
Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials

ISSN: 0003-5599

Article publication date: 1 October 2005



(2005), "Diary", Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 52 No. 5. https://doi.org/10.1108/acmm.2005.12852eac.002



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2005, Emerald Group Publishing Limited


NACE Northern Area Eastern Conference

11-13 SeptemberHalifax, NS, CanadaContact: Charlie Henderson.Tel: 902/832-4260;E-mail: charles.henderson@c-corr.caOr Barry Schnare. Tel: 902/468-1955; E-mail: barry.schnare@kdpratt.com

NACE Corrosion Technology Week TBD

11-15 September

Korean Coatings Show 2005

12-13 SeptemberGrand Hyatt, Seoul, Korea

North African Coatings Congress 2005

13-14 SeptemberSheraton Tunis, Tunisia

Corrosion Technology Week

18-22 SeptemberCalgary, Alberta, CanadaWeb site: www.nace.org

MS&T '05, Pittsburgh, PA

25-28 SeptemberWeb site: www.matscitech.org/

The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS), Supralloy 718, 625,706 Conference

2-5 OctoberPittsburgh, PAContact: Michael Packard.Tel: 724/776-9000 ext 225;E-mail: packard@tms.org

NACE Eastern Area Conference

2-6 OctoberNorfolk, VAContact: Jeff Didas. Tel: 804/672-2718; E-mail: jdidas@colpipe.com

NACE Central Area Conference

9-12 OctoberNew Orleans, LAContact: Dave Johnson. Tel: 504/362- 7373; E-mail: djohnson@galvotec.com

6th International Symposium on Friction Stir Welding

10-12 October 2006Saint-Sauveur, Nr Montreal, Canada.Web site: www.twi.co.uk

NACE New Orleans Section General Education Course, Basic Corrosion, DCC & PCL 1

10-14 OctoberNew Orleans, LA

European Conference & Exhibition for Radiation Curing RadTech Europe 2005

18-20 OctoberCentre Convencions Internacional Barcelona, SpainWeb sites: www.coatings.de and www.radtech-europe.com

2nd International Conference on Computational Methods and Experiments in Material Characterisation

2-4 NovemberPortland, Maine, USAContact: Katie Banham, Conference Secretariat, Wessex Institute of Technology, UK. Fax: +44 (0) 238 029 2853; E-mail: kbanham@wessex.ac.uk; web site: www.wessex.ac.uk/conferences/2005/mc2005/1.html

1st Internaitonal Conference on High-Strength Steels

4-6 NovemberRome, ItalyContact: AIM, P.le Rodolfo Morandi2, 20121 Milam, Italy. Fax: +33 02 7602 0551; E-mail: aim@aimnet.it; web site: www.aimnet.it/shss.htm

31st ISTFA Conference & Exposition

6-10 NovemberSan Jose, California

Surface World and Paint & Powder 2005

8-10 NovemberNEC Pavilion in Birmingham, UKContact: Irene Clark at +44 (0)1442 230431 or E-mail: irenejclark@aol.com

North African Coatings Congress

13-14 NovemberTunis, Tunisia.

5th Libyan Corrosion Conference & Exhibition

14-16 NovemberBenghazi, LibyaWeb site: http://libyancorr.net/conf2005/

2005 Tri-Service Corrosion Conference

14-18 NovemberTranscending and Integrating Corrosion Prevention Control for the Department of DefenseOrlando, Florida, Wyndham PalaceWeb site: www.nace.org

International Corrosion Congress-Venezuela 2005

22-26 NovemberPuerto La Cruz, VenezuelaContact: Carlos A Palacios. E-mail: cpalacios@petrobrasenergia.com; web site: www.nace.org

Central European Coatings Show 2005

23-24 NovemberVeletr ní palác Praha, Prague, Czech Republic


11th Middle East Corrosion Conference & Exhibition

26 February-1 MarchBahrain Society of Engineers, Kingdom of BahrainContact: Tel: +973 17 727100;E-mail: bseng@batelco.com.bh; web site: www.mecconline.org/intro.htm


12-16 MarchSan Diego Convention Center, 111 West Harbor Drive, San Diego, California Web site: www.nace.org

Weld Integrity

4-5 AprilManchester, UKContact: James Marrow, School of Materials, University of Manchester, Grosvenor Street, Manchester,M1 7HS. Tel: (+44) (0)161 306 3611; Fax: (+44) (0)161 306 3586; E-mail: james.marrow@manchester.ac.uk

Brazing & Soldering

24-26 AprilSan Antonio, Texas


7-11 MayAsilomar, California


15-18 MayNEC Birmingham, UKWeb site: www.weldexpo.com/

ITSC/Surface Engineering Congress/AeroMat

15-18 MaySeattle, Washington


15-20 May27th International Exhibition-Congress on Chemical Engineering, Environmental Protection and BiotechnologyFrankfurtWeb site: www.achema.de


21-22 JuneWeb site: www.surfex.net

The North African Coatings Congress

5-6 SeptemberCasablanca

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