(2000), "A higher level of CAD/CAE interoperability", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 72 No. 1.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited
A higher level of CAD/CAE interoperability
Keywords Algor, CAD, Software, Engineering
Algor, Inc. has introduced InCADPlus technology which it claims enables engineers to transfer solid model data seamlessly from Pro/ENGINEER Release 20 software for Windows NT workstations. InCADPlus has an interface that connects Algor's entire range of finite element analysis (FEA) capabilities, including advanced Mechanical Event Simulation, directly to Pro/ENGINEER software by Parametric Technology Corporation (PTC), Waltham, Massachusetts (Nasdaq: PMTC).
Michael L. Bussler, president of Algor, a company that pioneered CAD interfacing with PCs in 1985, says:
InCADPlus enables engineers to perform a much broader spectrum of FEA more easily and in a shorter amount of time while they work in Pro/ENGINEER ... Algor has expanded its CAD interfacing options with InCADPlus to be responsive to customers who have requested seamless interoperability. Every FEA product we offer is connected to the new interface.
With Algor's Release 12 version of FEA software, Algor's complete software capabilities, ranging from simple linear static FEA to nonlinear multiphysics including heat transfer and fluid flow, are now said to be accessible from Pro/ENGINEER when it is installed on the same computer as Algor software.
These capabilities include performing Mechanical Event Simulations on complete Pro/ENGINEER solid models or assemblies using Algor's Accupak/VE Mechanical Event Simulation software with linear and nonlinear material models. Accupak/VE realistically simulates motion and flexing in mechanical events and eliminates the need to input dynamic loads. It also computes and shows resulting stresses on the computer model at each instant in time. In addition, Algor's new kinematic elements drastically reduce processing time for Mechanical Event Simulations involving solid models or assemblies because they dynamically behave like regular flexible elements, but stresses are not calculated within them.
According to Algor with InCADPlus, the simple Pro/ENGINEER menu selection "ALGOR:Algor Mesh" launches Algor's "CAD Solid Model Interface". This interface enables engineers to view their entire model prior to FEA surface meshing to determine if the design contains model defects, such as surface holes or self-intersecting surfaces. They can then create an FEA surface mesh with a new, easy-to-use sliding mesh control, which lets them quickly adjust the initial surface mesh density if necessary. Superdraw III, Algor's single user interface and precision finite element model-building tool, can be activated with one mouse click to access Algor's automatic or manual surface mesh refinement options. Engineers can then use Algor's automatic mesh engines to create a high quality FEA solid mesh using bricks, tetrahedron or a combination of both, and access Algor's full breadth of analysis options.
Alternatively, when Algor and Pro/ENGINEER are installed on different computers, InCADPlus technology eliminates problematic data translation from Pro/ENGINEER to Algor software because it uses direct memory image transfer (DMIT) programming. DMIT assures the transfer of mathematically exact model descriptions. According to W. Charles Paulsen, Algor's vice president of strategic relations:
Cost-conscious IT managers will appreciate that embedded CAD/CAE software licenses are no longer needed. DMIT-enabled InCADPlus technology provides consistent, yet simple interoperability between heterogeneous CAD/CAE systems.
Alan M. Heinlein, manager of Software Partners at PTC, says:
Algor is an active member of our Co-operative Software Partners (CSP) Program. FITC is pleased to provide the necessary support to its CSP partners, like Algor, to build and support interfaces to the Pro/ENGINEER environment.
Details available from: Algor Inc. Tel: +1 412 967 2700; Fax: +1 412 967 2781; e-mail: