Beyond Ubuntu : What the World Can Learn about Building Community from Africa
Peace, Reconciliation and Social Justice Leadership in the 21st Century
ISBN: 978-1-83867-196-9, eISBN: 978-1-83867-193-8
Publication date: 23 September 2019
The general global leadership literature has had little to say about African models of leadership. Despite this, the continent of Africa has deep and rich traditions of relational leadership that have been practiced over centuries to honor individuality, broker difference, and foster unity. This chapter shares a number of these practices and illustrates how they have been used to nurture community at the African Leadership Academy and the African Leadership University. We conclude with our perspective on the relevance of these practices to building community in the wider world.
The authors offer our appreciation to the students and staff of ALA and ALU who live the leadership practices we’ve described.
Rego, L., Mohono, K. and Peter, G.M. (2019), "Beyond
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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