Biodiversity accounting: a bibliometric analysis for comprehensive literature mapping

Gennaro Maione, Corrado Cuccurullo, Aurelio Tommasetti

Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal

ISSN: 2040-8021

Open Access. Article publication date: 31 July 2023

Issue publication date: 30 October 2024




The paper aims to carry out a comprehensive literature mapping to synthesise and descriptively analyse the research trends of biodiversity accounting, providing implications for managers and policymakers, whilst also outlining a future agenda for scholars.


A bibliometric analysis is carried out by adopting the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses protocol for searching and selecting the scientific contributions to be analysed. Citation analysis is used to map a current research front and a bibliographic coupling is conducted to detect the connection networks in current literature.


Biodiversity accounting is articulated in five thematic clusters (sub-areas), such as “Natural resource management”, “Biodiversity economic evaluation”, “Natural capital accounting”, “Biodiversity accountability” and “Biodiversity disclosure and reporting”. Critical insights emerge from the content analysis of these sub-areas.

Practical implications

The analysis of the thematic evolution of the biodiversity accounting literature provides useful insights to inform both practice and research and infer implications for managers, policymakers and scholars by outlining three main areas of intervention, i.e. adjusting evaluation tools, integrating ecological knowledge and establishing corporate social legitimacy.

Social implications

Currently, the level of biodiversity reporting is pitifully low. Therefore, organisations should properly manage biodiversity by integrating diverse and sometimes competing forms of knowledge for the stable and resilient flow of ecosystem services for future generations.


This paper not only updates and enriches the current state of the art but also identifies five thematic areas of the biodiversity accounting literature for theoretical and practical considerations.



Maione, G., Cuccurullo, C. and Tommasetti, A. (2024), "Biodiversity accounting: a bibliometric analysis for comprehensive literature mapping", Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, Vol. 15 No. 5, pp. 1178-1209.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2023, Gennaro Maione, Corrado Cuccurullo and Aurelio Tommasetti.


Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial & non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at

1. Introduction

Biodiversity accounting is an important extension of corporate social responsibility reporting (). It deals with the account of the variety of life on earth, including the vast array of genetically distinct populations within species, as well as the full variety of species and communities, and ecosystems of which they are parts (). Biodiversity is crucial for both current and future generations, as its deterioration is widely known as one of the most genuine existing threats to human life and economic development (). This awareness is internationally recognised as one of the most serious issues of the ongoing environmental crisis in both academic and policy literature (). Concrete solutions are needed to counteract the decline in nature (; ; ) that the World Economic Forum has declared as one of the top five global risks to society (, ) since 2015.

Since its inception, biodiversity accounting literature has evolved significantly and, to date, it refers to a vast and ever-expanding research area that cannot be potted in a single scope. It includes several sub-areas of the accounting scientific domain, such as species extinction (), ecological crisis (), ecosystems (), climate change (), environmental disasters (), natural capital (). Over the years, continuing a centuries-old tradition, extensive research has offered a valuable contribution by feeding the literature on biodiversity accounting through significant theoretical insights (; ) and empirical evidence (; ; ; ). However, despite biodiversity having catalysed several accounting authors’ attention, there is still relatively scarce recognition of the critical role of accounting for biodiversity issues (). There is a paucity of scientific works that focus on what accounting scholars and practitioners do or should do to effectively minimise the risks of biodiversity loss. In addition, if, on one hand, only a few authors have drawn on any systematic research in biodiversity accounting (; ; ; ), on the other, since the beginning of the new millennium, there is no previous review that uses bibliometrics to investigate biodiversity accounting along with the main features and evolution of its thematic sub-areas.

The paper fills this gap by carrying out a comprehensive literature mapping on biodiversity accounting research trends through bibliometric methods (; ). Our analysis updates and enriches the current state of the art of biodiversity accounting literature, whilst also identifying the main features and conceptual evolution of its thematic sub-areas. It also provides both practical and theoretical implications for managers, policymakers and scholars by outlining three main areas of intervention, i.e. adjusting evaluation tools, integrating ecological knowledge and establishing corporate social legitimacy. Our findings not only confirm an increasing interest in biodiversity from accounting researchers but also reveal how most organisations publish environmental reports as a generic rhetoric exercise to hide any information about negative issues (). This evidence leads to assuming that conventional accounting is unsuitable to address the current biodiversity challenge, whilst also stressing the urgency of genuine biodiversity accountability (). Highlighting the main gaps and prejudices that emerge in current literature, this bibliometric analysis uncovers the serious risk of underestimating the importance of natural capital preservation (). Biodiversity accounting is still an immature political tool () because it has a bureaucratic style () and is not integrated into broader government actions (). Thus, we advocate the need to institutionalise the procedures for evaluating natural resources (). Our research also attempts to prevent further biodiversity loss by providing accounting scholars with some research hints. We claim the synergistic integration of interdisciplinary economic and environmental skills and experience (; ; ), the conception of new frameworks to enhance biodiversity, the development and promotion of a global standard to ensure uniformity and reliability in sustainability reporting (). Finally, we emphasise the accounting function as an emancipatory mechanism, capable of raising stakeholders’ awareness of organisations’ impact on natural capital and resources ().

The remainder of this paper is organised as follows. Section 2 provides a historical overview of the biodiversity accounting literature. Section 3 describes the workflow for the literature mapping, providing information on the study design, data collection and analysis. Section 4 presents the findings. Section 5 discusses the results and unfolds the implications of the work. Section 6 concludes the paper by highlighting the research originality and limitations.

2. Historical overview of biodiversity accounting

The debate surrounding biodiversity accounting can be conventionally traced back to the 18th century when Gilbert White’s “Naturalist’s Journals” presented an early version of biodiversity accounting focused on flora and fauna reporting ().

In the early 19th century, due to the high demand for wood from shipbuilders, Israel Adolf Ström commissioned the first forest management plan in Sweden, which aimed to produce an oak population report within the Stockholm National Urban Park (). Later, wrote a textbook entitled Proposal for an improved forest management in Sweden, which remained the only Swedish book on the subject for over 100 years. More detailed testimonies on biodiversity were published in the late 1800s (), with a focus on the impact of human activity on natural balance and resource consumption (). Estimates of national wealth produced during this period only considered the economic perspective (). After 1930, new estimates emerged on the variation of living species in nature (), and the problem of regulating natural resource consumption () started to gain interest, with more research being carried out in the following years.

During the second half of the 20th century, concern over the impact of human activities on biodiversity grew (). The role of production was identified as destabilising natural systems (). The exponential growth of the world population led to the need to quantify and conserve natural resources (), leading to a renewed interest in biodiversity accounting (). Legitimacy theory also emerged during this period, emphasising the importance of aligning an organisation’s activities with the social values and norms of its surrounding community (). Legitimacy was defined as the process through which an organization justifies its right to exist in its superordinate system, including the right to import, process and export resources ().

In the 1970s, technological progress began to be considered a possible cause of environmental degradation and a threat to humanity (). Deep ecology philosophy also emerged at this time, attributing a crucial role to biodiversity in the ecosystem, whilst also urging for the abandonment of human centrality in favour of a harmonic balance with nature ().

The scarcity of resources continued to be a central theme in the following decade (), with the research of the 1980s supporting the protection of ecosystems and encouraging companies to conserve resources in their operations (). Organisations recognised the importance of considering not only those who held direct power over their processes and profits but all those stakeholders who were affected by their activities. This led to the emergence of stakeholder theory, which became one of the primary modes of thought in organisational ethics (). The theory emphasised that all organisations, regardless of their objectives, must aim to increase the general welfare of their stakeholders.

The concern for environmental deterioration continued to be a significant issue in the 1990s when the requests for political, economic and ethical foundations of modern society became pressing (). Whilst the stakeholder concept originally included only employees, customers, suppliers, institutions, authorities and competitors, in this decade even the non-human natural environment gained the status of stakeholder, as it was considered as affecting organisational conduct and, in turn, affected by it (). Many organisations started to adopt impression management tactics to demonstrate their commitment to the natural environment, inflate their environmental performances, neutralise unethical behaviours and raise environmental legitimacy towards stakeholders (; ; ; ).

3. Study design

3.1 Research questions

The first highly important step in any bibliometric work is to design the study through the specification of the research questions (RQs) (). To perform a comprehensive literature mapping on biodiversity accounting research trends since 2000, the paper answers the following RQs:


Which countries, journals and authors are mostly affecting the current biodiversity accounting research stream?


What are and how have the main thematic areas in the biodiversity accounting literature evolved?


What implications can a bibliometric analysis of biodiversity accounting literature offer to managers, policymakers and scholars?

3.2 Methods

Bibliometrics is a set of rigorous methods for exploring and analysing large volumes of scientific data (). It helps to represent the history and general state of the art of a research field or topic (), considering any written production as the main formal channel of communication among scientists (). Several recent accounting studies use these methods (; ; ; ; ). In this paper, bibliometrics has been carried out by using the bibliometrix R-package (). Unlike many other tools for science mapping, it allows to address the entire literature workflow, whilst also providing a set of useful tools for quantitative research in bibliometry, based on the open-source R language. The presence of substantial, effective statistical algorithms, access to high-quality numerical routines and integrated data visualization tools are perhaps the strongest qualities to prefer R to other languages for scientific computation (). Operationally, bibliometric analysis has been carried out through Biblioshiny, an online application with an intuitive and well-organised interface (). It offers multiple analysis options in a menu that incorporates analytics and graphs for three-level metrics (i.e. sources, authors and documents).

3.3 Data search

3.3.1 Protocol.

The protocol used for searching and selecting the scientific contributions is Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (). Its checklist allows to identify, synthesise and evaluate previous studies (), facilitating the reader’s understanding and usability (). The search for the articles was carried out on 4 February 2021 on the Web of Science (WoS) database. WoS allows to explore the literature of different scientific domains. It includes a large number of citations relating to several specific fields and covers more than 20,000 sources (). The debate on its adequacy in relation to the main alternative database, namely, Scopus, is lively (; ). However, WoS performs significantly better than Scopus in terms of the accuracy of its journal classification system (), providing information of the highest quality over a much longer period than any other competing alternative databases ().

3.3.2 Query.

To minimise the risk of omitting studies potentially relevant to the research, the search query was developed by including some terms and expressions with a meaning considered strictly related to biodiversity accounting. To this end, the concept of “extinction accounting” was included, which , ) consider an extension of accounting for biodiversity. Likewise, the concept of “natural asset” was included as a conceptual umbrella of which, as stated, biodiversity forms a sub-category. Based on what the author discussed in the same work, even “natural capital”, understood as the first level of biodiversity, was used to outline the search string. Since asserted that natural capital accounting provides a consistent means of reporting on stocks and flows of natural resources, “natural resource” was also included. On the subject, pointed out that, in corporate disclosure, biodiversity should be seen in terms of natural resources that are economically valuable. Thus, the word “disclosure” was also used in the query. A further term considered was “accountability” as recent studies (; ) jointly deal with the concepts of biodiversity accounting and biodiversity accountability. For the same reason, the word “reporting” was added to the search string (; ). The search query is as follows:

(biodiversity OR extinction OR “natural asset” OR “natural capital” OR “natural resource”) AND (accounting OR disclosure OR report OR accountability).

3.3.3 Collection.

Entering the query on the WoS search engine originally returned 45,063 items. Subsequently, different inclusion/exclusion criteria were applied (). Both in verifying compliance with these criteria and in data collection, we worked independently, following a mixed procedure (): initially semi-automated and subsequently manual.

The first operation of the semi-automated procedure began with the use of the time filter, limiting the analysis only to scientific contributions published after 2000, considering that from that particular year onwards, there was a significant change in publication trends on biodiversity accounting (). In addition, articles published in 2022 were excluded since the year was still ongoing at the time of drafting this paper. The use of the time filter reduced the number of publications to 41,515. Subsequently, the type of document to be included was chosen (). By selecting exclusively journal articles and review articles, 37,642 items remained. Then, the research area was defined (), excluding any articles extraneous to “Business economics”. This filter was necessary to develop new knowledge on the specific impact and relevance of biodiversity accounting in current business, management and accounting scientific literature. This filtering significantly reduced the size of the data set to 756 contributions. Subsequently, the research categories () were selected: “Business”; “Business finance”; “Management”; and “Economics”. This operation excluded another article. Afterwards, to allow for the replicability of the review and ensure that all the records included in the analysis had an international audience, all non-English publications were excluded (), resulting in 727 records.

Once having completed the semi-automated procedure, we proceeded to read all the abstracts (), working independently in assessing the relevance and risk of bias of the previously semi-automatically selected scientific contributions. At the end of the abstract reading, only the contributions unanimously considered adequate for the purpose of the work were included. This operation reduced the data set to 540 items. The same way of operating was adopted for the last screening phase, consisting of a full-text reading of the remaining articles based on the predefined inclusion/exclusion criteria to minimise the risk of any errors in the WoS indexing (). Among the reasons for exclusion after the reading of the articles, we considered the lack of a clear relationship with the aim and scope of this study (i.e. limited focus on biodiversity), the marginal contribution to the advancement of scientific knowledge (i.e. descriptive reports of biodiversity tools) and the paucity of theoretical and practical implications (i.e. articles unable to provide useful insights for scholars and/or practitioners) (). This operation excluded 15 contributions. The final data set is made up of 525 articles. Having defined the data set, the records were exported to a plain text file and then imported to Biblioshiny to be analysed.

3.4 Data analysis

Data analysis entails a descriptive analysis and network extraction. Among the different alternative approaches for data analysis, such as co-word analysis, co-author analysis and citation analysis, this paper used the latter, as it is the most recommended analysis in bibliometrics to map a current research front (). It uses citation counts as a measure of similarity between documents, journals and authors. Within the citation analysis scope, bibliographic coupling was applied to both authors and journals to detect the connection networks in literature (). Any two articles are said to be bibliographically coupled whether at least one of them cites a source indicated in the bibliography or reference list of both articles (). Starting from a bibliographic data frame, the biblioNetwork function calculates the most frequently used bibliographic coupling networks, such as documents, sources, authors, keywords and countries. Bibliographically coupled studies are likely to share the same underlying research theme. Once having built the networks, a normalization process was performed on the relations between its nodes through Pearson’s correlation. Finally, data reduction helped identify the main thematic sub-areas of the biodiversity accounting literature through principal component analysis.

4. Findings

4.1 Data visualization

The data collection returned a sample of 525 scientific contributions published from 2000 to 2021 in 144 journals. Of these contributions, 511 were published as journal papers and 14 as review articles. Overall, 1,309 scholars are involved in these publications, with 107 having published as a single author. presents the main information on the data set features.

The authors writing on the theme of biodiversity accounting come from 71 countries.

indicates the twenty countries with the largest number of authors involved in scientific publications on biodiversity accounting, highlighting the prevalence of papers written by English-speaking scholars (i.e. scholars whose first language is English). The USA, UK, Australia and Canada are among the six most contributing countries by the number of authors interested in biodiversity accounting, with 539 out of a total of 1,180 (45.7%). There are also several European Union (EU) countries on the list, such as Germany (72, 6.1%), France (65, 5.5%), Spain (46, 3.9) and The Netherlands (36, 3.1%).

Regarding the countries’ scientific collaboration networks (), the bibliometric analysis shows that, whilst the anglophone authors frequently collaborate with their foreign colleagues, the European Union scholars tend to write with other Europeans. There seems to be a dense network of collaborations in Europe that includes Germany, Sweden, The Netherlands and Switzerland. There are some exceptions, such as Italy (involved in the USA network), France and Spain (involved in the UK network). Many countries seem to be isolated. This means that the authors tend to write alone or predominantly collaborate with their compatriots.

Regarding the source relevance (), what is striking is the clear predominance of the journal Ecological Economics, with 191 contributions (36.4% out of the total). Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal follows in the second position with 30 contributions (5.7% out of the total). The presence of only one accounting journal (according to Scimago Journal and Country Rank []) in this ranking underlines the high multidisciplinary nature of the topic.

Examining the source impact (), expressed by the number of local citations (that is the number of citations from the data set), the first two positions remain unchanged but the distance between those journals is considerably reduced. Ecological Economics records 1,138 local citations, whilst Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal records 695 local citations. In the ranking of the most local cited sources, there is another accounting journal, Accounting, Organizations and Society, with 331 local citations.

shows the ten most local cited documents, which means the papers recording the greatest number of citations from the data set. In this case, 8 of the 10 most cited articles were published in Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal.

As for the authors’ impact (), measured by the number of local citations (that is the number of citations from the data set), Thomas Cuckston leads the rank with 36 citations, followed by Gunnar Rimmel with 31 citations. In third place, there are 30 citations for both Jill Atkins and Kristina Jonäll, the only two women in this top ten.

4.2 Clustering by coupling

The clustering by coupling was carried out over two time windows: 2000–2015 and 2016–2021. This choice came from a twofold consideration. First, the number of publications in the data set showed a marked increase starting from 2016 (). The number of publications in the past 6 years (262) was almost equivalent to that of the publications in the first 15 years (263). Second, the high growth in the number of publications over time suggested that the researchers’ interest in the subject progressively increased. This evidence led to the belief that a specific analysis of the literature on biodiversity accounting in the 2016–2021 period was appropriate to verify possible analogies and differences compared to the time window 2000–2016.

Regarding the time window 2000–2015 (), the clustering by coupling reveals the presence of four clusters: “Natural resource management”; “Biodiversity economic evaluation”; “Natural capital accounting”; and “Biodiversity accountability”.

Whilst recording significant shifts between the quadrants, the cluster analysis performed by considering the period 2016–2021 () confirms the presence of three of the four thematic areas identified within the previous time window. The cluster “Biodiversity economic evaluation” disappears whilst a new cluster takes shape: “Biodiversity disclosure and reporting”.

4.2.1 Natural resource management.

Cluster 1, labelled as “Natural resource management”, places in Quadrant 3 (lower-right) during the period 2000–2015. This result suggests that, at least in a first phase, the cluster synthesises a basic, general and transversal theme, characterised by high centrality and density but low impact. However, since 2016, it records a shift to the left, straddling Quadrant 4. This means that, recently, its centrality is progressively decreasing by causing a reduction in its relevance within the biodiversity scientific domain. Overall, the content analysis of the articles in Cluster 1 underscores that, for several years, biodiversity has been being widely recognised as a valuable natural asset to be conserved (). This recognition is also due to the increases in economic activities, which put pressure on natural resource stocks and causes environmental degradation (). A proactive approach to anticipate ecosystem changes and prevent disruptive impacts on natural resource conservation is needed (). This approach is necessary because natural resource management affects the ecosystem and, in turn, human interventions influence resources (). This statement is similar to Polasky et al.’s idea (2015), according to which sustainability management strategies must consider the interactive effects of any possible ecosystem mutation whilst maintaining the capacity for future natural resource needs (). To this aim, state that natural resource management strategies have to be implemented at different interlinked layers. As assert, a long-term management of natural resources is essential for the stable and resilient flow of ecosystem services for future generations facing evolving socio-economic and climatic uncertainty. In this respect, underline and appreciate the attempts of the United Nations decade on biodiversity 2011–2020 to promote biodiversity awareness globally and communicate the serious challenges that the world is facing in terms of natural resource management. However, the objective of managing impacts and dependencies on natural resources can be overly complex (). To gain social legitimacy, some companies – especially the most polluting ones – often resort to impression management techniques as the easiest way to please their stakeholders () by hiding or omitting any information on the exploitation of natural resources that could affect their image and reputation (). However, the unwary employment of impression management techniques risks undermining companies’ credibility and generating stakeholders’ scepticism (). Companies’ failure to understand stakeholders’ perspectives when proposing initiatives aimed at responsibly managing natural resources is a potential cause of resistance and erosion of social legitimacy (). Within the biodiversity field, legitimacy depends on the companies’ ability to meet stakeholders’ expectations by ensuring transparency for natural resource management initiatives. However, stakeholder participation does not ensure compliance with these kinds of initiatives (). Efficient and effective natural resource management strategies and policies call for an adequate knowledge integration for safeguarding biodiversity and convincing stakeholders in this regard (). The poor integration of knowledge related to the several disciplinary sectors of the biodiversity accounting research area could be the cause of the progressive decrease in the centrality of the cluster natural resource management in current literature.

4.2.2 Biodiversity economic evaluation.

Considering the period 2000–2015, Cluster 2, labelled as “Biodiversity economic evaluation”, stands in Quadrant 4 (lower-left), highlighting its low centrality, poor density and weak impact. This means that it could comprise an emerging or declining theme. However, looking at the analysis of the period 2016–2021, the cluster disappears, confirming an increasing researchers’ disinterest in further studying it over the past few years. The cluster includes articles focused on the assessment of biodiversity in the context of coevolution among economic systems and natural ecosystems. points out that the relationship between nature and economics has an ontology that sees nature as a set of externalities to be managed for economic value. For this very reason, underline that, since the 1970s, the development of evaluation techniques for natural resources and ecosystem dynamics has been phenomenal and rising steadily. The cluster analysis also sheds light on the presence of a fervid debate on the monetary evaluation of biodiversity and natural capital (), as not all the benefits experienced by humans from the natural world are amenable to monetary valuation (). Thus, the economic evaluation of environmental resources emerges as the best way to confirm the importance of ecosystem services to human welfare and environmental sustainability (). Natural resources valuation stands as worthwhile to decision-making, being able to affect stakeholders to invest in natural capital stocks (). Assessing biodiversity in economic terms is a complex issue, as natural capital is an asset and its many contributions to the economy and society, often called ecosystem services, are both malleable and adaptable. Its value changes with time and context, as it becomes more or less important and relevant for particular purposes (). Accordingly, assert that the extent and complexity of data requirements, valuation methodologies, institutional capacity and coordination hinder the uptake of natural capital application and evaluation. Recalling statement, recognise the presence of a dangerous asymmetry in the way to measure the value of natural resources. The paradox is that a country could exhaust its mineral assets, cut down its forests, erode its soils, pollute its aquifers and hunt its wildlife to extinction, whilst increasing its income. This can occur because the traditional measures of economic activity, such as gross and net domestic product, are not able to accurately measure the contribution and impact of economic activities on the environment. The main problem lies in the inadequacy of most indicators, which often fail to consider the specificities of the interconnection among human beings, natural resources, territories and nature (). All these difficulties and uncertainties might potentially represent the factors that, over the past few years, have caused Cluster 2 to lose centrality and density in the biodiversity accounting literature. To overcome these difficulties, the adoption of a broader perspective, based on a sort of metaphysical shift (), is needed. To this end, for example, embracing the deep ecology philosophy could facilitate the acquisition and dissemination of a new ecological consciousness that recognises the unity of humans and nonhuman nature ().

