Dialogue for Strategic Decision-Making Processes: An IDEA Model
The Management Game of Communication
ISBN: 978-1-78635-716-8, eISBN: 978-1-78635-715-1
Publication date: 26 August 2016
Dialogue has been an elusive concept for academics when it comes to its definition within organisational contexts. In spite of the vast amount of academic research, it is not easy to find concrete proposals – both from theoretical and empirical standpoints – that analyse how companies manage dialogue processes with their stakeholders. The aim of this chapter is to fill this gap by highlighting the role of dialogue in strategic decision-making processes. In order to achieve this purpose, this work is structured into two parts. Firstly, multidisciplinary literature regarding how Public Relations and Management studies research on dialogue is reviewed. Secondly, the chapter presents a managerial proposal of dialogue for decision-making processes called the IDEA model. This chapter aims to scale back the theoretical fragmentation of the concept of dialogue while looking into its practicality based on an original proposal for scholars and practitioners.
Authors would like to thank the reviewers, and especially to Peggy Simcic Brønn, for their insightful comments. They have contributed to improving the chapter.
Gutiérrez-García, E. and Recalde, M. (2016), "Dialogue for Strategic Decision-Making Processes: An IDEA Model", The Management Game of Communication (Advances in Public Relations and Communication Management, Vol. 1), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 245-263. https://doi.org/10.1108/S2398-391420160000001013
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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