(2007), "Become an ACMM reviewer!", Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 54 No. 4.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2007, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Become an ACMM reviewer!
Become an ACMM reviewer!
Manuscript reviewers are currently sought by Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials. As a reader to ACMM you will be aware that many of the technical papers we publish are written by authors whose first language is not English. This emanates from Emerald's philosophy which is to publish interesting technical information from researchers or practitioners from all parts of the world. One result of this transnational philosophy is that the journal receives some papers which are more challenging from an editorial perspective.
If you feel you might like to assist fellow researchers by proofing their technical papers we would like to hear from you. English does not necessarily have to be your first language but you will need to be completely fluent in English and have technical proficiency in materials and corrosion in order to be able to undertake this activity. The role is unpaid but appointment can be cited on your résumé and the material you will be asked to review should be close to your own field of specialism. Experienced individuals, probably qualified to post-doctoral level in corrosion or a materials-related discipline, may also be invited to join the Editorial Advisory Board of ACMM in due course.
If you would like to hear more about this opportunity please feel free in the first instance to contact Nancy Rolph, the Managing Editor of Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, on nrolph@ attaching a copy of your résumé and Nancy will be happy to discuss the opportunity with you.