4.2.3 Natural capital accounting.

Labelled as “Natural capital accounting”, Cluster 3 stands in Quadrant 2 (upper-left) in the 2000–2015 period, showing a high centrality but low impact and poor density. Therefore, at first glance, it could be considered alternatively as either a theme investigated within a network of research questions likely to become a future motor theme or a point of transfer between different but connected networks, with a centrality destined to diminish over time. However, the cluster analysis performed by selecting the period 2016–2021 provides the answer to this apparent uncertainty, displaying a shift towards Quadrant 4 (low centrality, poor density and weak impact). This sort of involution highlights that, over the past few years, the theme is becoming increasingly marginalised and risks disappearing before long, unless it is reinvigorated by new and valuable studies. However, the research strand dealing with natural capital accounting is not arid. On contrary, assert that recent debates surrounding the application of natural capital accounting have produced several approaches to further develop this sub-area of biodiversity accounting, as well as highlighted a number of conceptual and methodological issues. Even acknowledge the current relevance of the theme, stating that expanding the set of tools available for natural capital accounting can enhance the management of ecosystem services and policy decision-making. In this perspective, natural capital accounting may be identified as a vehicle to systematically accelerate the mainstreaming of biodiversity into decision-making and development policies (). According to , natural capital accounting describes a body of statistical work that seeks to construct better metrics of nature for policy. It provides important information to support public policy and land-use management decisions (). recognises accounting as prominent to the conservation of natural capital, whilst affirm that the natural capital involvement in the management decision-making process of business entities reduces the negative impact on the environment. Hence, in light of what has been described so far, despite the involution previously indicated as a result of the cluster analysis, the prevailing orientation in the literature recognises and valorises the importance of natural capital accounting, contributing to stimulating optimism about its future possibilities for further study and development (). For now, this recognition is confirmed only on a theoretical level. Natural capital accounting is rarely used as a tool in corporate strategies and governmental policies to foster stakeholders’ satisfaction and citizens’ legitimacy for ecological economics in the economic discourse of sustainability (; ). In many cases, natural capital information appears disconnected from the practices that organisations undertook, leaving room for justifications instead of actions regarding the environment (). This approach sets the scene for the use of impression management tools () to gain and keep legitimacy over time. Even if the management of impressions through neutralization techniques is easier than the release of substantial and transparent information on natural capital (), this approach prevents companies from building strong stakeholder relationships (). In the long term, the inappropriate use of impression management tactics risks exasperating the stakeholders’ scepticism and eroding legitimacy ().

4.2.4 Biodiversity accountability.

Titled “Biodiversity Accountability,” Cluster 4 is situated in Quadrant 1 (upper-right) since 2000, albeit with a slight and marginal decline between 2016 and 2021. This positioning denotes biodiversity accountability as a driving theme in the literature, characterised by a high centrality, density and impact. This evidence suggests that accountability is an important topic in the research domain and an evolving argument within biodiversity literature, with an escalating interest among researchers over the past two decades. However, accounting studies indicate that corporate biodiversity accountability remains nascent (). assert that organisations require novel tools to facilitate the planning, controlling and assigning of responsibility and accountability for reporting. , , contend that accountability necessitates more than mere financial representation. Consistently, underscores the insufficiency of comprehensive information disclosed by organisations and the subsequent demand for more detailed reports. , ) posits that, whilst the emergence of non-economic reports may suggest increased corporate accountability for biodiversity, social and environmental concerns frequently become secondary to economic matters. Several scholars have attempted to resolve the technical challenge of how companies can concretely account for biodiversity and develop accountability mechanisms to fulfil their responsibility and commitment to stakeholders concerning their impact on biodiversity (; ). emphasise the significance of accountability in safeguarding, preserving and augmenting biodiversity for present and future generations. However, accounting for biodiversity can constitute an effective accountability mechanism only when reporting influences behaviour (). The discourse surrounding the establishment of a conceptual and pragmatic foundation for accounting and accountability should be revitalised by integrating biodiversity management into the internal practices, routines and communication of organisations (). Otherwise, as assert, organisational accountability for biodiversity is likely to remain inconsistent, ambiguous and deceptive. The aforementioned reflections underscore the presence of an active debate within current literature, which may serve as the primary rationale for the classification of biodiversity accountability as the driving theme of the analysis.

4.2.5 Biodiversity disclosure and reporting.

Cluster 5, denoted as “Biodiversity Disclosure and Reporting,” emerges solely from 2016 onwards. The analysis of the 2000–2015 period reveals the absence of a unified and homogeneous collection of articles pertaining to this theme. Within the 2016–2021 timeframe, the cluster is situated in Quadrant 2 (upper-left), indicating a highly developed and distinct theme with well-established internal connections (high density) but inconsequential external links (low centrality) within the researched domain. The cluster's evolution can be interpreted through two distinct hypotheses. Firstly, the cluster could represent a network of forthcoming research inquiries, eventually transforming into a driving theme over the subsequent year (transitioning from Quadrant 2 to Quadrant 1). Alternatively, it could serve as a point of convergence among other diverse yet interconnected networks (shifting from Quadrant 2 to Quadrant 3). Biodiversity disclosure and reporting have their origins in social and environmental studies (; ), with the objective of addressing corporate stakeholders’ expectations (). These stakeholders exert pressure on companies to report and manage their impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems (). Several studies of this cluster, whilst acknowledging stakeholders’ vital role, identify additional factors capable of promoting biodiversity disclosure and reporting. Examples include the organisational size (; ; ), characteristics of organisational ownership and country-state governance () and board gender diversity (). Another critical aspect that surfaces from the analysis is the inadequacy of the tools that organisations use for biodiversity disclosure and reporting (; ; ). Frequently, this shortcoming is attributed to the superficial commitment and persuasive rhetoric characterising many organisations () and their often partial and incomplete reports (). The information derived from corporate environmental reports influences stakeholders’ perceptions () and affects the organization’s legitimacy (). Consequently, to establish and maintain social consent, companies and other organisations strive to cultivate a general perception that their disclosed actions aligned with stakeholders’ expectations within a given framework of norms, values and beliefs (). However, this approach is neither static nor unchangeable. It evolves over time, and organisations must adapt their actions and disclosure accordingly to be perceived as responsive to the environment (; ). This adaptation is often challenging, leading some organisations to use strategic communication tactics such as impression management and evocative symbols to gain societal support, maintain or restore legitimacy () and affect stakeholders’ perceptions (). The authenticity of corporate biodiversity reporting has been widely debated () but assessing its accuracy remains challenging (), with voluntary social and environmental disclosure still being insufficient to meet demand (). However, improvements have been made since the adoption of the G4 guidelines by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) (). For this reason, there is growing interest in biodiversity disclosure and reporting, which is likely to increase in its importance and become a key research topic in the future (moving from Quadrant 2 towards Quadrant 1).

5. Discussion and implications

Our findings reveal that biodiversity accounting includes five thematic nodes. “Natural Resource Management” (Cluster 1) has declined in relevance within the biodiversity scientific domain, with articles emphasising the need for effective natural resource management and accounting to support conservation policies. In Cluster 2, “Biodiversity Economic Evaluation”, the economic assessment of natural resources is considered the best approach to confirm the significance of ecosystem services for human welfare and environmental sustainability. However, this thematic domain does not represent a developed research area. “Natural Capital Accounting” (Cluster 3) is identified as a means to systematically integrate biodiversity into decision-making and development policies. Several recent and valuable studies are reinvigorating this cluster, which risks disappearing before long. Cluster 4, “Biodiversity Accountability”, has been a driving theme since 2000, with an increase in interest among researchers in corporate biodiversity accountability. However, accounting studies indicate that it remains underdeveloped as effective accountability mechanisms require stronger ecological knowledge and interdisciplinary collaboration among biodiversity scholars and practitioners. “Biodiversity Disclosure and Reporting” (Cluster 5) is a recent sub-area that highlights growing stakeholders’ pressure on companies to report and manage their impact on biodiversity. Accurate reports turn out essential for maintaining organisational legitimacy. However, as organisations often use inadequate tools for biodiversity disclosure and reporting, the authenticity of corporate statements is currently the subject of extensive debate.

Through an analysis of the historical development of themes within the research domain, we have identified the key critical issues that define each sub-area of the literature on biodiversity accounting. illustrates these issues. By taking these criticalities into account, valuable insights can be gleaned for practitioners and researchers in the field of biodiversity accounting. Our goal is to offer interrelated implications for managers, policymakers and scholars, which can be achieved by outlining three primary areas of intervention: adjusting evaluation tools, integrating ecological knowledge and establishing corporate social legitimacy.

5.1 Adjusting evaluation tools

Biodiversity accounting faces a significant challenge due to the inadequacy of tools and indicators used to evaluate natural capital and the interconnectedness between people and natural resources (). To address this issue, professionals need to improve evaluation methods for natural ecosystems and develop approaches to assess ecosystem assets, such as estimating the economic life of natural capital by integrating physical data with economic-financial values (). Biodiversity disclosure and reporting present a key challenge for companies, as conventional methods are unsustainable (; ; ). To enhance the reliability and robustness of accounts, several studies emphasise the need to educate companies to accept environmental stewardship and ecocentrism (), with the adoption of the deep ecology philosophy suggested to address ecological challenges arising from worsening environmental conditions (). This philosophy entails abandoning the anthropocentric approach and adopting an eco-centric one, attributing intrinsic value to all living beings ().

However, changing corporate approaches is demanding, and achieving the goal of enhancing biodiversity accounting requires support from policymakers. Recent initiatives, such as the GRI guidelines and the EU 2020 biodiversity strategy, aim to improve the disclosure of biodiversity initiatives. However, companies are still not reporting their actual impacts on the environment, fostering a symbolic rather than substantive engagement (). Despite the growing number of enacted regulations, the use of biodiversity accounting in the political field remains underdeveloped (), with frameworks bogged down by bureaucratic issues (). This impasse results from the mismatch between the “accounting push” and “policy pull” (), with natural capital accounting and biodiversity accountability perceived in isolation from other political tools and not integrated into broader government actions aimed at fostering and maintaining legitimacy (). Moreover, the proliferation of different international frameworks undermines the credibility of accounts, discouraging their adoption in political decisions ().

Measuring the impact of biodiversity on society is difficult due to a lack of serious academic attention, with scholars on the fringes of the practice of biodiversity reporting (). Scholars should refine tools for measuring and guiding effective natural resource conservation actions and promote biodiversity accounting within the wider social and environmental reporting and corporate social responsibility discipline to enable understanding of the complex relationship between nature and organisations (). Furthermore, academia and business schools should raise awareness of and promote positive change through research to prevent further biodiversity loss (), with accounting researchers acting as providers of solutions to biodiversity problems by directing their attention to those tools capable of supporting decisions in a variety of circumstances ().

5.2 Integrating ecological knowledge

Problems in biodiversity accounting arise due to poor integration of ecological knowledge (). “Stronger” ecological knowledge is essential to understand whether society is proceeding towards truly sustainable development (; ). An interdisciplinary collaboration among professional accountants, ecologists and environmentalists in designing and crafting diverse accounts and accountability practices for biodiversity would be helpful to achieve this objective (). Strengthening ecological knowledge would enhance accountability practices () and reduce the complexity for companies when assessing biodiversity economically (; ). Promoting a more integrated knowledge of how to manage and account for natural resources would enable companies to better analyse risks and opportunities, demonstrate market leadership and mitigate their environmental impact (). By integrating several forms of knowledge and values, companies can improve natural resource management and accountability to support biodiversity economic evaluation ().

Under a political profile, integrating diverse and sometimes competing spheres of ecological knowledge would make the flow of ecosystem services resilient for future generations facing evolving socioeconomic and climatic uncertainty (). Institutionalising ecological knowledge would facilitate the drafting of international biodiversity programs and the restructuring of funding models of national agencies that monitor natural capital (). Ecological knowledge institutionalisation would also allow for the creation of public–private science-management partnerships for integrated natural resource management and safe intervention spaces for innovators in terms of economic resources and structures. Integrating ecological knowledge in institutional policies would provide monetary recognition to truly environmental-friendly organisations as well as encourage the transition to sustainability ().

Implementing these actions requires an interdisciplinary approach () committed to recognising and investigating the interdisciplinary pluralism of values that interact between natural and social systems (). Researchers should strive to find solutions to current challenges by synergistically integrating existing skills and experience in all economic and environmental disciplines (; ). Studies in which economists and natural scientists collaborate in an intrinsically interdisciplinary effort () would foster the understanding of the importance to protect and conserve natural wealth, biological productivity and biodiversity (). Greater involvement by accounting scholars is desirable to move research towards a better knowledge of what companies and political institutions are doing and should do to contribute to a more sustainable future (). Accounting scholars should propose new frameworks for planning, controlling and reporting companies' engagement in protecting, maintaining and enhancing biodiversity for both current and future generations, ensuring thorough accountability (), which requires more than just financial representation (; ).

5.3 Establishing corporate social legitimacy

The increasing recognition of the environmental crisis has been driving companies to disclose more information on biodiversity (). However, companies must move beyond solely focusing on economic and reputational benefits and implement strategies that properly manage and account for natural resources (; ; , ; ; ). The demand for more reliable forms of biodiversity accounting and accountability from stakeholders requires companies to acknowledge their responsibilities towards the ecosystem, mitigate negative operational impacts and contribute positively to biodiversity (; ; ). To achieve this goal, companies should limit the use of impression management, which erodes their social legitimacy and prevents the development of long-lasting relationships with stakeholders (; ; ). Companies must avoid manipulating the presentation of social and environmental information to project a favourable image of their performance, as such conduct increases stakeholders’ scepticism (; ).

Preserving ecological biodiversity by establishing the social legitimacy of companies entails not only the corporate sphere but also the political scope (). Government institutions and policymakers must intervene in a more structured and organised way to safeguard natural capital and hinder environmental degradation (). They should direct natural resource management policies towards waste prevention, more efficient and sustainable economic and market development and a solid planning of investments in environmental matters (). Institutional commitment should be defined in a coordinated manner between different levels of government, starting from local contexts and linked to well-defined national development policies and long-term extra-national planning objectives (). Integrating natural capital accounting into governmental policies allows for biodiversity economic evaluation and fosters corporate legitimacy for ecology in the economic discourse of sustainability (; ).

Accounting researchers should trigger this cultural transformation by helping companies to demonstrate their commitment to environmental sustainability, enabling them to gain social legitimacy and acceptability (; ). Accounting has the potential to shape and construct reality as an emancipatory mechanism that raises stakeholders’ awareness of corporations’ impact on natural capital and resources (). This means that accounting academics could help identify new key literature gaps, systematise data to support environmental strategies and policies, process “boundary” information to guide the evolution towards a sustainable future, produce scientific evidence of human progress in terms of welfare and well-being, as well as develop and promote a universal standard to ensure uniformity and reliability in sustainability reporting (; ). Accounting research should play a leading role in connecting the business and natural worlds, ushering in a wave of innovation that will be essential to preserving the basis of our future prosperity ().

6. Conclusions

Several bibliometric literature reviews have been conducted in the field of biodiversity accounting to synthesise the relevant literature (). explored the natural resource accounting literature using bibliometrics from 1995 to 2014, whilst our study analysed biodiversity accounting literature as a whole from 2000 to 2021. conducted a bibliometric review of the accounting and management of natural resource consumption, but they did not identify any thematic sub-areas. investigated accounting methods and tools for measuring biodiversity values, but their findings differed significantly from ours. More recently, provided valuable insights into biodiversity and species extinction accounting through a systematic literature review.

Differently, our study analyses a larger data set of 525 scientific articles published in 144 different journals over a long time span (2000–2021). The research area is broken down into five thematic sub-areas by using bibliometric coupling, and a content analysis is conducted to understand the formation of the state of the art (; ). The thematic evolution of the biodiversity accounting literature is performed to unfold the main criticalities of the research domain, provide useful insights to inform both practice and research and infer implications for managers, policymakers and scholars by outlining three main areas of intervention.

This study has limitations, including the use of only one database to retrieve the data set and the selection of only journal papers and review articles, excluding other document types such as books, conference proceedings and grey literature. Additionally, we focused on citational impact without considering any social impact index, so assessing biodiversity accounting from other unexplored perspectives, such as social media or policy documents, could be interesting.


Search flowchart

Figure 1.

Search flowchart

Countries’ scientific collaboration network

Figure 2.

Countries’ scientific collaboration network

Sources relevance by the number of publications

Figure 3.

Sources relevance by the number of publications

Most local cited sources

Figure 4.

Most local cited sources

Most local cited documents

Figure 5.

Most local cited documents

Most local cited authors

Figure 6.

Most local cited authors

Annual scientific production

Figure 7.

Annual scientific production

Thematic clusters by documents coupling from 2000 to 2015

Figure 8.

Thematic clusters by documents coupling from 2000 to 2015

Thematic clusters by documents coupling from 2016 to 2021

Figure 9.

Thematic clusters by documents coupling from 2016 to 2021

Main information about the collection

Data set features
General information Timespan 2000:2021
Journals 144
Documents 525
Average years from publication 8.02
Average citations per documents 29.91
Average citations per year per doc 2.991
References 25064
Document types Article 511
Review 14
Document contents Keywords plus 1250
Author’s keywords 1756
Authors Authors 1309
Author appearances 1483
Authors of single-authored documents 107
Authors of multi-authored documents 1202
Authors’ collaboration Single-authored documents 119
Documents per author 0.401
Authors per document 2.49
Co-authors per documents 2.82
Collaboration index 2.96

Source: Authors’ adaptation from Biblioshiny

Countries’ scientific production by the number of publications

Rank Country No. of authors
1 USA 233
2 UK 180
3 Australia 74
4 Germany 72
5 France 65
6 Canada 52
7 Spain 46
8 The Netherlands 36
9 China 33
10 Sweden 33
11 Ukraine 33
12 Italy 31
13 New Zealand 24
14 South Africa 22
15 Norway 21
16 Japan 16
17 Finland 13
18 India 13
19 Portugal 11
20 Belgium 10

Source: Authors’ adaptation from Biblioshiny

Clusters’ positioning and thematic criticalities

Label 2000–2015 2016–2021 Criticalities
Natural resource management – High centrality
– High density
– Low impact
– Low centrality
– Low density
– Low impact
• Stakeholders’ scepticism and erosion of corporate social legitimacy due to the use of impression management techniques by companies (; )
• Poor integration of knowledge related to the several disciplinary sectors of the biodiversity accounting research ()
Biodiversity economic evaluation – Low centrality
– Low density
– Low impact
– n/a
– n/a
– n/a
• High complexity for companies in economically assessing biodiversity due to the changing evaluation purposes (), need of institutional coordination, heterogeneity of data requirements and methodologies ()
• Inadequacy of most indicators in considering the specificities of the interconnection among human beings, natural resources, territories and nature ()
Natural capital accounting – High centrality
– Low density
- Low impact
– Low centrality
– Low density
– Low impact
• Disconnection between natural capital information and corporate practices ()
• Stakeholders’ scepticism and erosion of corporate social legitimacy due to the use of impression management techniques by companies (; ; ; )
Biodiversity accountability – High centrality
– High density
– High impact
– High centrality
– High density
– High impact
• Lack of corporate non-financial tools to plan, control and assign responsibility in accountability processes (; ; )
• Weak ecological knowledge due to the lack of interdisciplinary collaboration among scholars and practitioner in crafting accountability practices for biodiversity (; ; )
Biodiversity disclosure and reporting – n/a
– n/a
– n/a
– High centrality
– Low density
– Low impact
• Inadequacy of corporate tools to disclose and report on biodiversity (; ; )
• Stakeholders’ scepticism and erosion of corporate social legitimacy due to the use of impression management techniques and evocative symbols by companies (; )

Source: Authors’ elaboration

Previous systematic reviews and bibliometric analyses on biodiversity accounting

Title Author(s) Journal Year Type of review Unit of analysis Sample dimension Timespan Database Query Search field
Biodiversity and extinction accounting for sustainable development: A systematic literature review and future research directions Roberts et al. Business Strategy and the Environment 2021 Systematic – Journal papers
– Book chapters
– Books
40 2013-2020 – Science Direct
– Elsevier
– Emerald
– Wiley Online
– Taylor and Francis
– Springer Link
– Business Source
– Premier
– Google Scholar
“biodiversity accounting”
“biodiversity reporting”
“biodiversity disclosure”
“threatened species reporting”
– Title
– Abstract
– Keywords
Accounting and Management of Natural Resource Consumption Based on Input-Output Method: A Global Bibliometric Analysis Wang et al. Frontiers in Energy Research 2021 Bibliometric – Journal papers 1824 – Clarivate Web of Science (“Input Output Analysis” OR “Input Output Model” OR “Input Output Table” OR “Input Output Method” OR “Input Output Framework” OR “IO analysis” OR “IO Model” OR “IO table” OR “IO technique_” OR “IO framework” OR “IO method”) AND (“fossil fuel_” OR “natural gas” OR coal OR oil OR energy OR water OR freshwater OR wastewater OR land OR wood OR biomass OR metal OR mineral OR material OR “natural resource”) AND (footprint OR use OR consumption OR withdrawal OR demand OR requirement OR extraction) – Title
– Abstract
– Keywords
Accounting for no net loss: A critical assessment of biodiversity offsetting metrics and methods Gamarra et al. Journal of environmental management 2018 Systematic + semi-structured interviews – Journals papers
– Unpublished studies
– Policy and technical reports
“Biodiversity offset*” OR “compensatory mitigation” OR “habitat offset” OR “environmental offset*” OR “conservation bank*” OR “habitat bank*” OR “offset metric*” OR “offset method*” OR “offset gains*” OR “offset benefits*” OR “offset currency*”
A bibliometric review on natural resource accounting during 1995–2014 Zhong et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 2016 Bibliometric – Journal papers
– Conference papers
– Review papers
2649 1995–2014 – Scopus “Natural resource accounting” OR “natural resource calculation”

Source: Authors’ elaboration



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Corresponding author

Gennaro Maione is the corresponding author and can be contacted at:

About the authors

Gennaro Maione is a Researcher in Business Economics at the Department of Economics and Statistics of the University of Salerno, in Italy, where he teaches Business Administration. He is the Guest Editor of the journal Sustainability and the topic editor of the journal Systems and Editorial Board Member of the Open Journal of Accounting and the Journal of Business Administration Research, the Journal of Business and Economics, American Journal of Accounting and American Journal of Economics. He is a reviewer for Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, International Business Research, International Journal of Business and Management, Sustainability, International Journal of Engineering Business Management and The TQM Journal. He is the author of scientific articles presented at conferences in Italy and abroad and published in national and international journals. His main research interests focus on environmental accounting, accountability, and digitalization.

Corrado Cuccurullo is a Full Professor of Business Economics at the Department of Economics of the Luigi Vanvitelli University of Campania, where he teaches accounting, corporate governance and performance management. His current research interests focus on systematic analyses of scientific literature and identification of evidence-based management practices corporate governance, strategizing activities and corporate performance evaluation. In these aspects, he also carries out consultancy activities (professional practice). He co-founded some innovative start-ups and some research and practice laboratories. Corrado Cuccurullo is the author of various national and international publications relating to strategy, corporate governance and corporate valuation. Some of these publications have received awards (AIES 2004 award – Italian Association of Health Economists – as “Best Young Italian Health Economist”) or are “most cited in leading journal” (e.g. Bibliometrix).

Aurelio Tommasetti is a Full Professor of Business Administration at the Department of Business Science – Management and Innovation Systems of the University of Salerno whose he was Rector in recent years. He took place in many collaborative projects with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Angola and Mozambique. He was the Referent of the University of Salerno for the PON Smart Tunnel project “Research and Competitiveness” and for the MUNIC project at the Center for International and Regional Cooperation for Local Economies. He is the author of more than 130 scientific contributions published as the top-ranked journal articles, conference proceedings and monographs. His research interests are devoted to performance measurement and management, governance and accountability, with a focus on the public sector.

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