(2005), "CADverter closes the loop between visualisation and PLM environments", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 77 No. 4.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2005, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
CADverter closes the loop between visualisation and PLM environments
CADverter closes the loop between visualisation and PLM environments
Keywords: Computer software, Aerospace engineering
Leading product data translation specialist, Theorem Solutions has announced the availability of a translator that closes the loop between visualisation and PLM systems.
Enabling direct translation of data from JT visualisation format to CATIA V5 for the first time, the new CADverter from Theorem is already said to be proving to be an important addition to the companys portfolio – with the immediate purchase and implementation of ten licences by a leading American aerospace and defence giant.
The popularity of Unigraphics JT data format is reportedly growing rapidly worldwide. It is not just an effective means of making PLM data available to a variety of business systems, but is also an attractive method of exchanging data; especially where this is employed to assist “design in context” within collaborative engineering environments.
Until now, JT has been a one-way street, providing lightweight geometry for applications that require limited aspects of PLM data. The availability of Theorems latest CADverter significantly extends the formats potential, by allowing complete and accurate translation in the reverse direction, from JT to the PLM CAD environment.
Theorems JT to CATIA V5 translator enables the translation of all types of JT data into CATIA V5 format. Users can convert either JT solid boundary representations (BREP) or tessellated geometry representations – including assigned colour information, assembly position and hierarchy data – directly into CATIA V5 native format. JT BREP data may be translated optionally to CATIA V5 CATPart or CGR format, while JT tessellated data are always mapped directly to CGR output.
The new CADverters intuitive graphical user interface eliminates the need for users to remember complex syntax or undergo extensive training. However, the systems ability to be operated via a command line means that, like other Theorem CADverters, this new product can be incorporated into any process-oriented operation and simply integrated with PLM, vaults and general business applications.
Ongoing compatibility with CATIA V5 and JT is assured through Theorems licensing of API technology from both application sources. Spatial, a Dassault Systemes company, provides Theorem with the 3D InterOp development environment, while UGS supplies the equivalent JTOpen technology. As a result, the new CADverters architecture enables the translator to be employed without any need to access VisMockUp or CATIA V5 applications.
Available for immediate shipment, Theorems CATIA V5 to JT CADverter is offered either as a single direction solution for JT to CATIA V5 translations, or in a bi-directional configuration for unrestricted data transfer between the two formats.
Theorems online translation service is at and information on all its products and services can be found at
Details available from: Theorem Solutions Ltd. Tel: +44(0)1543444455; Fax: +44 (0) 1543 444454. Theorem Solutions Inc., Tel: +1 513 576 1100; Fax: +1 513 576 1110.