(2007), "Dairy", Assembly Automation, Vol. 27 No. 4.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2007, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Key: C=Conference, E=;Exhibition, S=Seminar, W=;Workshop
2nd international Exhibition “FETEC-Factory Equipment” (E)
12-15 October
Athens, GreeceThe Exhibition “FETEC-Factory Equipment” hosts constructors, representatives and importers that can propose suggestions and solutions for a modern, antagonistic industry.Keywords: Automation systems, Metal treatment, Industrial equipmentContact: Technoekdotiki SA. Tel: +30 210 680 0470; Fax: +30 210 680 0476; E-mail:; web;
ROBOCOMM'07 The 1st International Conference on Robot Communication and Coordination (C)
15-17 October
Athens, GreeceROBOCOMM is the First International Conference on Networked Robots. As the name suggests, it aims at the convergence of two fields, acting as a common forum for the Robotics and Communications research communities. The expected outcome of the event is to promote cross-pollination of these two areas leading to growth in the capabilities of both.Keywords: Mobile robots, Sensing and control, Information processingContact: E-mail:; web sites:;
ICCAS 2007 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (C)
17-20 October
Seoul, Republic of KoreaICCAS 2007 will bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners to present the latest accomplishments, innovations and potential future directions in instrumentation, control, automation, information technology, systems, and their applications.Keywords: Robotics and applications, Control theory and applications, Biomedical engineering systems, Industrial applications, Navigation, Guidance and control, Manufacturing systems and automation, Sensors and signal processing, Intelligent systems, Process systems, Control devices and instruments, Information and networkingContact: The Institute of Control, Automation and Systems Engineers (ICASE). Tel: +82 322 345 801;Fax: +82 322 345 807;E-mail:; web sites:;
MHS 2007 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science (C)
11-14 November
Nagoya, JapanIEEE International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science (MHS) has been held from 1990 as the symposium on Micro Machine and Human Science, and organized by Nagoya University and The City of Nagoya.Keywords: Micromechatronics, Microrobotics, Microsensors and microactuators, Micromachining and microfabrication technology, Intelligent control, Human interface, Human science, Artificial life, Virtual realityContact: Nagoya University. Tel: +81 522 652 008; Fax: +81 522 652 044; E-mail:; web sites:;
URAI 2007 4th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (C)
14-16 November
Pohang, Republic of KoreaThe growing interests and research activities on the innovative robotic technologies under the paradigm of so- called ubiquitous computing are natural outcome of substantial advanced of sensor, network, wireless communications and computing technologies. The aim of this conference is to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners to present their ideas and recent works related to the various aspects of ubiquitous robots and ambient intelligence.Keywords: Ubiquitous robots, Ambient intelligence, SensorsContact: Hongik University.Tel: +82 232 016 09; Fax: +82 232 070 03; E-mail:; web sites:;
iREX 2007 2007 International Robot Exhibition (E)
28 November-1 December
Tokyo, JapanWe have biennially organized International Robot Exhibition (IREX) since 1973 for the purpose of contributing further progress of world's robot industry. The exhibition, which is the leading robotic trade show in the world, features state-of-the art robot technologies and products. IREX 2007 (17th edition this time) will be organized during 28 November-1 December 2007 at Tokyo Big Sight, Japan.Contact: Act International, Inc.Tel: +81 356 447 221; Fax: +81 356 418 321; E-mail:; web site:
Humanoids 07 IEEE-RAS 7th International Conference on Humanoid Robots (C)
29 November-1 December
Pennsylvania, USAContact: web site: 2007 3rd International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Technology and Automation (C)
3-12 December
Virtual ConferenceCISSE 07 provides a virtual forum for presentation and discussion of the state- of the-art research on computers, information and systems sciences and engineering. The virtual conference will be conducted through the Internet using web-conferencing tools, made available by the conference. Authors will be presenting their PowerPoint, audio or video presentations using web-conferencing tools without the need for travel. Conference sessions will be broadcast to all the conference participants, where session participants can interact with the presenter during the presentation and (or) during the Q&A slot that follows the presentation. This international conference will be held entirely on-line.Keywords: Industrial electronics, Technology and automation, Telecommunications and networking, Systems, computing sciences and software engineering, Engineering education, Instructional technology, Assessment, e-learningContact: Tel: +81 527 894 478;Fax: +81 527 893 115; E-mail:;web sites:;
M2VIP2007 The 14th annual Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice (C)
4-6 December
Xiamen, PRCLike its thirteen predecessors, M2VIP 2007 will provide a forum for international experts and researchers to present and review advances in mechatronics and machine vision which have culminated in practical applications, or which promise practical implementation in the very near future.Keywords: Mechatronics, Machine visionContact: Xiamen University.E-mail:; web site:
EUROS 2008 European Robotics Symposium (C)
12-15 March
Prague, Czech RepublicEUROS was started in 2006 as a response to demands for a high quality scientific event to present the best research on robotics across applications and topics. The EURON annual meeting serves to bring the European Robotics community together, but it has primarily been a networking event to discuss community issues rather than a scientific event.Keyword: Advanced roboticsContact: Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan. Tel: +46 879 067 27;E-mail:; web sites:;
HRI 2008 International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (C)
12-15 March
Amsterdam, The NetherlandsResearchers in robotics, human-factors, ergonomics, and human-computer interaction are invited to attend. Because human-robot interaction is inherently inter-disciplinary, the conference is seeking papers from several disciplines. A primary goal of the conference is to create a common venue for a broad set of researchers. By appealing to a broad set of researchers, the conference complements many existing venues. HRI is a single track, highly selective annual conference that seeks to showcase the very best in human-robot interaction.Keywords Robot-team learning, Lifelike robots, Multi-modal interaction, HRI foundationsContact: University of Hertfordshire. E-mail:;web sites:;
ICRA2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (C)
19-23 May
California, USARobotics, Manufacturing, Simulation, Micro-machines, Automation, CAD, CAM, CAE, Sensors.Keywords: Robotics, AutomationContact: USC. E-mail:; web sites:;
AIM 2008 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (C)
2-5 JulyXi'an, ChinaContact: web site:
IROS 2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (C)
22-26 SeptemberNice, FranceContact: LAAS CNRS. E-mail:; web site:
BioRob 2008 International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (C)
19-22 OctoberArizona, USAContact: web site: