(2001), "Plascoat upgrades world leading fire extinguisher lining", Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 48 No. 6.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2001, MCB UP Limited
Plascoat upgrades world leading fire extinguisher lining
Plascoat upgrades world leading fire extinguisher lining
Keywords: Plascoat, Thermoplastics, Linings
PPA665, the internal corrosion protection lining for water and foam filled mild steel fire extinguishers, has been upgraded by European manufacturer Plascoat.
The new Plascoat PPA665 thermoplastic material affords even better flow properties and reduced reject rates – without restricting the later application of typical exterior coatings, such as polyester.
The enhanced lining will provide a further opportunity for change from halon extinguishers and expensive stainless steel cylinders.
An aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) resistant coating, PPA665 is part of a Plascoat PPA600 Series providing the most economic and effective solutions for fire extinguisher lining, partly due to the fact that no primer is required in a process reduced to a single application.
The Plascoat formulations have been adopted as industry standards for water and foam filled extinguishers across many parts of Europe, as well as further afield, including parts of the Middle and Far East.
The series also includes the recently launched PPA684, which gives cylinder manufacturers an even "smoother" path to improved product quality and greatly reduced reject rates. For a small premium the new PPA684 lining offers properties that allow some overall product quality problems to be resolved. They include better flow and consequent coverage of welds; a less critical application temperature requirement with no affect on adhesion; and the easier repair of reject cylinders.
In addition to PPA665 and PPA684 (now available for rotational lining), the PPA600 Series includes a high flow version PPA665BF for spin coating and PPA686 for spraying. Sister product PPA571 is also available for internal and external cylinder coating. Further information is available from Plascoat Systems at The Trading Estate, Farnham, Surrey (Tel: 01252 733777).