(2000), "Castell increases safety system options for hazardous areas", Assembly Automation, Vol. 20 No. 1.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited
Castell increases safety system options for hazardous areas
Castell increases safety system options for hazardous areas
Keywords: Safety, Scanners
Castell Safety International is strengthening its position as a leading provider of safety systems by introducing a new range of opto-electronic products, including light curtains and an innovative infra-red proximity scanner.
Light curtains are electro-sensitive optical guards designed to protect personnel when working with hazardous machinery. By projecting an infra-red light curtain around or in front of the hazardous area, they provide an invisible "barrier" which instantly shuts down the machinery if crossed. Full visibility of the machinery is always maintained, while productivity is improved by removing the need to operate mechanical safety devices when access to the equipment is required.
One of the latest advances in opto-electronic safety equipment is the programmable laser scanner (PLS) (see Plate 7). Using infra-red light, the PLS guards hazardous machinery by scanning a pre-programmed 180° zone around the machinery. With a detection distance of up to 50m, the PLS requires no other mechanical or reflective equipment. The distinct advantage over more traditional forms of guarding is that the PLS will not wear with time and is easily re-programmed to accommodate modifications in the size or make-up of the hazardous area if production changes occur.
Plate 7Castell
Safety International is strengthening its position as a leading provider of
safety systems by introducing a new range of opto-electronic products, including
this innovative infra-red proximity scanner
With the introduction of these products, coupled with an in-depth knowledge of all the latest EU safety legislation, Castell offers a "one-stop shop" approach for all machinery safety issues. The company is now able to risk assess, design, install and commission safety systems for a wide range of industrial applications.
For more information contact: Nick Cowen. Tel: +44 (0) 208 200 1200; Fax: +44 (0) 208 205 0055; E-mail: