10th Australasian Conference on Information Systems, Victoria University of Wellington, 1-3 December 1999

Asian Libraries

ISSN: 1017-6748

Article publication date: 1 April 1999



(1999), "10th Australasian Conference on Information Systems, Victoria University of Wellington, 1-3 December 1999", Asian Libraries, Vol. 8 No. 4. https://doi.org/10.1108/al.1999.17308dab.006



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 1999, MCB UP Limited

10th Australasian Conference on Information Systems, Victoria University of Wellington, 1-3 December 1999

10th Australasian Conference on Information Systems, Victoria University of Wellington, 1-3 December 1999

ACIS '99 will be held 1-3 December 1999 at Victoria University of Wellington, hosted by the School of Communications and Information Management. The annual ACIS conference is the focal meeting point for information systems researchers in Australasia. Its purpose is to promote a strong and growing IS discipline by providing a forum that facilitates communication among IS researchers in Australasia. It also gives an avenue whereby IS researchers can report to their peers, and provides exemplars of research and the reporting of research.

You are invited to submit a complete research paper, a case study, a proposal for a panel discussion, a description of research in progress, or a proposal for a poster. Papers should be submitted in accordance with the forthcoming Instructions to Authors. Associated activities with the conference include the doctoral consortium, tutorials and workshops and various informal meetings.

Copyright of papers will be retained by the authors. Preferably, papers should be original, not have been presented at other conferences, not have been published elsewhere, nor be under consideration for presentation or publication elsewhere. However, consideration will be given to papers presented elsewhere if the authors demonstrate negligible overlap between the population previously covered and that of ACIS. Authors of a selection of the best papers may be offered the option of publication in a leading Australasian journal.

  • 1 June 1999. Submission of papers.

  • 15 August 1999. Acceptance of papers.

  • 15 September 1999. Final copies of papers.

  • 15 October 1999. Earlybird registration closes.

ACIS '99 Conference, Centre for Continuing Education, Victoria University of Wellington, PO Box 600, Wellington 6001, New Zealand, E-mail: acis99@vuw.ac.nz; Web site: http://www.vuw.ac.nz/acis

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