(2006), "A profile of the Saudi Arabian and UAE paint industries", Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 53 No. 5.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2006, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
A profile of the Saudi Arabian and UAE paint industries
A profile of the Saudi Arabian and UAE paint industries
Keywords: Paints, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates
Information research (IRL) has published another unique market study for the paint and coatings sector in a profile of the Saudi Arabian and UAE paint industries.
Paint demand in Saudi Arabia is estimated at 800,000 tonnes and is expected to grow by around 14 per cent pa over the next five years, to almost double in size by 2010. Paint demand in the UAE is estimated at 132,000 tonnes and will grow by 16 per cent pa to more than double the market volume by 2010. Phenomenal levels of investment in the construction sector in both markets lead to paint companies forecasting growth of 10-20 per cent pa in the coming years.
The structure of both paint markets and the opportunities they present are broadly similar, particularly with regard to the architectural and protective coatings sectors, which account for the majority of demand. Furthermore, the absence of well-developed automotive industries makes for an even more unusual distribution of coatings demand.
The architectural coatings markets in both countries display some contrasts. Firstly, the Saudi market is considerably larger than that of the UAE, and even though all of the paint is professionally applied, a much smaller percentage is professionally bought. In the future this is expected to change as clients place more trust in professionals when it comes to selecting and purchasing the right type of paint. There is no DIY at all in Saudi Arabia, but industry is divided as to whether DIY is beginning to grow in the UAE. Reasons for this taking hold could be stimulation of the housing market, rising levels of property ownership and a strong ex-patriate population for rented properties. The chart (below) demonstrates some of the purchasing preferences in the two markets (Figure 1).
Figure 1
Characteristics of the Saudi and UAE architectural coating markets, 2005
(per cent)
Terry Knowles, Business Manager at IRL and author of the report said, “In Saudi Arabia and the UAE there are key opportunities for architectural coatings manufacturers, particularly those with high-technology coatings that are able to withstand high temperatures, humidity and dust. In Saudi Arabia, changing demographics are bringing a shift in family structures, with fewer extended families living together in villas with more modern, Westernised lifestyles bringing smaller family units to live in the cities in apartments. In the UAE, a combination of construction and utilities investment is serving demand for business, tourist and residential real estate, water and gas supplies. Secondary to the opportunities in construction and piping sectors will be those in the furnishings sector, which is likely to bring waves of demand to wood finishes and powder coatings.”
A Profile of the Saudi Arabian and UAE Paint Industries has the following contents:
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executive summary (Saudi Arabia);
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paint industry, trade and consumption in Saudi Arabia;
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paint market data;
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end-user industry statistics and indicators;
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market forecast;
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directory of paint manufacturers in Saudi Arabia;
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executive summary (UAE);
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brief overview of the UAE paint industry;
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paint trade and consumption in the UAE;
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paint market data;
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significance and potential of the construction sector in the UAE;
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market forecast; and
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directory of paint manufacturers in the UAE.
A Profile of the Saudi Arabian and UAE Paint Industries (101 p and 85 tables), which includes a directory of paint companies in each of the countries, is now available from IRL priced e2,000 for a single hard copy edition.
Sections of the report, priced individually, will soon be available to the purchase online at web site:
For more information on this report, please contact Terry Knowles at
Information Research (A Division of BRG UK Ltd), CP House, 97-107 Uxbridge Road, Ealing London W5 5TL UK. Tel: +44 20 8832 7830 web site: Fax: +44 20 8566 4931; e-mail: