American Library Association Annual Conference, 21 June to 1 July 1999, New Orleans, Louisiana

Asian Libraries

ISSN: 1017-6748

Article publication date: 1 April 1999



(1999), "American Library Association Annual Conference, 21 June to 1 July 1999, New Orleans, Louisiana", Asian Libraries, Vol. 8 No. 4.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 1999, MCB UP Limited

American Library Association Annual Conference, 21 June to 1 July 1999, New Orleans, Louisiana

American Library Association Annual Conference, 21 June ­ 1 July 1999, New Orleans, Louisiana

The International Relations Round Table and the International Relations Committee of the American Library Association will host a panel of international speakers entitled "Intellectual Freedom: A Global Perspective". ALA invites its international colleagues to submit a paper proposal on any topic relating to intellectual freedom or freedom of expression and access to information in your country. All papers accepted for presentation at the conference will be published on the ALA Web site. To broaden the discussion of international issues, papers received in application for presentation will be considered for publication on the ALA Web site even if they cannot be delivered in the conference programmes.

The second annual international poster session will provide a forum for librarians from around the world to highlight their libraries, share their research or present successful library programmes with colleagues. International poster sessions are an effective means of exchanging information and communicating ideas and will be displayed on bulletin boards with pictures, graphs, data and text to illustrate the presentation. Posters are especially well suited to graphic and interactive presentation, or to report on work still in progress. Presenters are present at the poster session to discuss them with conference attendees. To learn more about an ALA poster session, visit the Web site at:

Those interested in presenting a paper or poster session are requested to submit an abstract of 200-250 words accompanied by the following information: title of paper or poster session; name(s) of presenter(s); institutional affiliation, job title, work address, telephone, fax, e-mail. All submissions must be in English and either typed or submitted electronically. All contributions will be acknowledged. All submissions will be reviewed and accepted at the discretion of the reviewing committees.

Send submissions to Michael Dowling, American Library Association, International, Relations Office, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60202. Fax: +1 312 280 3256; E-mail:

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