Tourism destination advertising: effect of storytelling and sensory stimuli on arousal and memorability
ISSN: 1660-5373
Article publication date: 25 September 2023
Issue publication date: 26 March 2024
Tourism destination marketers use videos that incorporate storytelling and visual and audio components to evoke emotional arousal and memorability. This study aims to examine the increase in participants’ level of arousal and the degree of memorability after watching two different videos.
A quasi-experimental study was conducted with 45 participants who watched two destination promotional videos. One video used storytelling whereas the other used scenic images and music. The level of arousal was measured using both tonic and phasic electrodermal activity levels. The memorability of each video was measured after seven days by testing the recall accuracy.
Scenic imagery and music videos were associated with higher-than-average arousal levels, while storytelling videos generated larger-amplitude arousal peaks and a greater number of arousal-evoking events. After a week, the respondents recalled more events from the storytelling video than from the scenery and musical advertisements. This finding reveals that the treatment, storytelling and sensory stimuli in advertising moderate the impact of arousal peaks and memorability.
These results indicate that nonnarrative videos using only sceneries and music evoked a higher average level of arousal. However, memorability was associated with higher peak levels of arousal only in narrative storytelling. This is the first tourism study to report the effects of large arousal peaks on improved memorability in advertising.
- Arousal
- Advertising memorability
- Electrodermal activity (EDA)
- Scenery and music
- Storytelling
- Tourism destination advertising promotion
- 情绪唤醒度; 广告记忆; 皮肤电反馈(EDA); 风光与音乐类视频广告
- 故事类视频广告; 旅游目的地广告促销
- Excitación
- Memorabilidad publicitaria
- Actividad electrodérmica (AED)
- Paisaje y música
- Narración
- Promoción publicitaria de destinos turísticos
Funding: Faculty Research Grant by Shanghai Institute of Tourism, Shanghai Normal University.
Ma, J., Scott, N. and Wu, Y. (2024), "Tourism destination advertising: effect of storytelling and sensory stimuli on arousal and memorability", Tourism Review, Vol. 79 No. 3, pp. 671-687.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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