(2007), "New generation Prima 3D laser cutting machine", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 79 No. 2.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2007, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
New generation Prima 3D laser cutting machine
New generation Prima 3D laser cutting machine
Prima Industrie recently launched RAPIDO EVOLUZIONE, its latest generation of advanced 3D laser cutting machines, at the Euroblech International Sheet Metal Working Technology Exhibition in Hanover.
According to Prima Industrie underlining its skill in harmonising evolution with revolution, the new Rapido Evoluzione integrates proven Prima components and sub-assemblies within a radically new machine, to provide the most comprehensive 5-axis capabilities yet from this proven model range.
Developed by Prima to reflect latest customer demands, the new Rapido Evoluzione provides a 25 per cent larger working envelope – with up to 4,000mm stroke in the X-axis – increased speed and twice the head acceleration of previous models. The system's focusing head incorporates direct drive motors and transducers, with no gears, complex kinematics or backlash. In addition, the machine's high dynamics enable it to achieve speeds of up to 1.5rev/s, combined with rotational accuracy of 0.0058 in all three axes. Prima's Rapido Evoluzione also features a powerful yet user- friendly and intuitive control system.
The new machine takes advantage of modular design concepts – with individual axis assemblies produced as self-contained units – to ensure high in- service reliability and low maintenance. Furthermore, it is said to extend the scope of the magnetic safety couplings that have featured on the company's Optimo and Rapido models for more than ten years, by permitting the complete laser head to break away in the event of an accidental workpiece collision. This not only avoids damage to the machine and workpiece, but also enables the head to be remounted straightaway – allowing production to continue uninterrupted.
Further established features of the Rapido series incorporated in the new machine are an overhead cantilevered arm, flying optics, compact laser head and exceptional workpiece accessibility, along with high manufacturing flexibility and low operating costs. The Rapido Evoluzione also boasts a new safety cabin, designed with Italian flair to mirror that of the company's leading-edge Syncrono machine – also on show at Euroblech.
Twelve months after its launch, the Syncrono has underlined its capabilities as one of the world's fastest and productive 2D laser cutting machine following its installation at a number of user sites throughout Europe and the USA.
At EMO 2005, Syncrono established its superiority by cutting a demonstration piece designed to highlight its maximum head acceleration of more than 6g – twice that of previous benchmark machines – as well as its dynamically-balanced, low mass head and sophisticated controls which eliminate vibration and maximise machining accuracy (Figure 6).
6 The RAPIDO EVOLUZIONE advanced 3D laser cutting machine
Details available from: Prima UK, Tel.:+44 (0) 24 76 645588, web site: