(2005), "DuPont shares new human health research on PFOA with EPA science advisory board", Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 52 No. 6.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2005, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
DuPont shares new human health research on PFOA with EPA science advisory board
DuPont shares new human health research on PFOA with EPA science advisory board
Keyword: Coatings technology, Environmental health and safety
DuPont has announced that it has shared new human health research data with the US Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Science Advisory Board (SAB) on perfluorooctanoic acid or PFOA, an ingredient used to make Teflon-brand non-stick coatings. This new research addresses some of the major uncertainties identified by the SAB as it continues to consider its draft report to the EPA.
“Since humans, not laboratory animals, are the ultimate target for the PFOA risk assessment, this is important new information in the growing body of research on PFOA,” said Dr Robert Rickard, DuPont chief toxicologist.
The research includes part of a two-phase employee health study conducted by DuPont on PFOA exposure for more than 1,000 workers at DuPont's Washington Works facility located near Parkersburg, W.Va.
Results from the first phase of this study indicate no association between exposure to PFOA and most of the health parameters that were measured.
“The only potentially relevant association observed in our study results was a modest increase in some, but not all, cholesterol fractions for some of our highest exposed workers,” said Sol E. Sax, MD, DuPont Chief Medical Officer. “Additional research is investigating whether this association is caused by PFOA exposure or is related to some other variable.”
The company also provided the SAB with new information on the weak biological activity of PFOA at the molecular level similar to the approach used by pharmaceutical companies to study drug action. In a recent study completed by researchers at Penn State University, five mechanisms were examined. One protein, called PPAR alpha, was identified as the most likely target for biological activity.
“The effect of PFOA on this protein is relatively weak compared to synthetic drugs and is slightly less than that of naturally occurring dietary fatty acids,” said Dr Jack Vanden Heuvel, Associate Professor, Center for Molecular Toxicology and Carcinogenesis, Penn State University. “In my opinion and that of many other experts and colleagues in this area, weak activators of PPAR alpha are generally thought not to pose a significant human cancer risk.”
“Based on an evaluation of human health and toxicology studies and molecular biology research, DuPont believes that the weight of evidence indicates that PFOA exposure does not pose a risk to the general public,” said Dr Rickard. “To date, no human health effects are known to be caused by PFOA even in workers who have significantly higher exposure levels than the general population.”