(1998), "Seminar on Convergence in the Digital Age: Challenges for Libraries, Museums and Archives", Asian Libraries, Vol. 7 No. 6.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 1998, MCB UP Limited
Seminar on Convergence in the Digital Age: Challenges for Libraries, Museums and Archives
Seminar on Convergence in the Digital Age: Challenges for Libraries, Museums and Archives
Amsterdam, 13-14 August 1998
A seminar on Convergence in the Digital Age: Challenges for Libraries, Museums and Archives will be held with support from the European Union, in Amsterdam. The seminar is a satellite event of this year's IFLA General conference which takes place 16-21 August 1998.
Libraries, museums and archives are all increasingly dealing with documents, publications and information in electronic form. This new environment is obliging them to confront digitisation, archiving, preservation, new users services and new economic models in a complex legal framework. The seminar is hence a unique opportunity for those interested in the fields of libraries, museums or archives to share their experiences of handling digital information and to discuss common issues and challenges. It also aims at providing new ideas for the definition of strategies for cooperation in a digital environment.
The seminar is organised in six main thematic sessions:
- 1.
The Organisation of Knowledge in a Digital Environment;
- 2.
The Citizen's Access to the Digital Heritage;
- 3.
New Services in their Legal Context;
- 4.
The Future of the Digital Present;
- 5.
Converging Technologies and Standards for Digital Collections; and
- 6.
Strategic Issues in Research and Technological Development.
These themes will be illustrated by presentations of ongoing projects. Most of these projects are sponsored by the European Commission. The registration fee will be Dfl200. Coffee, lunch and social events are included in the price. The price will be Dfl300 for registration after 1 July.
For further information and reservations, please contact: Johan van de Walle, TNO-STB, PO Box 80544, NL-2508 GM The Hague, The Netherlands. E-mail:, and