(2000), "New probes announced by ProMinent", Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 47 No. 4.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited
New probes announced by ProMinent
Keywords ProMinent Fluid Controls, Probes, Water treatment
Two new probes for use in water treatment applications have been announced by ProMinent Fluid Controls (UK) Ltd. The first is a redox sensor which uses a gold electrode instead of the standard platinum electrode and the second is a pH electrode featuring integral temperature compensation.
The RHEP-Au-SE redox electrode has been introduced for use in applications where a conventional platinum electrode might be poisoned by the chemicals present. These include treatment of plating bath effluent, where, for example, cyanide residues are oxidised by chlorinating under alkaline conditions. The inert gold electrode in the new probe will reportedly not be affected by the cyanide. It is also reported that this new sensor can be used in a number of laboratory applications in which cyanides and other platinum-attacking chemicals are present.
According to the manufacturers the RHEP-Au-SE has a measuring range of -1,000 to + 1,000 mV and can withstand pressures up to 6 bar. It will operate in a pH range of 1-12 and at temperatures up to 80°C.
The new PHEPt-112SE pH electrode features a built-in Pt 100 temperature electrode which allows both the measurement of temperature and compensation of measured pH as a function of temperature. It will measure in the 1-12 pH range and is thought to be suitable for use in a wide range of applications including treatment of municipal waste water, plating baths and water treatment in the food and beverage industries.
Details available from: ProMinent Fluid Controls (UK) Ltd, Tel : +44 (0)1530 560555; Fax: +44 (0)1530 560777; E-mail:; Web site: