(2010), "Fight against corrosion boosted with Conference", Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 57 No. 2.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2010, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Fight against corrosion boosted with Conference
Article Type: Conferences, training and publications From: Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Volume 57, Issue 2
The battle against corrosion, which costs industry billions of pounds each year, took a significant step forward at the UK Corrosion Conference held at the NEC, Birmingham.
Leading experts from across the whole anti-corrosion spectrum gave state-of-the-art presentations to more than 250 session delegates attending the three day event, which was held in conjunction with the Correx and Surface World exhibitions (Figure 1).
Two conference rooms inside the exhibition hall ran lectures concurrently, with topics ranging from the application of coatings on iron and steel bridges to cathodic protection (CP) of offshore wind farm foundations.
Managers representing some of the UK’s most iconic structures, including Barry Colford of the Forth Road Bridgeand Martin Earlam of the Thames Barrier, shared their knowledge with consultants, academics, coatings manufacturers, inspectors, transport and pipeline specialists and many others.
The event was the launching pad for a new insurance initiative that will have major benefits for both those practising anti-corrosion activity and the owners of the structures being protected. The ICATS Guarantee Scheme provides indemnity for the cost of repair and reinstatement of insured works to their original condition based on manufacturing defects, unsuitability of works and faulty or defective application of protective coatings.
The scheme, which gives “no blame” cover for structures for up to nine years, is available to all registered companies and employees who have undertaken the ICATS training programme developed by Correx Limited.
John Meadows, Director of MRSL, told delegates: “The insurance industry has always been wary of guarantees relative to failure of works to perform. However, with the advances being made by the ICATS training board, it has finally been possible to give this comfort.”
Paul Lambert, President of the Institute of Corrosion, delivered a fascinating plenary lecture, “From Sir Humphry Davy to Sustainability – 185 years of Cathodic Protection,” which concluded that the pioneering work conducted on British naval vessels in the early nineteenth century still forms the foundation of modern CP techniques today, despite the many technological advances made.
In conjunction with the sessions, the three days featured a number of workshops covering the ICATS scheme, coating instrumentation, British standards for CP and CP in offshore, pipeline and building applications.
For more information on the conference or the ICATS Guarantee Scheme, Tel.:+44 1525 851771, e-mail: denise@ or visit: