(2001), "Abbreviations", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 73 No. 1.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2001, MCB UP Limited
ACAS Airborne collision avoidance systemACAWS Advisory caution and warning systemACE Actuator control electronic computersACO Airspace co-ordination orderACSR Active control of structural responseACT Active control technologyAEA Aircrew equipment assemblyAJAM Aircraft jigs and mediaAMSS Airborne mission support systemAPU Auxiliary power unitAQP Advanced qualification programmeARS Advanced research simulatorASM Autothrottle servo motorsATO Air tasking orderAVM Airborne vibration monitoringBIT Built-in testBITE Built-in test equipmentBVID Barely visible impact damageCAMU Concurrent assembly mock-upCAPS Co-ordinated aircraft positioning systemCARP Computed air release pointCCD Charge-coupled imaging deviceCCP Corrosion control programmeCCV Control configured vehicleCDNU Control display and navigation unitCEE Composite engineering environmentCFD Computational fluid dynamicsCFEM Composite fabric endothermic materialCFIT Controlled flight into terrainCHDD Colour-head down displayCIP Common integrated processorCLAWS Control lawsCMM Co-ordinate measuring machineCNBP Communication-navigation-breaker panelCNI Communication-navigation-identificationCNI-MS Communication-navigation-identification management systemCPCP Corrosion prevention and control programmeCRM Crew resource managementCSD Constant speed driveCTOT Controlled take-off timeCVR Cockpit voice recorderDDA Dynamic dielectric analysisDEFORM Design environment for FORMingDSDTS Dual-slotted data transfer systemDSG Design service goalDTB Development test bedDVI Direct voice inputECCOC Engine combustion chamber outer casingEEC Electronic engine controllerEEPROM Electrically erasable programmable read-only memoryEFIS Electronic flight instrument systemEGPWS Enhanced ground proximity warning systemEHM Engine health monitoringEICAS Engine indicating and crew alertingELMS Electrical load management systemEMC Electromagnetic couplingEMDAP External maintenance data access panelEMPT Electromagnetic pulse transformerEMPTBA Electromagnetic pulse test bed aircraftEMT Electromagnetic topologyEPCU Electrical power control unitsERAS Electronic reporting and analysis systemERP Enterprise resource planningESG Extended service goalFADEC Full authority digital engine controlFBW Fly-by-WIREFDE Flight data exceedencesFDR Flight data recorderFEA Finite element analysisFEM Finite element modelFEST Flight engineering systems trainerFMCS Flight management computer systemFMS Flight management systemFMU Fuel metering unitFPGAs Field programmable gat arraysFPI Fluorescent dye penetrant inspectionFQIS Fuel quantity indicating systemFSFT Full-scale fatigue testsFTR Fatigue type recordGASP Global aviation safety planGATM Global air traffic managementGCAS Ground collision avoidance systemGLA Gust load alleviationGPWS Ground proximity warning systemGSM Generic systems managementHALT High accelerated life testingHFDS Head-up flight display systemHIGGER High integrity GPS guidence enhanced receiverHIR High intensity radiationHMD Helmet-mounted displayHP High pressureHSI Hue saturation intensityHTTB High technology test bedHUD Head-up displayIDG ;Integrated drive generatorIEPS Integrated electrical power systemIMA Integrated modular avionicsINS Inertial navigation systemIRP Integrated refuel panelISS Integrated sensor systemLAF Load alleviation functionLCF Low cycle fatigueLEFT Life extension fatigue testsLFD Limited function displayLP Low pressureLPC Low pressure compressorLPCR Low powered coloured radarLRU Line replaceable unitLVDT Linear variable differential transformerLVR Low voltage electromagnetic rivetingMED Multi-element damageMFC Manuel fuel controlMFD Multifunction displayMLA Manoeuvre load distributionMMS Memory management systemMOI Magneto-optic imagingMSD Multiple site damageMTOW Maximum take-off weightNGV Nozzle guide vanesNOx Nitrogen oxidesNURBS Non-uniform rational B-splinesNVG Night vision goggleNVIS Night vision imaging systemOLM Operational load measurementOSA Open system architecturePATS Proficiency assessment and training systemPCDU Power conversion distribution unitsPCP Pilot control panelPEAT Procedural event analysis toolPFC Primary flight computersPLA Power level anglePROM Programmable read-only memoryPSE Principal structural elementRAM Random access memoryRAT Ram air turbineRDCs Remote data concentratorsRDGT Reliability development growth testingREM Reverse educing methodRRTS Radar remote tracking systemRSS Relaxed static stabilityRTB Rotor track and balanceRTM Resin transfer mouldingsRTOS Real-time operating systemSAETG Structural audit evaluation task groupSAM Safety argument managerSCC Stress corrosion crackingSCRJ Supersonic combustion ramjetSEM Scanning electron microscopySIDs Supplemental inspection documentsSMC Sliding mode controllerSMDS Starch media dry strippingSSIP Supplemental structural inspection programmeTAWS Terrain awareness and warning systemTCAS Traffic alert and collision avoidance systemTEMATs Test equipment management and asset tracking systemsTIT Turbine inlet temperatureTLC Thermochromic liquid crystalsUART Universal asynchronous receiver/ transmitterVAR Vacuum arc remeltingVIR Vacuum induction meltingVMS Vehicle management systemVSD Vertical situation displayWFD Widespread fatigue damage