Specifying hollow sections

Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials

ISSN: 0003-5599

Article publication date: 1 August 2000




(2000), "Specifying hollow sections", Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 47 No. 4. https://doi.org/10.1108/acmm.2000.12847dab.015



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited

Specifying hollow sections

Keywords Corus Tubes, Tubing

Two new brochures from Corus Tubes, formerly British Steel Tubes & Pipes, remind customers and specifiers of the differences between hot and cold formed hollow sections, and the need to validate the material purchased for use on their projects with a thorough check of the inspection certificate.

"This is especially important for customers specifying our 'Celsius' hot finished structural hollow section) to EN 10210 as the same size cold formed sections have lower sectional properties and design strength resulting in up to 34 per cent less compression capacity", says Eddie Hole, manager market development at Corus Tubes.

"There are also other issues to consider such as corner profile. Celsius hot finished hollow sections have a maximum corner profile of 2T. This limit is tighter than that of either the hot or cold European standards limit. The result is not only higher section properties for Celsius hollow sections but better control for fabrication assembly and welding."

"We know that substitution has taken place, perhaps inadvertently, and want our customers to make sure that when Celsius hot finished SHS is specified, by an engineer, that is what is actually used. This is not just a commercial issue, with potentially big differences in structural capacity there are genuine concerns about structural strength and adequacy."

Validation is essential whether you are designing building structures, bridges or dynamic structures including bridge parapet systems. For building structures the specification of Celsius hot finished structural hollow section automatically ensures materials are in compliance with the material requirements of BS 5950 Part 2.

All the information required is on the Corus Tubes Inspection Certificate. This includes the description of the product, the standard it is manufactured to, and the results of mechanical tests and a full chemical analysis.

Corus Celsius hollow sections are produced in two standard yield strengths of 275N/mm2 and 355N/mm2. Both have a Charpy impact minimum value of 27J at -20°C. The grades correspond to EN 10210 S275J2H and EN10210 S355J2H.

For copies of the publications "The case for hot finished" and "Validation - a hot issue" or for more information on Celsius or any of Corus Tubes' product range readers should contact: Corus Tubes.

Details available from Corus Tubes: Tel: +44 (0)1536 404121; Fax: +44 (0)1536 404049; Freephone: 0500123133.

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