project to identify such collections which have national and international importance.
The survey is being carried out by a questionnaire directed at most of the world's major libraries, archives and other cultural institutions. Replies will be analysed, and the results will be presented in a major report to be published in mid-1999 on behalf of UNESCO.
The directory of digitised documents will take the form of a freely accessible database on the UNESCO Web site. The database will consist of a searchable list of all the collections, together with clickable links to take the user directly to the Web site of the digitised collection. Individual items within a collection will not be listed, but detailed information about the contents of each collection will be available from the collection Web sites.
Information is also being gathered on the preservation issues surrounding the digitisation of materials. Digital preservation is perhaps one of the most neglected areas in the electronic library arena, with large volumes of data already lost because of a lack of knowledge about long-term digital preservation issues. The project will aim to offer some information on how the issue of preservation is being handled in this area.
For further information and a questionnaire contact Richard Ebdon, Fax: +44 1937 546254; E-mail: