(1999), "27th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Information Science; Information Science: Where Has It Been, Where Is It Going? 9-11 June 1999, Universite de Sherbrooke, Quebec", Asian Libraries, Vol. 8 No. 4.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 1999, MCB UP Limited
27th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Information Science; Information Science: Where Has It Been, Where Is It Going? 9-11 June 1999, Universite de Sherbrooke, Quebec
27th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Information Science Information Science: Where Has It Been, Where Is It Going? 9-11 June 1999, Université de Sherbrooke, Québec
CAIS 1999 will be held at the Université de Sherbrooke in Sherbrooke, Québec, located 150km south of Montréal and 450km north of Boston. CAIS will be meeting with the 1999 Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities (CSSH) and will offer exceptional opportunities for creative contacts and fruitful discussion between delegates and members of the approximately 80 learned societies that will meet concurrently.
We seek submissions related to any aspect of information science, particularly those which exemplify the leading edge of our discipline. Submissions must include a title and a 500 word extended abstract of the proposed paper. The name(s) of the author(s), complete mailing and e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers should be included on a separate sheet. Abstracts will be refereed. Final papers will be published in the proceedings and presented at the conference. Papers may be in English or French. Preference will be given to papers that report research or debate underlying methodological/philosophical issues, rather than those that report on plans yet to be implemented. Final papers (3,000-4,000 words) must be received in camera-ready form on paper by 16 April 1999. The conference Web site is: