Peace, Reconciliation and Social Justice Leadership in the 21st Century
ISBN: 978-1-83867-196-9, eISBN: 978-1-83867-193-8
ISSN: 2058-8801
Publication date: 23 September 2019
(2019), "Index", Peace, Reconciliation and Social Justice Leadership in the 21st Century (Building Leadership Bridges, Vol. 8), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 305-312.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2019 Emerald Publishing Limited
Adaptive leadership, 55–56
Africa Institute of South Africa (AISA), 83, 90, 91
African-American dynamics, 11–12
African-Americans, 14, 18
African Leadership Academy (ALA), 246, 249
African Leadership University (ALU), 246, 249–250
African National Congress (ANC), 58–59
African research leaders and followers, 87–89
African young graduate scholars, 89–94
Africa Young Graduate Scholars (AYGS), 83, 90, 92–94
AISA. See Africa Institute of South Africa (AISA)
ALA. See African Leadership Academy (ALA)
Allende, Salvador, 208
ALU. See African Leadership University (ALU)
American Civil War, 13
Amnesty law, 211–212, 218
An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker
, 152–153
Annihilation, 52–53
Anti-immigrant, 183
Apology-forgiveness cycle, 68–69
Austerity, 186
Austerity agenda, 178–179
AYGS. See Africa Young Graduate Scholars (AYGS)
Bassiouni, Cherif, 149
BIH. See Bosnia-Herzegovina (BIH)
Bosnia-Herzegovina (BIH), 144–145
bystanders, 198–199
constitutional reform in, 154
participants, 197–198
peace in, 144–145
upstanders, 199–202
Bosniak, 144–145, 148–149, 150, 151
Bosniak women, 155
Brexit debacle, 184
Brexit moment, 181
Brexit referendum, 178–179, 180
Building Leadership Bridges (BLB), 83
Burns, James McGregor, 18
Cameron, David, 180
Capability, 285–286
Capacity, 285–286
Cardinal Raúl Silva Henríquez, 210, 211–212, 214, 215–216
Caso Degollados (Slit-throated Case), 215
Caucasian descendants, 14–15
CCAK. See Clean Cook Stoves Association of Kenya (CCAK)
CEDAW. See Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)
The Centre for Andean Advancement and Development (CEPRODA MINGA), 169
CEPRODA MINGA. See The Centre for Andean Advancement and Development (CEPRODA MINGA)
Chetniks, 199–200
Chile, 207
Civil Rights Movement, 13–14
Civil society, women-created, 153
Civil War, 13–14
Clean Cook Stoves Association of Kenya (CCAK), 171
Climate change, 27, 37–39, 45–46, 162
Climate change policy, 165
Climate regime
family farming practices, 169–170
Kenyan women to sustainable energy and, 171–172
lack of women participation in, 163–164
women in El Niño effects, 169
women leadership intervention in, 165–172
Clinton, President, 148–149
Cold War, 2, 208
Collective action, mobilizing, 259
Coming to the Table (CTTT), 15
key principles, 15, 16
Communities, 233–234
Competency, 285–286
Confederation of Copper Workers, 213
Conflict management in extractive industries, 279
Conflict-related sexual violence, 265–266
impact of reparations, 268–270
survivors of, 267–268
Conflict resolution, 289–290
Consistency, 285–286
Consultation task force (CTF), 104–105
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), 102
Cooperative inquiry (CI), 54–55
Courageous followers, 43–45
Crimes against humanity, 216
CTF. See Consultation task force (CTF)
CTTT. See Coming to the Table (CTTT)
CTTT movement, 17
CWWPP, 24–25
DAQ. See Deductive qualitative analysis (DAQ)
Dayton Accord, 144–145
Deceased victims, 148–149
Decoloniality, 1–2, 4–5, 6
Decolonization, 2, 4–5
Decolonizing of leadership theory, 5
Deductive qualitative analysis (DAQ), 232–233
Dehumanization, 198
Diversity, 182–183
Emotional intelligence, 248
ENERGIA. See Global Network on Gender and Sustainable Energy (ENERGIA)
Environment, 234–235
Epistemicide, 2
Ethnic cleansing, 149, 150
Ethnic conflict, 145
European-American dynamics, 11–12
European Court of Human Rights, 151
European Union, 151
Fair-trade artisan-based partnerships, 119–120
Federal Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia, 25
Feminist theory, 162
Forests, 171
For Those Who Can Tell No Tales
, 150
Freedman’s Bureau Act, 13–14
Fridays for Future, 64–65
Gender equality, 120–121, 126–127
General Framework Agreement (GFA), 144–145
Genocide, 68, 69, 70–71, 74, 148
GFA. See General Framework Agreement (GFA)
Global Economic Crisis, 178–179
Global Network on Gender and Sustainable Energy (ENERGIA), 172
Global North (GN), 2
Global Reparations Fund, 271–272
Global South (GS), 2
Global Survivor Network, 264–265, 270–271
Gori Vatra
, 148–149
Government of Republika Srpska, 148
Gravica: Land of My Dreams
, 150
Habeas Corpus, 211–212
Hilberg’s triage, 197
Holding environment
psychological origins, 52–53
TRC as, 58–59
Hollander, Edwin, 5
HSRC. See Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC)
Human rights
of deceased victims, 148–149
of marginalized groups, 152–153
of minorities, 151–152
of surviving victims of the war, 149–151
violations, 211–212
of women, 153
Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), 83, 91–92
ILA. See International Leadership Association (ILA)
Immigration, 178–179
bring people together, 258–259
create platforms for storytelling, 259
mobilize collective action, 259
Inclusion, 182–183
Indonesia and local communities, 280–282
Innerwork, 233, 237
Instrumental reconciliation (IR), 68–69, 70
Integral Perspective of Peace Leadership (IPPL), 232–233
Intelligent disobedience, 77, 201, 203
Interdependent leadership, 248
International climate regime, 163–164
International Court of Justice, 148
International Criminal Court, 148
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, 148, 149
International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism, 4–5
International Law, 168, 172
International Leadership Association (ILA), 83, 230–231
Interracial healing process, 11–12
IPPL. See Integral Perspective of Peace Leadership (IPPL)
IR. See Instrumental reconciliation (IR)
It Cannot Last Forever
, 148–149
Junta de Gobierno, 208–209, 211–212, 215
Kant, 4–5
Kenya Women Finance Trust, 172
Knowledge, 234
Kubana (coexistence), 68–69
Leaders and followers, 126–127, 147–148, 180–184, 286–290
Leadership, 49–52
African language of, 246–248
in local and transnational level, 165
role of women in, 230–231
social movement theory, 266–267
traits, 165–168
Leadership and followership, 194
Leadership theory, 248–249
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), 103–104
Liminal space, 146–147
Lincoln Memorial, 15
Local farming, 169–170
LTTE. See Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)
Marginalized groups, human rights, 152–153
Martin Luther King Jr’s, 15
Marxism, 209
Medical Examination Group (MEG), 24–25
Mesa de Diálogo
, 218
Me Too movements, 235–237
Micro-aggression, 17–18
Micro-messaging, 17–18
Milgram Experiment, 197–198, 200
Military power, 208–210
Mindset, the-right-and-the-good-based, 289
Minorities human rights, 151–152
Moral courage, 196, 198–199, 200–201
Moral obedience, 200–201, 202, 203
Mothers of Srebrenica, 144–145, 148
NAACP. See National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
Nairobi Declaration, 269, 274
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 13–14
National Education Policy Investigation (NEPI), 87
National Health Service, 178–179
National Intelligence Center (CNI), 209
National Intelligence Directorate (DINA), 209
National Plan for Higher Education (NPHE), 87
National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture (PRONAF), 170
National reconciliation, 215–216
National Unity and Reconciliation Commission (NURC), 68
Natural resources conflicts, 284
Needs-based model, 68–69
Nelson Mandela, 13
Neoliberal globalization, 2
NEPI. See National Education Policy Investigation (NEPI)
NGOs. See Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 144–145, 281–282
NPHE. See National Plan for Higher Education (NPHE)
NURC. See National Unity and Reconciliation Commission (NURC)
OXFAM. See Oxford Committee for Famine Relief (OXFAM)
Oxford Committee for Famine Relief (OXFAM), 169
Pan-African community
assembly/townhalls, 252–253
check-ins, 249–250
collections for colleagues/Harambee
, 256
departures/praise singing, 256–257
gratitude/washing hands, 253–254
gratitude waterfall, 254
my story, 251–252
Taalaw/opening ceremony, 250–251
truth and reconciliation, 255–256
and reconciliation in Chile, 215–216
Peacebuilding, 266
psychological trauma and, 25–26
relationship to, 32
role of women in, 229–230
women, 119–120, 122, 123–124, 125–126, 266
Peace education, 90
Peace leadership, 228–229, 231–232, 234–235, 237
Perceived social justice, 279
Perpetual peace, 4–5
Pinochet, Augusto, 208–209, 210
Pope Francis, 37–40, 45–46
Post-conflict peacebuilding processes, 110–111
Post-conflict peace operations, 110
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 26
Pragmatic Empowerment Training (PET), 25, 31
Prelude, 24–25
Program of Reparation and Comprehensive Health Care (PRAIS), 218
PRONAF. See National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture (PRONAF)
Pro-Peace Committee, 216
Psychological traumatization
consequences of narratives, 29–31
consequences of traumatic events, 29–31
definition, 26
levels, 27
narratives, 27
pragmatic empowerment training, 31
prelude, 24–25
relationship to peacebuilding, 32
relationship with peacebuilding, 25–26
self-help groups, 31
traumatic reactions over time, 28–29
types of traumatic events, 27–28
PTSD. See Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Rape, 149–150, 155, 265, 267
Reconciliación en Chile
, 215–216
community, 77
interpersonal, 73–74
parental, 70–72
and peace in Chile, 215–216
processes, 75–76, 146
requirements for, 146
school-based, 72–73
truth and, 57–58
youth and, 70, 72–73
Reconciliation groups, 73
Refugee crisis, 37–38
Relationship, leader follower, 51–52
Reparations, 263
for conflict-related sexual violence, 267–268
Restorative Justice model, 19
Roman catholic church, 40–43
Rwanda, case study
findings, 69
methodology, 69
parental reconciliation, 70–72
recommendations for policy and practice, 73–74
youth’s understanding of reconciliation, 70
Rwandan youth, 76
SAGEN. See Southern African Gender and Sustainable Energy Network (SAGEN)
Sarajevo, 148–149
SCORE. See Social Cohesion and Reconciliation Index (SCORE)
Secondary traumatization, 32
Self-help groups, 31
SER. See Socio-emotional reconciliation (SER)
Serbs, 193–194
Sexual abuse, 38–40, 42
Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), 265, 266, 268, 269–270
SGBV. See Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV)
Slave trade, 12
Slit-throated case, 215
Social Cohesion and Reconciliation Index (SCORE), 146
Social enterprise, 121–122
31 BITS, 122–124
Social justice, 55–56, 182–183
perception of, 289
in South Africa, 85–87, 89–94
Social movement theory, 266–267
Socio-emotional reconciliation (SER), 68–69
, 213
Solidarity, 267
lights of, 211–214
Vicariate of, 210–211
South Africa, 13
social justice, 85–87, 89–94
Southern African Gender and Sustainable Energy Network (SAGEN), 172
SPE. See Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE)
Srebrenica genocide, 148
Sri Lanka, 103–110
Stakeholder engagement process, 288–289
Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE), 198
State legal obligation, 101–103
Stepping up and stepping back, 54–57
Stigmatization, 264, 265–266
Survivors’ Reparations Initiative, 272–273
31 Bits
, 122–124
Time’s UpTM movements, 235–237
Toxic leadership, 180–184
Transformational leadership, 127
diversity, 182–183
honesty and integrity, 183–184
inclusion, 182–183
social justice, 182–183
from toxicity to, 184–187
Transgenerational transmission, 27
Transitional justice, 218, 266
Traumatic events, consequences of
general consequences, 29
physical consequences, 30
psychological consequences, 29–30
reactions to trauma, 30–31
societal consequences, 30
Traumatic events, types, 27–28
Traumatic reactions, 26
definition, 26
levels, 27
narratives, 27
reactions over time, 28–29
types of, 27–28
TRC. See Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)
Truth and Reconciliation, 57–58, 83–84
Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), 3–4, 13, 50
Tutsi, 68
Ubuntu, 246
philosophy, 85–86
Ubwiyunge (reconnection), 68–69
Uganda Women’s Coalition for Peace (UWCP), 124–125
Union General Sherman’s Special Field Order, 13–14
Unique corporate culture, 284–285
United Nations, 149
United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), 102
United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHCR), 272
United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCR), 102–103
Unity Coalition (UP), 208
UNHCR. See United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHCR)
UNSCR. See United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCR)
UNSCR 1325, 102–103
UWCP. See Uganda Women’s Coalition for Peace (UWCP)
Vicariate of Solidarity, 207
Victims, 54, 57–59
war surviving, 149–151
women, 145–146
women war, 152
Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action (VDPA), 102
War crimes, 149, 150
WDOs. See Women Development Officers (WDOs)
White allies, 18
in Brazil, family farming practices, 169
building peace in Uganda, 124–126
economic empowerment, 118
feminist theorists, 111
Global Survivor Network, 270–271
human rights, 153
of Kenya, sustainable energy and climate change regime, 171–172
leaders and followers, 126–127
and leadership, 100–101, 109
in leadership, 230–231
leadership in local and transnational level, 165
mixed ethnic groups of, 151
participation in decision-making, 100, 102–103, 109, 110–111
and peace, 119–121
in peacebuilding, 119–120, 122, 123–124, 125–126, 229–230, 266
peacemakers, 228–229
as peacemakers, 145–146
in Peru, addressing El Niño effects, 169
post-conflict situations, 118, 119–120
right to equality, 101–103
rural, 170
Sri Lankan experience, 103–110
Women Citizens for Constitutional Reform, 144–145
Women Development Officers (WDOs), 109
Women Enterprise Fund, 172
Women’s Network BIH, 144–145
Women’s PeaceMakers, 227–229, 231, 232–233
Women’s right to equality, 101–103
Women’s Rural Development Societies (WRDSs), 109
WRDSs. See Women’s Rural Development Societies (WRDSs)
Youth and reconciliation, 70, 72–73
Cameron, David, 180
Capability, 285–286
Capacity, 285–286
Cardinal Raúl Silva Henríquez, 210, 211–212, 214, 215–216
Caso Degollados (Slit-throated Case), 215
Caucasian descendants, 14–15
CCAK. See Clean Cook Stoves Association of Kenya (CCAK)
CEDAW. See Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)
The Centre for Andean Advancement and Development (CEPRODA MINGA), 169
CEPRODA MINGA. See The Centre for Andean Advancement and Development (CEPRODA MINGA)
Chetniks, 199–200
Chile, 207
Civil Rights Movement, 13–14
Civil society, women-created, 153
Civil War, 13–14
Clean Cook Stoves Association of Kenya (CCAK), 171
Climate change, 27, 37–39, 45–46, 162
Climate change policy, 165
Climate regime
family farming practices, 169–170
Kenyan women to sustainable energy and, 171–172
lack of women participation in, 163–164
women in El Niño effects, 169
women leadership intervention in, 165–172
Clinton, President, 148–149
Cold War, 2, 208
Collective action, mobilizing, 259
Coming to the Table (CTTT), 15
key principles, 15, 16
Communities, 233–234
Competency, 285–286
Confederation of Copper Workers, 213
Conflict management in extractive industries, 279
Conflict-related sexual violence, 265–266
impact of reparations, 268–270
survivors of, 267–268
Conflict resolution, 289–290
Consistency, 285–286
Consultation task force (CTF), 104–105
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), 102
Cooperative inquiry (CI), 54–55
Courageous followers, 43–45
Crimes against humanity, 216
CTF. See Consultation task force (CTF)
CTTT. See Coming to the Table (CTTT)
CTTT movement, 17
CWWPP, 24–25
DAQ. See Deductive qualitative analysis (DAQ)
Dayton Accord, 144–145
Deceased victims, 148–149
Decoloniality, 1–2, 4–5, 6
Decolonization, 2, 4–5
Decolonizing of leadership theory, 5
Deductive qualitative analysis (DAQ), 232–233
Dehumanization, 198
Diversity, 182–183
Emotional intelligence, 248
ENERGIA. See Global Network on Gender and Sustainable Energy (ENERGIA)
Environment, 234–235
Epistemicide, 2
Ethnic cleansing, 149, 150
Ethnic conflict, 145
European-American dynamics, 11–12
European Court of Human Rights, 151
European Union, 151
Fair-trade artisan-based partnerships, 119–120
Federal Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia, 25
Feminist theory, 162
Forests, 171
For Those Who Can Tell No Tales
, 150
Freedman’s Bureau Act, 13–14
Fridays for Future, 64–65
Gender equality, 120–121, 126–127
General Framework Agreement (GFA), 144–145
Genocide, 68, 69, 70–71, 74, 148
GFA. See General Framework Agreement (GFA)
Global Economic Crisis, 178–179
Global Network on Gender and Sustainable Energy (ENERGIA), 172
Global North (GN), 2
Global Reparations Fund, 271–272
Global South (GS), 2
Global Survivor Network, 264–265, 270–271
Gori Vatra
, 148–149
Government of Republika Srpska, 148
Gravica: Land of My Dreams
, 150
Habeas Corpus, 211–212
Hilberg’s triage, 197
Holding environment
psychological origins, 52–53
TRC as, 58–59
Hollander, Edwin, 5
HSRC. See Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC)
Human rights
of deceased victims, 148–149
of marginalized groups, 152–153
of minorities, 151–152
of surviving victims of the war, 149–151
violations, 211–212
of women, 153
Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), 83, 91–92
ILA. See International Leadership Association (ILA)
Immigration, 178–179
bring people together, 258–259
create platforms for storytelling, 259
mobilize collective action, 259
Inclusion, 182–183
Indonesia and local communities, 280–282
Innerwork, 233, 237
Instrumental reconciliation (IR), 68–69, 70
Integral Perspective of Peace Leadership (IPPL), 232–233
Intelligent disobedience, 77, 201, 203
Interdependent leadership, 248
International climate regime, 163–164
International Court of Justice, 148
International Criminal Court, 148
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, 148, 149
International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism, 4–5
International Law, 168, 172
International Leadership Association (ILA), 83, 230–231
Interracial healing process, 11–12
IPPL. See Integral Perspective of Peace Leadership (IPPL)
IR. See Instrumental reconciliation (IR)
It Cannot Last Forever
, 148–149
Junta de Gobierno, 208–209, 211–212, 215
Kant, 4–5
Kenya Women Finance Trust, 172
Knowledge, 234
Kubana (coexistence), 68–69
Leaders and followers, 126–127, 147–148, 180–184, 286–290
Leadership, 49–52
African language of, 246–248
in local and transnational level, 165
role of women in, 230–231
social movement theory, 266–267
traits, 165–168
Leadership and followership, 194
Leadership theory, 248–249
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), 103–104
Liminal space, 146–147
Lincoln Memorial, 15
Local farming, 169–170
LTTE. See Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)
Marginalized groups, human rights, 152–153
Martin Luther King Jr’s, 15
Marxism, 209
Medical Examination Group (MEG), 24–25
Mesa de Diálogo
, 218
Me Too movements, 235–237
Micro-aggression, 17–18
Micro-messaging, 17–18
Milgram Experiment, 197–198, 200
Military power, 208–210
Mindset, the-right-and-the-good-based, 289
Minorities human rights, 151–152
Moral courage, 196, 198–199, 200–201
Moral obedience, 200–201, 202, 203
Mothers of Srebrenica, 144–145, 148
NAACP. See National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
Nairobi Declaration, 269, 274
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 13–14
National Education Policy Investigation (NEPI), 87
National Health Service, 178–179
National Intelligence Center (CNI), 209
National Intelligence Directorate (DINA), 209
National Plan for Higher Education (NPHE), 87
National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture (PRONAF), 170
National reconciliation, 215–216
National Unity and Reconciliation Commission (NURC), 68
Natural resources conflicts, 284
Needs-based model, 68–69
Nelson Mandela, 13
Neoliberal globalization, 2
NEPI. See National Education Policy Investigation (NEPI)
NGOs. See Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 144–145, 281–282
NPHE. See National Plan for Higher Education (NPHE)
NURC. See National Unity and Reconciliation Commission (NURC)
OXFAM. See Oxford Committee for Famine Relief (OXFAM)
Oxford Committee for Famine Relief (OXFAM), 169
Pan-African community
assembly/townhalls, 252–253
check-ins, 249–250
collections for colleagues/Harambee
, 256
departures/praise singing, 256–257
gratitude/washing hands, 253–254
gratitude waterfall, 254
my story, 251–252
Taalaw/opening ceremony, 250–251
truth and reconciliation, 255–256
and reconciliation in Chile, 215–216
Peacebuilding, 266
psychological trauma and, 25–26
relationship to, 32
role of women in, 229–230
women, 119–120, 122, 123–124, 125–126, 266
Peace education, 90
Peace leadership, 228–229, 231–232, 234–235, 237
Perceived social justice, 279
Perpetual peace, 4–5
Pinochet, Augusto, 208–209, 210
Pope Francis, 37–40, 45–46
Post-conflict peacebuilding processes, 110–111
Post-conflict peace operations, 110
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 26
Pragmatic Empowerment Training (PET), 25, 31
Prelude, 24–25
Program of Reparation and Comprehensive Health Care (PRAIS), 218
PRONAF. See National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture (PRONAF)
Pro-Peace Committee, 216
Psychological traumatization
consequences of narratives, 29–31
consequences of traumatic events, 29–31
definition, 26
levels, 27
narratives, 27
pragmatic empowerment training, 31
prelude, 24–25
relationship to peacebuilding, 32
relationship with peacebuilding, 25–26
self-help groups, 31
traumatic reactions over time, 28–29
types of traumatic events, 27–28
PTSD. See Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Rape, 149–150, 155, 265, 267
Reconciliación en Chile
, 215–216
community, 77
interpersonal, 73–74
parental, 70–72
and peace in Chile, 215–216
processes, 75–76, 146
requirements for, 146
school-based, 72–73
truth and, 57–58
youth and, 70, 72–73
Reconciliation groups, 73
Refugee crisis, 37–38
Relationship, leader follower, 51–52
Reparations, 263
for conflict-related sexual violence, 267–268
Restorative Justice model, 19
Roman catholic church, 40–43
Rwanda, case study
findings, 69
methodology, 69
parental reconciliation, 70–72
recommendations for policy and practice, 73–74
youth’s understanding of reconciliation, 70
Rwandan youth, 76
SAGEN. See Southern African Gender and Sustainable Energy Network (SAGEN)
Sarajevo, 148–149
SCORE. See Social Cohesion and Reconciliation Index (SCORE)
Secondary traumatization, 32
Self-help groups, 31
SER. See Socio-emotional reconciliation (SER)
Serbs, 193–194
Sexual abuse, 38–40, 42
Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), 265, 266, 268, 269–270
SGBV. See Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV)
Slave trade, 12
Slit-throated case, 215
Social Cohesion and Reconciliation Index (SCORE), 146
Social enterprise, 121–122
31 BITS, 122–124
Social justice, 55–56, 182–183
perception of, 289
in South Africa, 85–87, 89–94
Social movement theory, 266–267
Socio-emotional reconciliation (SER), 68–69
, 213
Solidarity, 267
lights of, 211–214
Vicariate of, 210–211
South Africa, 13
social justice, 85–87, 89–94
Southern African Gender and Sustainable Energy Network (SAGEN), 172
SPE. See Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE)
Srebrenica genocide, 148
Sri Lanka, 103–110
Stakeholder engagement process, 288–289
Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE), 198
State legal obligation, 101–103
Stepping up and stepping back, 54–57
Stigmatization, 264, 265–266
Survivors’ Reparations Initiative, 272–273
31 Bits
, 122–124
Time’s UpTM movements, 235–237
Toxic leadership, 180–184
Transformational leadership, 127
diversity, 182–183
honesty and integrity, 183–184
inclusion, 182–183
social justice, 182–183
from toxicity to, 184–187
Transgenerational transmission, 27
Transitional justice, 218, 266
Traumatic events, consequences of
general consequences, 29
physical consequences, 30
psychological consequences, 29–30
reactions to trauma, 30–31
societal consequences, 30
Traumatic events, types, 27–28
Traumatic reactions, 26
definition, 26
levels, 27
narratives, 27
reactions over time, 28–29
types of, 27–28
TRC. See Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)
Truth and Reconciliation, 57–58, 83–84
Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), 3–4, 13, 50
Tutsi, 68
Ubuntu, 246
philosophy, 85–86
Ubwiyunge (reconnection), 68–69
Uganda Women’s Coalition for Peace (UWCP), 124–125
Union General Sherman’s Special Field Order, 13–14
Unique corporate culture, 284–285
United Nations, 149
United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), 102
United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHCR), 272
United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCR), 102–103
Unity Coalition (UP), 208
UNHCR. See United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHCR)
UNSCR. See United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCR)
UNSCR 1325, 102–103
UWCP. See Uganda Women’s Coalition for Peace (UWCP)
Vicariate of Solidarity, 207
Victims, 54, 57–59
war surviving, 149–151
women, 145–146
women war, 152
Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action (VDPA), 102
War crimes, 149, 150
WDOs. See Women Development Officers (WDOs)
White allies, 18
in Brazil, family farming practices, 169
building peace in Uganda, 124–126
economic empowerment, 118
feminist theorists, 111
Global Survivor Network, 270–271
human rights, 153
of Kenya, sustainable energy and climate change regime, 171–172
leaders and followers, 126–127
and leadership, 100–101, 109
in leadership, 230–231
leadership in local and transnational level, 165
mixed ethnic groups of, 151
participation in decision-making, 100, 102–103, 109, 110–111
and peace, 119–121
in peacebuilding, 119–120, 122, 123–124, 125–126, 229–230, 266
peacemakers, 228–229
as peacemakers, 145–146
in Peru, addressing El Niño effects, 169
post-conflict situations, 118, 119–120
right to equality, 101–103
rural, 170
Sri Lankan experience, 103–110
Women Citizens for Constitutional Reform, 144–145
Women Development Officers (WDOs), 109
Women Enterprise Fund, 172
Women’s Network BIH, 144–145
Women’s PeaceMakers, 227–229, 231, 232–233
Women’s right to equality, 101–103
Women’s Rural Development Societies (WRDSs), 109
WRDSs. See Women’s Rural Development Societies (WRDSs)
Youth and reconciliation, 70, 72–73
Emotional intelligence, 248
ENERGIA. See Global Network on Gender and Sustainable Energy (ENERGIA)
Environment, 234–235
Epistemicide, 2
Ethnic cleansing, 149, 150
Ethnic conflict, 145
European-American dynamics, 11–12
European Court of Human Rights, 151
European Union, 151
Fair-trade artisan-based partnerships, 119–120
Federal Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia, 25
Feminist theory, 162
Forests, 171
For Those Who Can Tell No Tales
, 150
Freedman’s Bureau Act, 13–14
Fridays for Future, 64–65
Gender equality, 120–121, 126–127
General Framework Agreement (GFA), 144–145
Genocide, 68, 69, 70–71, 74, 148
GFA. See General Framework Agreement (GFA)
Global Economic Crisis, 178–179
Global Network on Gender and Sustainable Energy (ENERGIA), 172
Global North (GN), 2
Global Reparations Fund, 271–272
Global South (GS), 2
Global Survivor Network, 264–265, 270–271
Gori Vatra
, 148–149
Government of Republika Srpska, 148
Gravica: Land of My Dreams
, 150
Habeas Corpus, 211–212
Hilberg’s triage, 197
Holding environment
psychological origins, 52–53
TRC as, 58–59
Hollander, Edwin, 5
HSRC. See Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC)
Human rights
of deceased victims, 148–149
of marginalized groups, 152–153
of minorities, 151–152
of surviving victims of the war, 149–151
violations, 211–212
of women, 153
Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), 83, 91–92
ILA. See International Leadership Association (ILA)
Immigration, 178–179
bring people together, 258–259
create platforms for storytelling, 259
mobilize collective action, 259
Inclusion, 182–183
Indonesia and local communities, 280–282
Innerwork, 233, 237
Instrumental reconciliation (IR), 68–69, 70
Integral Perspective of Peace Leadership (IPPL), 232–233
Intelligent disobedience, 77, 201, 203
Interdependent leadership, 248
International climate regime, 163–164
International Court of Justice, 148
International Criminal Court, 148
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, 148, 149
International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism, 4–5
International Law, 168, 172
International Leadership Association (ILA), 83, 230–231
Interracial healing process, 11–12
IPPL. See Integral Perspective of Peace Leadership (IPPL)
IR. See Instrumental reconciliation (IR)
It Cannot Last Forever
, 148–149
Junta de Gobierno, 208–209, 211–212, 215
Kant, 4–5
Kenya Women Finance Trust, 172
Knowledge, 234
Kubana (coexistence), 68–69
Leaders and followers, 126–127, 147–148, 180–184, 286–290
Leadership, 49–52
African language of, 246–248
in local and transnational level, 165
role of women in, 230–231
social movement theory, 266–267
traits, 165–168
Leadership and followership, 194
Leadership theory, 248–249
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), 103–104
Liminal space, 146–147
Lincoln Memorial, 15
Local farming, 169–170
LTTE. See Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)
Marginalized groups, human rights, 152–153
Martin Luther King Jr’s, 15
Marxism, 209
Medical Examination Group (MEG), 24–25
Mesa de Diálogo
, 218
Me Too movements, 235–237
Micro-aggression, 17–18
Micro-messaging, 17–18
Milgram Experiment, 197–198, 200
Military power, 208–210
Mindset, the-right-and-the-good-based, 289
Minorities human rights, 151–152
Moral courage, 196, 198–199, 200–201
Moral obedience, 200–201, 202, 203
Mothers of Srebrenica, 144–145, 148
NAACP. See National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
Nairobi Declaration, 269, 274
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 13–14
National Education Policy Investigation (NEPI), 87
National Health Service, 178–179
National Intelligence Center (CNI), 209
National Intelligence Directorate (DINA), 209
National Plan for Higher Education (NPHE), 87
National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture (PRONAF), 170
National reconciliation, 215–216
National Unity and Reconciliation Commission (NURC), 68
Natural resources conflicts, 284
Needs-based model, 68–69
Nelson Mandela, 13
Neoliberal globalization, 2
NEPI. See National Education Policy Investigation (NEPI)
NGOs. See Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 144–145, 281–282
NPHE. See National Plan for Higher Education (NPHE)
NURC. See National Unity and Reconciliation Commission (NURC)
OXFAM. See Oxford Committee for Famine Relief (OXFAM)
Oxford Committee for Famine Relief (OXFAM), 169
Pan-African community
assembly/townhalls, 252–253
check-ins, 249–250
collections for colleagues/Harambee
, 256
departures/praise singing, 256–257
gratitude/washing hands, 253–254
gratitude waterfall, 254
my story, 251–252
Taalaw/opening ceremony, 250–251
truth and reconciliation, 255–256
and reconciliation in Chile, 215–216
Peacebuilding, 266
psychological trauma and, 25–26
relationship to, 32
role of women in, 229–230
women, 119–120, 122, 123–124, 125–126, 266
Peace education, 90
Peace leadership, 228–229, 231–232, 234–235, 237
Perceived social justice, 279
Perpetual peace, 4–5
Pinochet, Augusto, 208–209, 210
Pope Francis, 37–40, 45–46
Post-conflict peacebuilding processes, 110–111
Post-conflict peace operations, 110
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 26
Pragmatic Empowerment Training (PET), 25, 31
Prelude, 24–25
Program of Reparation and Comprehensive Health Care (PRAIS), 218
PRONAF. See National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture (PRONAF)
Pro-Peace Committee, 216
Psychological traumatization
consequences of narratives, 29–31
consequences of traumatic events, 29–31
definition, 26
levels, 27
narratives, 27
pragmatic empowerment training, 31
prelude, 24–25
relationship to peacebuilding, 32
relationship with peacebuilding, 25–26
self-help groups, 31
traumatic reactions over time, 28–29
types of traumatic events, 27–28
PTSD. See Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Rape, 149–150, 155, 265, 267
Reconciliación en Chile
, 215–216
community, 77
interpersonal, 73–74
parental, 70–72
and peace in Chile, 215–216
processes, 75–76, 146
requirements for, 146
school-based, 72–73
truth and, 57–58
youth and, 70, 72–73
Reconciliation groups, 73
Refugee crisis, 37–38
Relationship, leader follower, 51–52
Reparations, 263
for conflict-related sexual violence, 267–268
Restorative Justice model, 19
Roman catholic church, 40–43
Rwanda, case study
findings, 69
methodology, 69
parental reconciliation, 70–72
recommendations for policy and practice, 73–74
youth’s understanding of reconciliation, 70
Rwandan youth, 76
SAGEN. See Southern African Gender and Sustainable Energy Network (SAGEN)
Sarajevo, 148–149
SCORE. See Social Cohesion and Reconciliation Index (SCORE)
Secondary traumatization, 32
Self-help groups, 31
SER. See Socio-emotional reconciliation (SER)
Serbs, 193–194
Sexual abuse, 38–40, 42
Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), 265, 266, 268, 269–270
SGBV. See Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV)
Slave trade, 12
Slit-throated case, 215
Social Cohesion and Reconciliation Index (SCORE), 146
Social enterprise, 121–122
31 BITS, 122–124
Social justice, 55–56, 182–183
perception of, 289
in South Africa, 85–87, 89–94
Social movement theory, 266–267
Socio-emotional reconciliation (SER), 68–69
, 213
Solidarity, 267
lights of, 211–214
Vicariate of, 210–211
South Africa, 13
social justice, 85–87, 89–94
Southern African Gender and Sustainable Energy Network (SAGEN), 172
SPE. See Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE)
Srebrenica genocide, 148
Sri Lanka, 103–110
Stakeholder engagement process, 288–289
Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE), 198
State legal obligation, 101–103
Stepping up and stepping back, 54–57
Stigmatization, 264, 265–266
Survivors’ Reparations Initiative, 272–273
31 Bits
, 122–124
Time’s UpTM movements, 235–237
Toxic leadership, 180–184
Transformational leadership, 127
diversity, 182–183
honesty and integrity, 183–184
inclusion, 182–183
social justice, 182–183
from toxicity to, 184–187
Transgenerational transmission, 27
Transitional justice, 218, 266
Traumatic events, consequences of
general consequences, 29
physical consequences, 30
psychological consequences, 29–30
reactions to trauma, 30–31
societal consequences, 30
Traumatic events, types, 27–28
Traumatic reactions, 26
definition, 26
levels, 27
narratives, 27
reactions over time, 28–29
types of, 27–28
TRC. See Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)
Truth and Reconciliation, 57–58, 83–84
Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), 3–4, 13, 50
Tutsi, 68
Ubuntu, 246
philosophy, 85–86
Ubwiyunge (reconnection), 68–69
Uganda Women’s Coalition for Peace (UWCP), 124–125
Union General Sherman’s Special Field Order, 13–14
Unique corporate culture, 284–285
United Nations, 149
United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), 102
United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHCR), 272
United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCR), 102–103
Unity Coalition (UP), 208
UNHCR. See United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHCR)
UNSCR. See United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCR)
UNSCR 1325, 102–103
UWCP. See Uganda Women’s Coalition for Peace (UWCP)
Vicariate of Solidarity, 207
Victims, 54, 57–59
war surviving, 149–151
women, 145–146
women war, 152
Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action (VDPA), 102
War crimes, 149, 150
WDOs. See Women Development Officers (WDOs)
White allies, 18
in Brazil, family farming practices, 169
building peace in Uganda, 124–126
economic empowerment, 118
feminist theorists, 111
Global Survivor Network, 270–271
human rights, 153
of Kenya, sustainable energy and climate change regime, 171–172
leaders and followers, 126–127
and leadership, 100–101, 109
in leadership, 230–231
leadership in local and transnational level, 165
mixed ethnic groups of, 151
participation in decision-making, 100, 102–103, 109, 110–111
and peace, 119–121
in peacebuilding, 119–120, 122, 123–124, 125–126, 229–230, 266
peacemakers, 228–229
as peacemakers, 145–146
in Peru, addressing El Niño effects, 169
post-conflict situations, 118, 119–120
right to equality, 101–103
rural, 170
Sri Lankan experience, 103–110
Women Citizens for Constitutional Reform, 144–145
Women Development Officers (WDOs), 109
Women Enterprise Fund, 172
Women’s Network BIH, 144–145
Women’s PeaceMakers, 227–229, 231, 232–233
Women’s right to equality, 101–103
Women’s Rural Development Societies (WRDSs), 109
WRDSs. See Women’s Rural Development Societies (WRDSs)
Youth and reconciliation, 70, 72–73
Gender equality, 120–121, 126–127
General Framework Agreement (GFA), 144–145
Genocide, 68, 69, 70–71, 74, 148
GFA. See General Framework Agreement (GFA)
Global Economic Crisis, 178–179
Global Network on Gender and Sustainable Energy (ENERGIA), 172
Global North (GN), 2
Global Reparations Fund, 271–272
Global South (GS), 2
Global Survivor Network, 264–265, 270–271
Gori Vatra
, 148–149
Government of Republika Srpska, 148
Gravica: Land of My Dreams
, 150
Habeas Corpus, 211–212
Hilberg’s triage, 197
Holding environment
psychological origins, 52–53
TRC as, 58–59
Hollander, Edwin, 5
HSRC. See Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC)
Human rights
of deceased victims, 148–149
of marginalized groups, 152–153
of minorities, 151–152
of surviving victims of the war, 149–151
violations, 211–212
of women, 153
Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), 83, 91–92
ILA. See International Leadership Association (ILA)
Immigration, 178–179
bring people together, 258–259
create platforms for storytelling, 259
mobilize collective action, 259
Inclusion, 182–183
Indonesia and local communities, 280–282
Innerwork, 233, 237
Instrumental reconciliation (IR), 68–69, 70
Integral Perspective of Peace Leadership (IPPL), 232–233
Intelligent disobedience, 77, 201, 203
Interdependent leadership, 248
International climate regime, 163–164
International Court of Justice, 148
International Criminal Court, 148
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, 148, 149
International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism, 4–5
International Law, 168, 172
International Leadership Association (ILA), 83, 230–231
Interracial healing process, 11–12
IPPL. See Integral Perspective of Peace Leadership (IPPL)
IR. See Instrumental reconciliation (IR)
It Cannot Last Forever
, 148–149
Junta de Gobierno, 208–209, 211–212, 215
Kant, 4–5
Kenya Women Finance Trust, 172
Knowledge, 234
Kubana (coexistence), 68–69
Leaders and followers, 126–127, 147–148, 180–184, 286–290
Leadership, 49–52
African language of, 246–248
in local and transnational level, 165
role of women in, 230–231
social movement theory, 266–267
traits, 165–168
Leadership and followership, 194
Leadership theory, 248–249
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), 103–104
Liminal space, 146–147
Lincoln Memorial, 15
Local farming, 169–170
LTTE. See Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)
Marginalized groups, human rights, 152–153
Martin Luther King Jr’s, 15
Marxism, 209
Medical Examination Group (MEG), 24–25
Mesa de Diálogo
, 218
Me Too movements, 235–237
Micro-aggression, 17–18
Micro-messaging, 17–18
Milgram Experiment, 197–198, 200
Military power, 208–210
Mindset, the-right-and-the-good-based, 289
Minorities human rights, 151–152
Moral courage, 196, 198–199, 200–201
Moral obedience, 200–201, 202, 203
Mothers of Srebrenica, 144–145, 148
NAACP. See National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
Nairobi Declaration, 269, 274
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 13–14
National Education Policy Investigation (NEPI), 87
National Health Service, 178–179
National Intelligence Center (CNI), 209
National Intelligence Directorate (DINA), 209
National Plan for Higher Education (NPHE), 87
National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture (PRONAF), 170
National reconciliation, 215–216
National Unity and Reconciliation Commission (NURC), 68
Natural resources conflicts, 284
Needs-based model, 68–69
Nelson Mandela, 13
Neoliberal globalization, 2
NEPI. See National Education Policy Investigation (NEPI)
NGOs. See Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 144–145, 281–282
NPHE. See National Plan for Higher Education (NPHE)
NURC. See National Unity and Reconciliation Commission (NURC)
OXFAM. See Oxford Committee for Famine Relief (OXFAM)
Oxford Committee for Famine Relief (OXFAM), 169
Pan-African community
assembly/townhalls, 252–253
check-ins, 249–250
collections for colleagues/Harambee
, 256
departures/praise singing, 256–257
gratitude/washing hands, 253–254
gratitude waterfall, 254
my story, 251–252
Taalaw/opening ceremony, 250–251
truth and reconciliation, 255–256
and reconciliation in Chile, 215–216
Peacebuilding, 266
psychological trauma and, 25–26
relationship to, 32
role of women in, 229–230
women, 119–120, 122, 123–124, 125–126, 266
Peace education, 90
Peace leadership, 228–229, 231–232, 234–235, 237
Perceived social justice, 279
Perpetual peace, 4–5
Pinochet, Augusto, 208–209, 210
Pope Francis, 37–40, 45–46
Post-conflict peacebuilding processes, 110–111
Post-conflict peace operations, 110
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 26
Pragmatic Empowerment Training (PET), 25, 31
Prelude, 24–25
Program of Reparation and Comprehensive Health Care (PRAIS), 218
PRONAF. See National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture (PRONAF)
Pro-Peace Committee, 216
Psychological traumatization
consequences of narratives, 29–31
consequences of traumatic events, 29–31
definition, 26
levels, 27
narratives, 27
pragmatic empowerment training, 31
prelude, 24–25
relationship to peacebuilding, 32
relationship with peacebuilding, 25–26
self-help groups, 31
traumatic reactions over time, 28–29
types of traumatic events, 27–28
PTSD. See Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Rape, 149–150, 155, 265, 267
Reconciliación en Chile
, 215–216
community, 77
interpersonal, 73–74
parental, 70–72
and peace in Chile, 215–216
processes, 75–76, 146
requirements for, 146
school-based, 72–73
truth and, 57–58
youth and, 70, 72–73
Reconciliation groups, 73
Refugee crisis, 37–38
Relationship, leader follower, 51–52
Reparations, 263
for conflict-related sexual violence, 267–268
Restorative Justice model, 19
Roman catholic church, 40–43
Rwanda, case study
findings, 69
methodology, 69
parental reconciliation, 70–72
recommendations for policy and practice, 73–74
youth’s understanding of reconciliation, 70
Rwandan youth, 76
SAGEN. See Southern African Gender and Sustainable Energy Network (SAGEN)
Sarajevo, 148–149
SCORE. See Social Cohesion and Reconciliation Index (SCORE)
Secondary traumatization, 32
Self-help groups, 31
SER. See Socio-emotional reconciliation (SER)
Serbs, 193–194
Sexual abuse, 38–40, 42
Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), 265, 266, 268, 269–270
SGBV. See Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV)
Slave trade, 12
Slit-throated case, 215
Social Cohesion and Reconciliation Index (SCORE), 146
Social enterprise, 121–122
31 BITS, 122–124
Social justice, 55–56, 182–183
perception of, 289
in South Africa, 85–87, 89–94
Social movement theory, 266–267
Socio-emotional reconciliation (SER), 68–69
, 213
Solidarity, 267
lights of, 211–214
Vicariate of, 210–211
South Africa, 13
social justice, 85–87, 89–94
Southern African Gender and Sustainable Energy Network (SAGEN), 172
SPE. See Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE)
Srebrenica genocide, 148
Sri Lanka, 103–110
Stakeholder engagement process, 288–289
Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE), 198
State legal obligation, 101–103
Stepping up and stepping back, 54–57
Stigmatization, 264, 265–266
Survivors’ Reparations Initiative, 272–273
31 Bits
, 122–124
Time’s UpTM movements, 235–237
Toxic leadership, 180–184
Transformational leadership, 127
diversity, 182–183
honesty and integrity, 183–184
inclusion, 182–183
social justice, 182–183
from toxicity to, 184–187
Transgenerational transmission, 27
Transitional justice, 218, 266
Traumatic events, consequences of
general consequences, 29
physical consequences, 30
psychological consequences, 29–30
reactions to trauma, 30–31
societal consequences, 30
Traumatic events, types, 27–28
Traumatic reactions, 26
definition, 26
levels, 27
narratives, 27
reactions over time, 28–29
types of, 27–28
TRC. See Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)
Truth and Reconciliation, 57–58, 83–84
Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), 3–4, 13, 50
Tutsi, 68
Ubuntu, 246
philosophy, 85–86
Ubwiyunge (reconnection), 68–69
Uganda Women’s Coalition for Peace (UWCP), 124–125
Union General Sherman’s Special Field Order, 13–14
Unique corporate culture, 284–285
United Nations, 149
United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), 102
United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHCR), 272
United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCR), 102–103
Unity Coalition (UP), 208
UNHCR. See United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHCR)
UNSCR. See United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCR)
UNSCR 1325, 102–103
UWCP. See Uganda Women’s Coalition for Peace (UWCP)
Vicariate of Solidarity, 207
Victims, 54, 57–59
war surviving, 149–151
women, 145–146
women war, 152
Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action (VDPA), 102
War crimes, 149, 150
WDOs. See Women Development Officers (WDOs)
White allies, 18
in Brazil, family farming practices, 169
building peace in Uganda, 124–126
economic empowerment, 118
feminist theorists, 111
Global Survivor Network, 270–271
human rights, 153
of Kenya, sustainable energy and climate change regime, 171–172
leaders and followers, 126–127
and leadership, 100–101, 109
in leadership, 230–231
leadership in local and transnational level, 165
mixed ethnic groups of, 151
participation in decision-making, 100, 102–103, 109, 110–111
and peace, 119–121
in peacebuilding, 119–120, 122, 123–124, 125–126, 229–230, 266
peacemakers, 228–229
as peacemakers, 145–146
in Peru, addressing El Niño effects, 169
post-conflict situations, 118, 119–120
right to equality, 101–103
rural, 170
Sri Lankan experience, 103–110
Women Citizens for Constitutional Reform, 144–145
Women Development Officers (WDOs), 109
Women Enterprise Fund, 172
Women’s Network BIH, 144–145
Women’s PeaceMakers, 227–229, 231, 232–233
Women’s right to equality, 101–103
Women’s Rural Development Societies (WRDSs), 109
WRDSs. See Women’s Rural Development Societies (WRDSs)
Youth and reconciliation, 70, 72–73
ILA. See International Leadership Association (ILA)
Immigration, 178–179
bring people together, 258–259
create platforms for storytelling, 259
mobilize collective action, 259
Inclusion, 182–183
Indonesia and local communities, 280–282
Innerwork, 233, 237
Instrumental reconciliation (IR), 68–69, 70
Integral Perspective of Peace Leadership (IPPL), 232–233
Intelligent disobedience, 77, 201, 203
Interdependent leadership, 248
International climate regime, 163–164
International Court of Justice, 148
International Criminal Court, 148
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, 148, 149
International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism, 4–5
International Law, 168, 172
International Leadership Association (ILA), 83, 230–231
Interracial healing process, 11–12
IPPL. See Integral Perspective of Peace Leadership (IPPL)
IR. See Instrumental reconciliation (IR)
It Cannot Last Forever
, 148–149
Junta de Gobierno, 208–209, 211–212, 215
Kant, 4–5
Kenya Women Finance Trust, 172
Knowledge, 234
Kubana (coexistence), 68–69
Leaders and followers, 126–127, 147–148, 180–184, 286–290
Leadership, 49–52
African language of, 246–248
in local and transnational level, 165
role of women in, 230–231
social movement theory, 266–267
traits, 165–168
Leadership and followership, 194
Leadership theory, 248–249
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), 103–104
Liminal space, 146–147
Lincoln Memorial, 15
Local farming, 169–170
LTTE. See Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)
Marginalized groups, human rights, 152–153
Martin Luther King Jr’s, 15
Marxism, 209
Medical Examination Group (MEG), 24–25
Mesa de Diálogo
, 218
Me Too movements, 235–237
Micro-aggression, 17–18
Micro-messaging, 17–18
Milgram Experiment, 197–198, 200
Military power, 208–210
Mindset, the-right-and-the-good-based, 289
Minorities human rights, 151–152
Moral courage, 196, 198–199, 200–201
Moral obedience, 200–201, 202, 203
Mothers of Srebrenica, 144–145, 148
NAACP. See National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
Nairobi Declaration, 269, 274
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 13–14
National Education Policy Investigation (NEPI), 87
National Health Service, 178–179
National Intelligence Center (CNI), 209
National Intelligence Directorate (DINA), 209
National Plan for Higher Education (NPHE), 87
National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture (PRONAF), 170
National reconciliation, 215–216
National Unity and Reconciliation Commission (NURC), 68
Natural resources conflicts, 284
Needs-based model, 68–69
Nelson Mandela, 13
Neoliberal globalization, 2
NEPI. See National Education Policy Investigation (NEPI)
NGOs. See Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 144–145, 281–282
NPHE. See National Plan for Higher Education (NPHE)
NURC. See National Unity and Reconciliation Commission (NURC)
OXFAM. See Oxford Committee for Famine Relief (OXFAM)
Oxford Committee for Famine Relief (OXFAM), 169
Pan-African community
assembly/townhalls, 252–253
check-ins, 249–250
collections for colleagues/Harambee
, 256
departures/praise singing, 256–257
gratitude/washing hands, 253–254
gratitude waterfall, 254
my story, 251–252
Taalaw/opening ceremony, 250–251
truth and reconciliation, 255–256
and reconciliation in Chile, 215–216
Peacebuilding, 266
psychological trauma and, 25–26
relationship to, 32
role of women in, 229–230
women, 119–120, 122, 123–124, 125–126, 266
Peace education, 90
Peace leadership, 228–229, 231–232, 234–235, 237
Perceived social justice, 279
Perpetual peace, 4–5
Pinochet, Augusto, 208–209, 210
Pope Francis, 37–40, 45–46
Post-conflict peacebuilding processes, 110–111
Post-conflict peace operations, 110
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 26
Pragmatic Empowerment Training (PET), 25, 31
Prelude, 24–25
Program of Reparation and Comprehensive Health Care (PRAIS), 218
PRONAF. See National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture (PRONAF)
Pro-Peace Committee, 216
Psychological traumatization
consequences of narratives, 29–31
consequences of traumatic events, 29–31
definition, 26
levels, 27
narratives, 27
pragmatic empowerment training, 31
prelude, 24–25
relationship to peacebuilding, 32
relationship with peacebuilding, 25–26
self-help groups, 31
traumatic reactions over time, 28–29
types of traumatic events, 27–28
PTSD. See Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Rape, 149–150, 155, 265, 267
Reconciliación en Chile
, 215–216
community, 77
interpersonal, 73–74
parental, 70–72
and peace in Chile, 215–216
processes, 75–76, 146
requirements for, 146
school-based, 72–73
truth and, 57–58
youth and, 70, 72–73
Reconciliation groups, 73
Refugee crisis, 37–38
Relationship, leader follower, 51–52
Reparations, 263
for conflict-related sexual violence, 267–268
Restorative Justice model, 19
Roman catholic church, 40–43
Rwanda, case study
findings, 69
methodology, 69
parental reconciliation, 70–72
recommendations for policy and practice, 73–74
youth’s understanding of reconciliation, 70
Rwandan youth, 76
SAGEN. See Southern African Gender and Sustainable Energy Network (SAGEN)
Sarajevo, 148–149
SCORE. See Social Cohesion and Reconciliation Index (SCORE)
Secondary traumatization, 32
Self-help groups, 31
SER. See Socio-emotional reconciliation (SER)
Serbs, 193–194
Sexual abuse, 38–40, 42
Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), 265, 266, 268, 269–270
SGBV. See Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV)
Slave trade, 12
Slit-throated case, 215
Social Cohesion and Reconciliation Index (SCORE), 146
Social enterprise, 121–122
31 BITS, 122–124
Social justice, 55–56, 182–183
perception of, 289
in South Africa, 85–87, 89–94
Social movement theory, 266–267
Socio-emotional reconciliation (SER), 68–69
, 213
Solidarity, 267
lights of, 211–214
Vicariate of, 210–211
South Africa, 13
social justice, 85–87, 89–94
Southern African Gender and Sustainable Energy Network (SAGEN), 172
SPE. See Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE)
Srebrenica genocide, 148
Sri Lanka, 103–110
Stakeholder engagement process, 288–289
Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE), 198
State legal obligation, 101–103
Stepping up and stepping back, 54–57
Stigmatization, 264, 265–266
Survivors’ Reparations Initiative, 272–273
31 Bits
, 122–124
Time’s UpTM movements, 235–237
Toxic leadership, 180–184
Transformational leadership, 127
diversity, 182–183
honesty and integrity, 183–184
inclusion, 182–183
social justice, 182–183
from toxicity to, 184–187
Transgenerational transmission, 27
Transitional justice, 218, 266
Traumatic events, consequences of
general consequences, 29
physical consequences, 30
psychological consequences, 29–30
reactions to trauma, 30–31
societal consequences, 30
Traumatic events, types, 27–28
Traumatic reactions, 26
definition, 26
levels, 27
narratives, 27
reactions over time, 28–29
types of, 27–28
TRC. See Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)
Truth and Reconciliation, 57–58, 83–84
Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), 3–4, 13, 50
Tutsi, 68
Ubuntu, 246
philosophy, 85–86
Ubwiyunge (reconnection), 68–69
Uganda Women’s Coalition for Peace (UWCP), 124–125
Union General Sherman’s Special Field Order, 13–14
Unique corporate culture, 284–285
United Nations, 149
United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), 102
United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHCR), 272
United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCR), 102–103
Unity Coalition (UP), 208
UNHCR. See United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHCR)
UNSCR. See United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCR)
UNSCR 1325, 102–103
UWCP. See Uganda Women’s Coalition for Peace (UWCP)
Vicariate of Solidarity, 207
Victims, 54, 57–59
war surviving, 149–151
women, 145–146
women war, 152
Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action (VDPA), 102
War crimes, 149, 150
WDOs. See Women Development Officers (WDOs)
White allies, 18
in Brazil, family farming practices, 169
building peace in Uganda, 124–126
economic empowerment, 118
feminist theorists, 111
Global Survivor Network, 270–271
human rights, 153
of Kenya, sustainable energy and climate change regime, 171–172
leaders and followers, 126–127
and leadership, 100–101, 109
in leadership, 230–231
leadership in local and transnational level, 165
mixed ethnic groups of, 151
participation in decision-making, 100, 102–103, 109, 110–111
and peace, 119–121
in peacebuilding, 119–120, 122, 123–124, 125–126, 229–230, 266
peacemakers, 228–229
as peacemakers, 145–146
in Peru, addressing El Niño effects, 169
post-conflict situations, 118, 119–120
right to equality, 101–103
rural, 170
Sri Lankan experience, 103–110
Women Citizens for Constitutional Reform, 144–145
Women Development Officers (WDOs), 109
Women Enterprise Fund, 172
Women’s Network BIH, 144–145
Women’s PeaceMakers, 227–229, 231, 232–233
Women’s right to equality, 101–103
Women’s Rural Development Societies (WRDSs), 109
WRDSs. See Women’s Rural Development Societies (WRDSs)
Youth and reconciliation, 70, 72–73
Kant, 4–5
Kenya Women Finance Trust, 172
Knowledge, 234
Kubana (coexistence), 68–69
Leaders and followers, 126–127, 147–148, 180–184, 286–290
Leadership, 49–52
African language of, 246–248
in local and transnational level, 165
role of women in, 230–231
social movement theory, 266–267
traits, 165–168
Leadership and followership, 194
Leadership theory, 248–249
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), 103–104
Liminal space, 146–147
Lincoln Memorial, 15
Local farming, 169–170
LTTE. See Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)
Marginalized groups, human rights, 152–153
Martin Luther King Jr’s, 15
Marxism, 209
Medical Examination Group (MEG), 24–25
Mesa de Diálogo
, 218
Me Too movements, 235–237
Micro-aggression, 17–18
Micro-messaging, 17–18
Milgram Experiment, 197–198, 200
Military power, 208–210
Mindset, the-right-and-the-good-based, 289
Minorities human rights, 151–152
Moral courage, 196, 198–199, 200–201
Moral obedience, 200–201, 202, 203
Mothers of Srebrenica, 144–145, 148
NAACP. See National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
Nairobi Declaration, 269, 274
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 13–14
National Education Policy Investigation (NEPI), 87
National Health Service, 178–179
National Intelligence Center (CNI), 209
National Intelligence Directorate (DINA), 209
National Plan for Higher Education (NPHE), 87
National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture (PRONAF), 170
National reconciliation, 215–216
National Unity and Reconciliation Commission (NURC), 68
Natural resources conflicts, 284
Needs-based model, 68–69
Nelson Mandela, 13
Neoliberal globalization, 2
NEPI. See National Education Policy Investigation (NEPI)
NGOs. See Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 144–145, 281–282
NPHE. See National Plan for Higher Education (NPHE)
NURC. See National Unity and Reconciliation Commission (NURC)
OXFAM. See Oxford Committee for Famine Relief (OXFAM)
Oxford Committee for Famine Relief (OXFAM), 169
Pan-African community
assembly/townhalls, 252–253
check-ins, 249–250
collections for colleagues/Harambee
, 256
departures/praise singing, 256–257
gratitude/washing hands, 253–254
gratitude waterfall, 254
my story, 251–252
Taalaw/opening ceremony, 250–251
truth and reconciliation, 255–256
and reconciliation in Chile, 215–216
Peacebuilding, 266
psychological trauma and, 25–26
relationship to, 32
role of women in, 229–230
women, 119–120, 122, 123–124, 125–126, 266
Peace education, 90
Peace leadership, 228–229, 231–232, 234–235, 237
Perceived social justice, 279
Perpetual peace, 4–5
Pinochet, Augusto, 208–209, 210
Pope Francis, 37–40, 45–46
Post-conflict peacebuilding processes, 110–111
Post-conflict peace operations, 110
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 26
Pragmatic Empowerment Training (PET), 25, 31
Prelude, 24–25
Program of Reparation and Comprehensive Health Care (PRAIS), 218
PRONAF. See National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture (PRONAF)
Pro-Peace Committee, 216
Psychological traumatization
consequences of narratives, 29–31
consequences of traumatic events, 29–31
definition, 26
levels, 27
narratives, 27
pragmatic empowerment training, 31
prelude, 24–25
relationship to peacebuilding, 32
relationship with peacebuilding, 25–26
self-help groups, 31
traumatic reactions over time, 28–29
types of traumatic events, 27–28
PTSD. See Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Rape, 149–150, 155, 265, 267
Reconciliación en Chile
, 215–216
community, 77
interpersonal, 73–74
parental, 70–72
and peace in Chile, 215–216
processes, 75–76, 146
requirements for, 146
school-based, 72–73
truth and, 57–58
youth and, 70, 72–73
Reconciliation groups, 73
Refugee crisis, 37–38
Relationship, leader follower, 51–52
Reparations, 263
for conflict-related sexual violence, 267–268
Restorative Justice model, 19
Roman catholic church, 40–43
Rwanda, case study
findings, 69
methodology, 69
parental reconciliation, 70–72
recommendations for policy and practice, 73–74
youth’s understanding of reconciliation, 70
Rwandan youth, 76
SAGEN. See Southern African Gender and Sustainable Energy Network (SAGEN)
Sarajevo, 148–149
SCORE. See Social Cohesion and Reconciliation Index (SCORE)
Secondary traumatization, 32
Self-help groups, 31
SER. See Socio-emotional reconciliation (SER)
Serbs, 193–194
Sexual abuse, 38–40, 42
Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), 265, 266, 268, 269–270
SGBV. See Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV)
Slave trade, 12
Slit-throated case, 215
Social Cohesion and Reconciliation Index (SCORE), 146
Social enterprise, 121–122
31 BITS, 122–124
Social justice, 55–56, 182–183
perception of, 289
in South Africa, 85–87, 89–94
Social movement theory, 266–267
Socio-emotional reconciliation (SER), 68–69
, 213
Solidarity, 267
lights of, 211–214
Vicariate of, 210–211
South Africa, 13
social justice, 85–87, 89–94
Southern African Gender and Sustainable Energy Network (SAGEN), 172
SPE. See Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE)
Srebrenica genocide, 148
Sri Lanka, 103–110
Stakeholder engagement process, 288–289
Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE), 198
State legal obligation, 101–103
Stepping up and stepping back, 54–57
Stigmatization, 264, 265–266
Survivors’ Reparations Initiative, 272–273
31 Bits
, 122–124
Time’s UpTM movements, 235–237
Toxic leadership, 180–184
Transformational leadership, 127
diversity, 182–183
honesty and integrity, 183–184
inclusion, 182–183
social justice, 182–183
from toxicity to, 184–187
Transgenerational transmission, 27
Transitional justice, 218, 266
Traumatic events, consequences of
general consequences, 29
physical consequences, 30
psychological consequences, 29–30
reactions to trauma, 30–31
societal consequences, 30
Traumatic events, types, 27–28
Traumatic reactions, 26
definition, 26
levels, 27
narratives, 27
reactions over time, 28–29
types of, 27–28
TRC. See Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)
Truth and Reconciliation, 57–58, 83–84
Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), 3–4, 13, 50
Tutsi, 68
Ubuntu, 246
philosophy, 85–86
Ubwiyunge (reconnection), 68–69
Uganda Women’s Coalition for Peace (UWCP), 124–125
Union General Sherman’s Special Field Order, 13–14
Unique corporate culture, 284–285
United Nations, 149
United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), 102
United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHCR), 272
United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCR), 102–103
Unity Coalition (UP), 208
UNHCR. See United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHCR)
UNSCR. See United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCR)
UNSCR 1325, 102–103
UWCP. See Uganda Women’s Coalition for Peace (UWCP)
Vicariate of Solidarity, 207
Victims, 54, 57–59
war surviving, 149–151
women, 145–146
women war, 152
Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action (VDPA), 102
War crimes, 149, 150
WDOs. See Women Development Officers (WDOs)
White allies, 18
in Brazil, family farming practices, 169
building peace in Uganda, 124–126
economic empowerment, 118
feminist theorists, 111
Global Survivor Network, 270–271
human rights, 153
of Kenya, sustainable energy and climate change regime, 171–172
leaders and followers, 126–127
and leadership, 100–101, 109
in leadership, 230–231
leadership in local and transnational level, 165
mixed ethnic groups of, 151
participation in decision-making, 100, 102–103, 109, 110–111
and peace, 119–121
in peacebuilding, 119–120, 122, 123–124, 125–126, 229–230, 266
peacemakers, 228–229
as peacemakers, 145–146
in Peru, addressing El Niño effects, 169
post-conflict situations, 118, 119–120
right to equality, 101–103
rural, 170
Sri Lankan experience, 103–110
Women Citizens for Constitutional Reform, 144–145
Women Development Officers (WDOs), 109
Women Enterprise Fund, 172
Women’s Network BIH, 144–145
Women’s PeaceMakers, 227–229, 231, 232–233
Women’s right to equality, 101–103
Women’s Rural Development Societies (WRDSs), 109
WRDSs. See Women’s Rural Development Societies (WRDSs)
Youth and reconciliation, 70, 72–73
Marginalized groups, human rights, 152–153
Martin Luther King Jr’s, 15
Marxism, 209
Medical Examination Group (MEG), 24–25
Mesa de Diálogo
, 218
Me Too movements, 235–237
Micro-aggression, 17–18
Micro-messaging, 17–18
Milgram Experiment, 197–198, 200
Military power, 208–210
Mindset, the-right-and-the-good-based, 289
Minorities human rights, 151–152
Moral courage, 196, 198–199, 200–201
Moral obedience, 200–201, 202, 203
Mothers of Srebrenica, 144–145, 148
NAACP. See National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
Nairobi Declaration, 269, 274
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 13–14
National Education Policy Investigation (NEPI), 87
National Health Service, 178–179
National Intelligence Center (CNI), 209
National Intelligence Directorate (DINA), 209
National Plan for Higher Education (NPHE), 87
National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture (PRONAF), 170
National reconciliation, 215–216
National Unity and Reconciliation Commission (NURC), 68
Natural resources conflicts, 284
Needs-based model, 68–69
Nelson Mandela, 13
Neoliberal globalization, 2
NEPI. See National Education Policy Investigation (NEPI)
NGOs. See Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 144–145, 281–282
NPHE. See National Plan for Higher Education (NPHE)
NURC. See National Unity and Reconciliation Commission (NURC)
OXFAM. See Oxford Committee for Famine Relief (OXFAM)
Oxford Committee for Famine Relief (OXFAM), 169
Pan-African community
assembly/townhalls, 252–253
check-ins, 249–250
collections for colleagues/Harambee
, 256
departures/praise singing, 256–257
gratitude/washing hands, 253–254
gratitude waterfall, 254
my story, 251–252
Taalaw/opening ceremony, 250–251
truth and reconciliation, 255–256
and reconciliation in Chile, 215–216
Peacebuilding, 266
psychological trauma and, 25–26
relationship to, 32
role of women in, 229–230
women, 119–120, 122, 123–124, 125–126, 266
Peace education, 90
Peace leadership, 228–229, 231–232, 234–235, 237
Perceived social justice, 279
Perpetual peace, 4–5
Pinochet, Augusto, 208–209, 210
Pope Francis, 37–40, 45–46
Post-conflict peacebuilding processes, 110–111
Post-conflict peace operations, 110
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 26
Pragmatic Empowerment Training (PET), 25, 31
Prelude, 24–25
Program of Reparation and Comprehensive Health Care (PRAIS), 218
PRONAF. See National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture (PRONAF)
Pro-Peace Committee, 216
Psychological traumatization
consequences of narratives, 29–31
consequences of traumatic events, 29–31
definition, 26
levels, 27
narratives, 27
pragmatic empowerment training, 31
prelude, 24–25
relationship to peacebuilding, 32
relationship with peacebuilding, 25–26
self-help groups, 31
traumatic reactions over time, 28–29
types of traumatic events, 27–28
PTSD. See Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Rape, 149–150, 155, 265, 267
Reconciliación en Chile
, 215–216
community, 77
interpersonal, 73–74
parental, 70–72
and peace in Chile, 215–216
processes, 75–76, 146
requirements for, 146
school-based, 72–73
truth and, 57–58
youth and, 70, 72–73
Reconciliation groups, 73
Refugee crisis, 37–38
Relationship, leader follower, 51–52
Reparations, 263
for conflict-related sexual violence, 267–268
Restorative Justice model, 19
Roman catholic church, 40–43
Rwanda, case study
findings, 69
methodology, 69
parental reconciliation, 70–72
recommendations for policy and practice, 73–74
youth’s understanding of reconciliation, 70
Rwandan youth, 76
SAGEN. See Southern African Gender and Sustainable Energy Network (SAGEN)
Sarajevo, 148–149
SCORE. See Social Cohesion and Reconciliation Index (SCORE)
Secondary traumatization, 32
Self-help groups, 31
SER. See Socio-emotional reconciliation (SER)
Serbs, 193–194
Sexual abuse, 38–40, 42
Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), 265, 266, 268, 269–270
SGBV. See Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV)
Slave trade, 12
Slit-throated case, 215
Social Cohesion and Reconciliation Index (SCORE), 146
Social enterprise, 121–122
31 BITS, 122–124
Social justice, 55–56, 182–183
perception of, 289
in South Africa, 85–87, 89–94
Social movement theory, 266–267
Socio-emotional reconciliation (SER), 68–69
, 213
Solidarity, 267
lights of, 211–214
Vicariate of, 210–211
South Africa, 13
social justice, 85–87, 89–94
Southern African Gender and Sustainable Energy Network (SAGEN), 172
SPE. See Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE)
Srebrenica genocide, 148
Sri Lanka, 103–110
Stakeholder engagement process, 288–289
Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE), 198
State legal obligation, 101–103
Stepping up and stepping back, 54–57
Stigmatization, 264, 265–266
Survivors’ Reparations Initiative, 272–273
31 Bits
, 122–124
Time’s UpTM movements, 235–237
Toxic leadership, 180–184
Transformational leadership, 127
diversity, 182–183
honesty and integrity, 183–184
inclusion, 182–183
social justice, 182–183
from toxicity to, 184–187
Transgenerational transmission, 27
Transitional justice, 218, 266
Traumatic events, consequences of
general consequences, 29
physical consequences, 30
psychological consequences, 29–30
reactions to trauma, 30–31
societal consequences, 30
Traumatic events, types, 27–28
Traumatic reactions, 26
definition, 26
levels, 27
narratives, 27
reactions over time, 28–29
types of, 27–28
TRC. See Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)
Truth and Reconciliation, 57–58, 83–84
Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), 3–4, 13, 50
Tutsi, 68
Ubuntu, 246
philosophy, 85–86
Ubwiyunge (reconnection), 68–69
Uganda Women’s Coalition for Peace (UWCP), 124–125
Union General Sherman’s Special Field Order, 13–14
Unique corporate culture, 284–285
United Nations, 149
United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), 102
United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHCR), 272
United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCR), 102–103
Unity Coalition (UP), 208
UNHCR. See United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHCR)
UNSCR. See United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCR)
UNSCR 1325, 102–103
UWCP. See Uganda Women’s Coalition for Peace (UWCP)
Vicariate of Solidarity, 207
Victims, 54, 57–59
war surviving, 149–151
women, 145–146
women war, 152
Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action (VDPA), 102
War crimes, 149, 150
WDOs. See Women Development Officers (WDOs)
White allies, 18
in Brazil, family farming practices, 169
building peace in Uganda, 124–126
economic empowerment, 118
feminist theorists, 111
Global Survivor Network, 270–271
human rights, 153
of Kenya, sustainable energy and climate change regime, 171–172
leaders and followers, 126–127
and leadership, 100–101, 109
in leadership, 230–231
leadership in local and transnational level, 165
mixed ethnic groups of, 151
participation in decision-making, 100, 102–103, 109, 110–111
and peace, 119–121
in peacebuilding, 119–120, 122, 123–124, 125–126, 229–230, 266
peacemakers, 228–229
as peacemakers, 145–146
in Peru, addressing El Niño effects, 169
post-conflict situations, 118, 119–120
right to equality, 101–103
rural, 170
Sri Lankan experience, 103–110
Women Citizens for Constitutional Reform, 144–145
Women Development Officers (WDOs), 109
Women Enterprise Fund, 172
Women’s Network BIH, 144–145
Women’s PeaceMakers, 227–229, 231, 232–233
Women’s right to equality, 101–103
Women’s Rural Development Societies (WRDSs), 109
WRDSs. See Women’s Rural Development Societies (WRDSs)
Youth and reconciliation, 70, 72–73
OXFAM. See Oxford Committee for Famine Relief (OXFAM)
Oxford Committee for Famine Relief (OXFAM), 169
Pan-African community
assembly/townhalls, 252–253
check-ins, 249–250
collections for colleagues/Harambee
, 256
departures/praise singing, 256–257
gratitude/washing hands, 253–254
gratitude waterfall, 254
my story, 251–252
Taalaw/opening ceremony, 250–251
truth and reconciliation, 255–256
and reconciliation in Chile, 215–216
Peacebuilding, 266
psychological trauma and, 25–26
relationship to, 32
role of women in, 229–230
women, 119–120, 122, 123–124, 125–126, 266
Peace education, 90
Peace leadership, 228–229, 231–232, 234–235, 237
Perceived social justice, 279
Perpetual peace, 4–5
Pinochet, Augusto, 208–209, 210
Pope Francis, 37–40, 45–46
Post-conflict peacebuilding processes, 110–111
Post-conflict peace operations, 110
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 26
Pragmatic Empowerment Training (PET), 25, 31
Prelude, 24–25
Program of Reparation and Comprehensive Health Care (PRAIS), 218
PRONAF. See National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture (PRONAF)
Pro-Peace Committee, 216
Psychological traumatization
consequences of narratives, 29–31
consequences of traumatic events, 29–31
definition, 26
levels, 27
narratives, 27
pragmatic empowerment training, 31
prelude, 24–25
relationship to peacebuilding, 32
relationship with peacebuilding, 25–26
self-help groups, 31
traumatic reactions over time, 28–29
types of traumatic events, 27–28
PTSD. See Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Rape, 149–150, 155, 265, 267
Reconciliación en Chile
, 215–216
community, 77
interpersonal, 73–74
parental, 70–72
and peace in Chile, 215–216
processes, 75–76, 146
requirements for, 146
school-based, 72–73
truth and, 57–58
youth and, 70, 72–73
Reconciliation groups, 73
Refugee crisis, 37–38
Relationship, leader follower, 51–52
Reparations, 263
for conflict-related sexual violence, 267–268
Restorative Justice model, 19
Roman catholic church, 40–43
Rwanda, case study
findings, 69
methodology, 69
parental reconciliation, 70–72
recommendations for policy and practice, 73–74
youth’s understanding of reconciliation, 70
Rwandan youth, 76
SAGEN. See Southern African Gender and Sustainable Energy Network (SAGEN)
Sarajevo, 148–149
SCORE. See Social Cohesion and Reconciliation Index (SCORE)
Secondary traumatization, 32
Self-help groups, 31
SER. See Socio-emotional reconciliation (SER)
Serbs, 193–194
Sexual abuse, 38–40, 42
Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), 265, 266, 268, 269–270
SGBV. See Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV)
Slave trade, 12
Slit-throated case, 215
Social Cohesion and Reconciliation Index (SCORE), 146
Social enterprise, 121–122
31 BITS, 122–124
Social justice, 55–56, 182–183
perception of, 289
in South Africa, 85–87, 89–94
Social movement theory, 266–267
Socio-emotional reconciliation (SER), 68–69
, 213
Solidarity, 267
lights of, 211–214
Vicariate of, 210–211
South Africa, 13
social justice, 85–87, 89–94
Southern African Gender and Sustainable Energy Network (SAGEN), 172
SPE. See Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE)
Srebrenica genocide, 148
Sri Lanka, 103–110
Stakeholder engagement process, 288–289
Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE), 198
State legal obligation, 101–103
Stepping up and stepping back, 54–57
Stigmatization, 264, 265–266
Survivors’ Reparations Initiative, 272–273
31 Bits
, 122–124
Time’s UpTM movements, 235–237
Toxic leadership, 180–184
Transformational leadership, 127
diversity, 182–183
honesty and integrity, 183–184
inclusion, 182–183
social justice, 182–183
from toxicity to, 184–187
Transgenerational transmission, 27
Transitional justice, 218, 266
Traumatic events, consequences of
general consequences, 29
physical consequences, 30
psychological consequences, 29–30
reactions to trauma, 30–31
societal consequences, 30
Traumatic events, types, 27–28
Traumatic reactions, 26
definition, 26
levels, 27
narratives, 27
reactions over time, 28–29
types of, 27–28
TRC. See Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)
Truth and Reconciliation, 57–58, 83–84
Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), 3–4, 13, 50
Tutsi, 68
Ubuntu, 246
philosophy, 85–86
Ubwiyunge (reconnection), 68–69
Uganda Women’s Coalition for Peace (UWCP), 124–125
Union General Sherman’s Special Field Order, 13–14
Unique corporate culture, 284–285
United Nations, 149
United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), 102
United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHCR), 272
United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCR), 102–103
Unity Coalition (UP), 208
UNHCR. See United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHCR)
UNSCR. See United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCR)
UNSCR 1325, 102–103
UWCP. See Uganda Women’s Coalition for Peace (UWCP)
Vicariate of Solidarity, 207
Victims, 54, 57–59
war surviving, 149–151
women, 145–146
women war, 152
Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action (VDPA), 102
War crimes, 149, 150
WDOs. See Women Development Officers (WDOs)
White allies, 18
in Brazil, family farming practices, 169
building peace in Uganda, 124–126
economic empowerment, 118
feminist theorists, 111
Global Survivor Network, 270–271
human rights, 153
of Kenya, sustainable energy and climate change regime, 171–172
leaders and followers, 126–127
and leadership, 100–101, 109
in leadership, 230–231
leadership in local and transnational level, 165
mixed ethnic groups of, 151
participation in decision-making, 100, 102–103, 109, 110–111
and peace, 119–121
in peacebuilding, 119–120, 122, 123–124, 125–126, 229–230, 266
peacemakers, 228–229
as peacemakers, 145–146
in Peru, addressing El Niño effects, 169
post-conflict situations, 118, 119–120
right to equality, 101–103
rural, 170
Sri Lankan experience, 103–110
Women Citizens for Constitutional Reform, 144–145
Women Development Officers (WDOs), 109
Women Enterprise Fund, 172
Women’s Network BIH, 144–145
Women’s PeaceMakers, 227–229, 231, 232–233
Women’s right to equality, 101–103
Women’s Rural Development Societies (WRDSs), 109
WRDSs. See Women’s Rural Development Societies (WRDSs)
Youth and reconciliation, 70, 72–73
Rape, 149–150, 155, 265, 267
Reconciliación en Chile
, 215–216
community, 77
interpersonal, 73–74
parental, 70–72
and peace in Chile, 215–216
processes, 75–76, 146
requirements for, 146
school-based, 72–73
truth and, 57–58
youth and, 70, 72–73
Reconciliation groups, 73
Refugee crisis, 37–38
Relationship, leader follower, 51–52
Reparations, 263
for conflict-related sexual violence, 267–268
Restorative Justice model, 19
Roman catholic church, 40–43
Rwanda, case study
findings, 69
methodology, 69
parental reconciliation, 70–72
recommendations for policy and practice, 73–74
youth’s understanding of reconciliation, 70
Rwandan youth, 76
SAGEN. See Southern African Gender and Sustainable Energy Network (SAGEN)
Sarajevo, 148–149
SCORE. See Social Cohesion and Reconciliation Index (SCORE)
Secondary traumatization, 32
Self-help groups, 31
SER. See Socio-emotional reconciliation (SER)
Serbs, 193–194
Sexual abuse, 38–40, 42
Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), 265, 266, 268, 269–270
SGBV. See Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV)
Slave trade, 12
Slit-throated case, 215
Social Cohesion and Reconciliation Index (SCORE), 146
Social enterprise, 121–122
31 BITS, 122–124
Social justice, 55–56, 182–183
perception of, 289
in South Africa, 85–87, 89–94
Social movement theory, 266–267
Socio-emotional reconciliation (SER), 68–69
, 213
Solidarity, 267
lights of, 211–214
Vicariate of, 210–211
South Africa, 13
social justice, 85–87, 89–94
Southern African Gender and Sustainable Energy Network (SAGEN), 172
SPE. See Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE)
Srebrenica genocide, 148
Sri Lanka, 103–110
Stakeholder engagement process, 288–289
Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE), 198
State legal obligation, 101–103
Stepping up and stepping back, 54–57
Stigmatization, 264, 265–266
Survivors’ Reparations Initiative, 272–273
31 Bits
, 122–124
Time’s UpTM movements, 235–237
Toxic leadership, 180–184
Transformational leadership, 127
diversity, 182–183
honesty and integrity, 183–184
inclusion, 182–183
social justice, 182–183
from toxicity to, 184–187
Transgenerational transmission, 27
Transitional justice, 218, 266
Traumatic events, consequences of
general consequences, 29
physical consequences, 30
psychological consequences, 29–30
reactions to trauma, 30–31
societal consequences, 30
Traumatic events, types, 27–28
Traumatic reactions, 26
definition, 26
levels, 27
narratives, 27
reactions over time, 28–29
types of, 27–28
TRC. See Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)
Truth and Reconciliation, 57–58, 83–84
Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), 3–4, 13, 50
Tutsi, 68
Ubuntu, 246
philosophy, 85–86
Ubwiyunge (reconnection), 68–69
Uganda Women’s Coalition for Peace (UWCP), 124–125
Union General Sherman’s Special Field Order, 13–14
Unique corporate culture, 284–285
United Nations, 149
United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), 102
United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHCR), 272
United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCR), 102–103
Unity Coalition (UP), 208
UNHCR. See United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHCR)
UNSCR. See United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCR)
UNSCR 1325, 102–103
UWCP. See Uganda Women’s Coalition for Peace (UWCP)
Vicariate of Solidarity, 207
Victims, 54, 57–59
war surviving, 149–151
women, 145–146
women war, 152
Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action (VDPA), 102
War crimes, 149, 150
WDOs. See Women Development Officers (WDOs)
White allies, 18
in Brazil, family farming practices, 169
building peace in Uganda, 124–126
economic empowerment, 118
feminist theorists, 111
Global Survivor Network, 270–271
human rights, 153
of Kenya, sustainable energy and climate change regime, 171–172
leaders and followers, 126–127
and leadership, 100–101, 109
in leadership, 230–231
leadership in local and transnational level, 165
mixed ethnic groups of, 151
participation in decision-making, 100, 102–103, 109, 110–111
and peace, 119–121
in peacebuilding, 119–120, 122, 123–124, 125–126, 229–230, 266
peacemakers, 228–229
as peacemakers, 145–146
in Peru, addressing El Niño effects, 169
post-conflict situations, 118, 119–120
right to equality, 101–103
rural, 170
Sri Lankan experience, 103–110
Women Citizens for Constitutional Reform, 144–145
Women Development Officers (WDOs), 109
Women Enterprise Fund, 172
Women’s Network BIH, 144–145
Women’s PeaceMakers, 227–229, 231, 232–233
Women’s right to equality, 101–103
Women’s Rural Development Societies (WRDSs), 109
WRDSs. See Women’s Rural Development Societies (WRDSs)
Youth and reconciliation, 70, 72–73
31 Bits
, 122–124
Time’s UpTM movements, 235–237
Toxic leadership, 180–184
Transformational leadership, 127
diversity, 182–183
honesty and integrity, 183–184
inclusion, 182–183
social justice, 182–183
from toxicity to, 184–187
Transgenerational transmission, 27
Transitional justice, 218, 266
Traumatic events, consequences of
general consequences, 29
physical consequences, 30
psychological consequences, 29–30
reactions to trauma, 30–31
societal consequences, 30
Traumatic events, types, 27–28
Traumatic reactions, 26
definition, 26
levels, 27
narratives, 27
reactions over time, 28–29
types of, 27–28
TRC. See Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)
Truth and Reconciliation, 57–58, 83–84
Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), 3–4, 13, 50
Tutsi, 68
Ubuntu, 246
philosophy, 85–86
Ubwiyunge (reconnection), 68–69
Uganda Women’s Coalition for Peace (UWCP), 124–125
Union General Sherman’s Special Field Order, 13–14
Unique corporate culture, 284–285
United Nations, 149
United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), 102
United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHCR), 272
United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCR), 102–103
Unity Coalition (UP), 208
UNHCR. See United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHCR)
UNSCR. See United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCR)
UNSCR 1325, 102–103
UWCP. See Uganda Women’s Coalition for Peace (UWCP)
Vicariate of Solidarity, 207
Victims, 54, 57–59
war surviving, 149–151
women, 145–146
women war, 152
Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action (VDPA), 102
War crimes, 149, 150
WDOs. See Women Development Officers (WDOs)
White allies, 18
in Brazil, family farming practices, 169
building peace in Uganda, 124–126
economic empowerment, 118
feminist theorists, 111
Global Survivor Network, 270–271
human rights, 153
of Kenya, sustainable energy and climate change regime, 171–172
leaders and followers, 126–127
and leadership, 100–101, 109
in leadership, 230–231
leadership in local and transnational level, 165
mixed ethnic groups of, 151
participation in decision-making, 100, 102–103, 109, 110–111
and peace, 119–121
in peacebuilding, 119–120, 122, 123–124, 125–126, 229–230, 266
peacemakers, 228–229
as peacemakers, 145–146
in Peru, addressing El Niño effects, 169
post-conflict situations, 118, 119–120
right to equality, 101–103
rural, 170
Sri Lankan experience, 103–110
Women Citizens for Constitutional Reform, 144–145
Women Development Officers (WDOs), 109
Women Enterprise Fund, 172
Women’s Network BIH, 144–145
Women’s PeaceMakers, 227–229, 231, 232–233
Women’s right to equality, 101–103
Women’s Rural Development Societies (WRDSs), 109
WRDSs. See Women’s Rural Development Societies (WRDSs)
Youth and reconciliation, 70, 72–73
Vicariate of Solidarity, 207
Victims, 54, 57–59
war surviving, 149–151
women, 145–146
women war, 152
Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action (VDPA), 102
War crimes, 149, 150
WDOs. See Women Development Officers (WDOs)
White allies, 18
in Brazil, family farming practices, 169
building peace in Uganda, 124–126
economic empowerment, 118
feminist theorists, 111
Global Survivor Network, 270–271
human rights, 153
of Kenya, sustainable energy and climate change regime, 171–172
leaders and followers, 126–127
and leadership, 100–101, 109
in leadership, 230–231
leadership in local and transnational level, 165
mixed ethnic groups of, 151
participation in decision-making, 100, 102–103, 109, 110–111
and peace, 119–121
in peacebuilding, 119–120, 122, 123–124, 125–126, 229–230, 266
peacemakers, 228–229
as peacemakers, 145–146
in Peru, addressing El Niño effects, 169
post-conflict situations, 118, 119–120
right to equality, 101–103
rural, 170
Sri Lankan experience, 103–110
Women Citizens for Constitutional Reform, 144–145
Women Development Officers (WDOs), 109
Women Enterprise Fund, 172
Women’s Network BIH, 144–145
Women’s PeaceMakers, 227–229, 231, 232–233
Women’s right to equality, 101–103
Women’s Rural Development Societies (WRDSs), 109
WRDSs. See Women’s Rural Development Societies (WRDSs)
Youth and reconciliation, 70, 72–73
Youth and reconciliation, 70, 72–73
- Prelims
- Introduction: On Peace, Reconciliation, and Social Justice
- Part I Reconciliation
- 1 Leading and Following for Transformation in a Racialized Society
- 2 The Role of Work with Psychological Traumatization and Self-help in Peacebuilding and Reconciliation
- 3 Mercy, Justice, and Reconciliation: Pope Francis, Inclusive Leadership, and the Roman Catholic Church
- 4 Uses of a Holding Environment as Container for Stepping Up and Stepping Back in the Context of Truth and Reconciliation
- Part II Community Building: To Make, Build, and Maintain Peace
- 5 Second-generation Perspectives on Reconciliation after Genocide: A Case Study of Rwanda
- 6 Research Leader–Follower Development for Peacebuilding and Social Justice: The Africa Young Graduate Scholars Development Program
- 7 Women Can Make a Difference in Economic Marginalization and Women’s Right to Equality in Post-conflict Context of Sri Lanka: Revival of Challenges and a Perspective beyond the UNRSC 1325
- 8 Economically Empowering Women as Sustainable Conflict Resolution: A Case Study on Building Peace in Uganda through Social Enterprise
- Interlude The Geneva Leadership Alliance: Learning to Lead (and Follow) in Peacebuilding and Social Justice
- Part III International Law and Social Justice
- 9 Women’s Postwar Activism in Bosnia-Herzegovina: A Human Rights Approach to Peacebuilding and Reconciliation through Liminal Space
- 10 Climate Justice: Building Opportunities for Women’s Participation and Leadership in the Climate Change Regime
- 11 Toxic to Transformational Leadership: Peace, Reconciliation, and Social Justice as the Paradigm
- 12 Bosnia and Herzegovina: Upstanders and Moral Obedience
- 13 The Leadership of the Vicariate of Solidarity during the Dictatorship in Chile (1973–1990)
- Part IV Peacebuilding
- 14 Peace Leadership for Sustainable Change: Lessons from Women PeaceMakers
- 15 Beyond Ubuntu: What the World Can Learn about Building Community from Africa
- 16 Engaging Survivors of Conflict-related Sexual Violence in Social Movements: The Case for Reparations
- 17 Conflict Management in Extractive Industries in Indonesia: Leaders–Followers Dynamic to Achieve Perceived Social Justice in Communities
- Epilogue Democratizing Leadership: Pre-conflict Preventative Peacebuilding
- Index