(2001), "Abbreviations", Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 48 No. 5.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2001, MCB UP Limited
AOD | Argon-oxygen decarburisation |
CCAP | Chromium code of approved practice |
CD | Current densities |
CGWT | Cylindrically guided wave technique |
CMC | Critical micellar concentration |
CPVC | Critical pigment volume concentration |
CTE | Coefficient of thermal expansion |
DSC | Differential scanning calorimentry |
ECP | Electrochemical potential |
EIS | Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy |
EPPC | Electrophoretic protective and cosmetic coatings |
EPR | Electrochemical potentiokinetic reactivation |
ER | Electrical resistance |
ESCA | Electronspectroscopy for chemical analysis |
FGD | Flue gas desulphurisation |
FRA | Frequency response analyser |
GD-OES | Glow dischargeoptical spectroscopy |
HAZ | Heat affected zone |
HDG | Hot dip galvanized |
IE | Inhibition efficiency |
IGC | Intergranular corrosion |
LAS | Leakage analysis software |
LCP | Liquid crystalline polymers |
LER | Liquid epoxide resin |
LSM | Laser surface melting |
MAP | Multiple anodic polarization |
MAO | Micro-arc oxidation |
MAZ | Melt-affected zone |
MELT | Modelling economic leakage targets |
MIC | Microbiologically-influenced corrosion |
OCP | Open circuit potential |
PINIP | Plug in integral probe |
PTO | Palladium-treated thermal oxidation |
PRE | Pitting resistance equivalent |
PVC | Pigment volume concentration |
RDE | Rotating disk electrode |
RSM | Rubber sealant membrane |
SAP | Standard anodic polarization |
SCC | Stress cracking corrosion |
SCE | Saturated calomel electrode |
SEM | Scanning electron microscope |
SG | Strain gauge |
SRB | Sulfate-reducing bacteria |
TO | Thermal oxidation |
XRD | X-ray diffraction |