, 3, 6, 12, 16, 17, 69
free market
, 91, 290
Character, argument from
, 16
Chronology of stakeholder salience research
, 128–134
Claimant stakeholder
, 34–35
Classification systems
, 28
classification model of stakeholder theory definitions
, 36–37
examples of approaches to sort stakeholder definitions
, 29
MPD of stakeholder identification
, 32
MPRA of stakeholder identification
, 33
SPD and SPRA of stakeholder identification
, 31
stakeholder hyponyms
, 34–35
systematic and comprehensive classification
, 30
typology of stakeholder definitions
, 38
unclassifiable definitions
, 39
See also Stakeholder theory
Classification theory
, 30
Closeness centrality
, 117
Co-creation of value
, 84–86
Collaborator stakeholder
, 35
Colonial experiences
, 174
Combinatory definition
, 38
Common ground
, 252–254
between strategy and stakeholder theory
, 255–258
, 4, 5, 167, 193
Conceptual enquiry
, 23, 26
Conceptualizations of relationships
, 108
argument from
, 14–15
to society. See Social consequences
Consumer–producer interaction
, 79
context-based moderators of salience
, 142
data collection
, 166
design, case selection, and data
, 165–166
research on salience in
, 141–143
transferability and generalization
, 166–167
Continental philosophers
, 16
Contractarian ethics
, 60–64
Contractarian stakeholder theories
, 61–62
“Contractualist fallacy”
, 63
Conventional accounting systems
, 7
Corporate citizenship
, 135
Corporate social performance (CSP)
, 82
Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
, 15, 81, 125, 127, 135, 251
Corporate social responsiveness
, 125
Corporate stakeholder responsibility
, 15
Creating shared value (CSV)
, 76, 84–86
CSP. See Corporate social performance (CSP)
CSR. See Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
CSV. See Creating shared value (CSV)
“Names and faces” approach
, 260
, 174–176
, 161
Nestlé’s Maggi noodles product
, 112
Net benefits, array of
, 82–83
Net operating profit after taxes (NOPAT)
, 88
Network density influences stakeholder
, 126
New York Power Authority (NYPA)
, 172
‘Non-facilitating’ behaviour
, 221
Non-governmental agencies
, 208
‘Non-improving’ behaviour
, 221
“Non-state market-driven” governance systems
, 208
“Nonsense on stilts”
, 204
NOPAT. See Net operating profit after taxes (NOPAT)
Normative approach
, 162–163
“Normative core”
, 51, 56, 195, 265–266
contractarian ethics
, 60–64
feminist ethics
, 64–66
Kantian ethics
, 57–60
, 67–70
Normative criticisms
normative stakeholder theory and intrinsic worth
, 54–56
separation fallacy
, 51–54
Normative foundation, fairness as
, 195–200
Normative judgments
, 50–51
Normative justification
, 14
Normative stakeholder theory
, 49
contractarian ethics
, 60–64
feminist ethics
, 64–66
Kantian ethics
, 57–60
normative cores
, 56
normative criticisms of shareholder-centric, dominant model
, 51–56
, 67–70
stakeholder theorists
, 50–51
See also Stakeholder theory
Normative theories
, 27, 90
Normatively legitimate stakeholder
, 197
Nutrition Stakeholder Network in India (2012)
, 112
NYPA. See New York Power Authority (NYPA)
Salience assumptions, research on
, 141
Semi-structured interviews
, 166
“Separation thesis”
, 51–52, 54–55, 192
Shareholder theory
, 54, 265
Shareholder-centric model
normative stakeholder theory and intrinsic worth
, 54–56
separation fallacy
, 51–54
SIM. See Social Issues and Management (SIM)
SMS. See Strategic Management Society (SMS)
Social contract
, 60–61
, 61
Social identity in stakeholder behaviour
, 234–235
Social Issues and Management (SIM)
, 253
Social network
, 102
, 175
power for stakeholders
, 114
betweenness centrality
, 117–118
closeness centrality
, 117
degree centrality
, 115–117
network status
, 118
, 109
, 103
, 141
and tools
, 102
thinking enhancing stakeholder research
, 106
“Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase Profits”, The (1970)
, 50
SPD. See Stakeholder perceived determinants (SPD)
SPRA. See Stakeholder perceived relationship attributes (SPRA)
SSIG. See Stakeholder Strategy Interest Group (SSIG)
Stakeholder action
, 216
against firm
, 217, 220, 221
constraint on
, 230–231
future directions
, 238–241
interest-based view
, 218–219
interest-driven view
, 234
, 240
Stakeholder attributes
, 135, 143
cumulation approach
, 143–144
research on
, 139–140
Stakeholder behaviour
equity sensitivity in
, 223–228
exchange ideology and
, 228–230
expectancy theory and
, 230–231
fairness-based perspective
, 219–222
interest-related influences
, 230
resource dependence in
, 231–234
social identity in
, 234–235
strong reciprocity in
, 236–237
Stakeholder management
, 1–2, 160
, 165
, 161
Stakeholder mobilization. See Stakeholder action
Stakeholder perceived determinants (SPD)
, 31
Stakeholder perceived relationship attributes (SPRA)
, 31
Stakeholder prioritization work
, 123–124, 135–136
Stakeholder salience
, 135, 139–143, 159, 179–183
context and method
, 165
data collection
, 166
design, case selection, and data
, 165–166
transferability and generalization
, 166–167
economic assumptions
, 144–145
, 160–161
Great Whale Project
, 160
Hydro-Québec and Cree case study
, 167–173
, 145–146
integration opportunities
, 146
, 141
positioning stakeholder thinking
, 173–174
, 146–149
, 123–124
chronology of
, 128–134
integrating stakeholder prioritization work
, 147
in review
, 143–149
shifting focus from stakeholders to expectations-based approach
, 176–178
stakeholder prioritization work and
, 139
interactive salience
, 143
research on salience assumptions
, 141
research on salience attributes
, 139–140
research on salience in context
, 141–143
stakeholder thinking
, 159–160
static view of stakeholders
, 174–176
strengths and contributions
, 143–144
theoretical background
, 162–165
Stakeholder Strategy Interest Group (SSIG)
, 255
Stakeholder theory
, 1, 2, 22, 56, 62–63, 65, 89, 125, 164–165, 190, 194–195, 216, 251
argument from character
, 16
argument from consequences
, 14–15
argument from rights
, 15–16
behavioral stakeholder theory challenge
, 11–12
, 3
common ground with strategy theory
, 255–258
discourse about
, 190
ethical theory challenge
, 14
as “genre” rather than single theory
, 265–266
meta-theory for
, 23
, 192–195
Pragmatist’s argument
, 16–18
public policy challenge
, 12–13
stakeholder accounting challenge
, 10–11
, 3–6
tensions with strategy theory
, 258–265
total performance challenge
, 7–10
value creation
, 3
See also Classification systems; Normative stakeholder theory
Stakeholder work
, 124–125, 138
chronology of stakeholder salience research
, 128–134
interactive framework
, 137–139
stakeholder awareness work
, 125–126
stakeholder engagement work
, 136–137
stakeholder identification work
, 126–127
stakeholder understanding work
, 127–135
study of work
, 124
, 24–26, 55, 64, 191, 218
accounting challenge
, 10–11
awareness work
, 125–126
benefits and harms
, 191
, 193
, 22, 29–30
, 195
, 195
as ECC
, 26–28
, 136–137, 193
, 177
and human nature
, 260–262
identification work
, 126–127
, 191
, 140
, 51, 193–194, 252–253
, 140
principles of stakeholder capitalism
, 193
, 193
stakeholder research, value creation theory in
, 89–91
static view of
, 174–176
themes in strategic management research
, 254–255
, 50–51
, 159–160
, 173–174
understanding work
, 127–135
, 139
and value creation
, 258–260
See also Marginal stakeholders
Stakeholders and networks
, 101–103
embracing multiple, interdependent stakeholder interactions
, 110–113
environmental view
, 104–106
power of
, 103
advantages for some actors
, 103–104
organizations exist within external network of relationships
, 103
to strategic actions
, 104
power of social networks for stakeholders
, 114–118
social network thinking enhancing stakeholder research
, 106
transforming focal from assumption to variable
, 113–114
understanding of relationships
, 106–110
Strategic management
, 252, 262–263
common ground
, 252–254
between strategy and stakeholder theory
, 255–258
, 252–254
stakeholder themes in strategic management research
, 254–255
, 252–254
between strategy and stakeholder theory
, 258–265
Strategic Management Society (SMS)
, 136–137
, 260
common ground with stakeholder theory
, 255–258
tensions with stakeholder theory
, 258–265
Strong reciprocity in stakeholder behaviour
, 236–237
Supportive stakeholder behaviour. See Punitive stakeholder behaviour