(2001), "New "top team", Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 48 No. 1.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2001, MCB UP Limited
New "top team"
New "top team"
Keyword: Humber Galvanizing
Around-the-clock working is among a series of developments benefiting the customer which have been brought in by a new "top team" at Hull-based Humber Galvanizing Ltd.
Roger Hewitt (Plate 1) has taken over as general manager, moving from Metaltreat, Bradford, where he has been commercial manager.
Both companies are members of nation-wide Wedge Group Galvanizing.
Commercial manager Karen Gardner has joined Humber Galvanizing, and Wedge, after 12 years in the steel industry, where she has specialised in sales and commercial activities.
Plate 1
Roger Hewitt, general manager, Humber Galvanizing Ltd
Completing the new-look management trio is customer service manager Simon Redfern. A sales and customer orientated career in transport and logistics industry both in the UK and abroad makes him ideally placed for servicing Humber clients' day-to-day needs and for managing the company's fleet of ten tonne-vehicles and pick-up trucks.
Roger and colleagues are also spearheading a series of investments into new equipment and facilities at the modern 20,000sq.ft plant which opened on Hull's Citadel Trading Estate in May 1996.