A Knowledge Management Framework for Institutional Research
Theory and Method in Higher Education Research
ISBN: 978-1-78743-223-9, eISBN: 978-1-78743-222-2
Publication date: 21 August 2017
This chapter presents a new conceptual framework of institutional research (IR). The framework refines previously studied dimensions of IR and integrates them into the higher order concept of knowledge management. Previously studied dimensions of IR include the institution’s organizational sectors (e.g., academic, human resources), the functions for which information is used (e.g., operations, strategic management), and the resources supporting IR (e.g., technology, funding). The framework innovates by specifying what competencies are required to carry out IR activities and how to assign a level of development to each competency. This operationalization permits the creation of an assessment tool enabling us to move from general and intuitive statements about development to specific and behavioral levels which are actionable. The framework formulation was validated with a group of IR experts in Chile. The framework can be used to assess one institution, to compare an institution to a peer group, or to compare groups of institutions at the regional, national, or international levels.
We are grateful for the permission to publish the validation results presented in this chapter, work which was carried out in the context of a research contract awarded to Díaz Pinsent Mercier Research Inc. by the Unidad de Análisis, Departamento de Financiamiento Institucional, División de Educación Superior, Ministerio de Educación, Gobierno de Chile under the direction of Roxana Acuña Molina. The authors also wish to thank Pablo Opazo Bravo, Associate Consultant, who acted as coordinator and contributed to the compilation and analysis of the data.
Díaz, V.E., Mercier, P. and Pinsent, C. (2017), "A Knowledge Management Framework for Institutional Research", Theory and Method in Higher Education Research (Theory and Method in Higher Education Research, Vol. 3), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 155-178. https://doi.org/10.1108/S2056-375220170000003009
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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