European Origins of Library and Information Science
ISBN: 978-1-78756-718-4, eISBN: 978-1-78756-717-7
ISSN: 2055-5377
Publication date: 23 April 2019
(2019), "Index", European Origins of Library and Information Science (Studies in Information, Vol. 13), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 195-201.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2019 Emerald Publishing Limited
Aalborg, 81–82, 84–85, 88–90, 99, 107, 109
Aalborg University, 81
Alvarez-Ossorio, José-Ramón Pérez, 121
American Documentation
, 21, 40, 61, 138, 142–143
American Documentation Institute (ADI), 40, 61, 138–139, 143
American influence on French documentation, 22–23
American Library Association (ALA), 12, 63
American Society for Information Science (ASIS), 63, 139
American Special Libraries Association (SLA), 40
Analyse codée, 36
Andersen, Axel, 88
Annual Review of Information Science and Technology (ARIST)
, 160
Archives, Libraries and Museum (ALM), 92
Archivistics, 66
Asociación Nacional de Archiveros, Bibliotecarios, Museólogos y Documentalistas (ANABAD), 119
Asociación Nacional de Archiveros, Bibliotecarios y Arqueólogos (ANABA), 118
Association des bibliothécaires français (ABF), 15–16, 39, 42
Association des Documentalistes et des Bibliothécaires Spécialisés (ADBS), 40, 42, 49, 56
Association des professionnels de l’information et de la documentation, 42
Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIST), 31, 41, 110, 112, 174
Association for Special Libraries and Information Bureaux (ASLIB), 41, 61, 110, 174
Association pour le Développement de la Lecture Publique (ADLP), 38–39
Audunson, Ragnar Andreas, 97, 106, 109–111
Basic Library and Information Science Program, 80
Bauer, Antun, 74
Bauer, Ivan, 76
Belgrade, 60, 71, 78
Belkin, Nick, 111, 134
Bennet, May, 138
Bibliology, 53
Bibliometrics, 87
, 115–119
, 84, 107
Bibliotheconomie, 138
Bibliothekswissenschaft, 138
Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BNF), 15, 20, 25, 104
Blažeković, Tatjana, 66
Borås, 91–95, 107, 108–110, 135
Bordeaux, 14, 48, 50, 53, 55
Briet, Suzanne, 11, 13–14, 17–35, 42, 47, 55, 111, 134, 139
Briet’s semiotic conception of document, 23–26
Brookes, Bertram C., 110, 134
Buckland, Michael, 26, 31, 34, 103, 105, 112
Bulletin des Bibliothèques de France
, 21
Bureau Bibliographique de France, 18, 38
Cain, Julien, 20–21, 29, 38, 42
Carlo, Agustín Millares, 121
Center for Cultural Policy Research and Debate (CCPRD), 95
Center for the Study of Librarianship, Documentation and Information Sciences (CSLDIS), 59, 63, 66–67
Central Chemical Library (CCL), 61
Centrum för biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap, 95
Cerni, A.I., 151
Chicago Library school, 139
Coded analysis, 36
CODOC, 36–37
Collegi Oficial de Bibliotecaris-Documentalistes de Catalunya, 119
Committee for Information and Communication Sciences, 48
Communication, 165–166
Communicology, 48
Computer science, 152–153
Conceptions of Library and Information Science (COLIS), 34, 103, 105, 111–112
Conservatoire National des Arts et des Métiers (CNAM), 14
Copenhagen, 34, 79–90, 97, 99, 103, 106–111, 140
Copenhagen, LIS development, 80–90
Croatia, 59, 61, 65, 67, 69, 72, 78, 134
Croatica Chemica Acta (CCA), 75
Cronin, Blaise, 73, 93, 134
Cuerpo de Facultativos de Archivos, Bibliotecas y Museos del Estado
, 118
Cuerpo Facultativo de Archiveros, Bibliotecarios y Museólogos
, 114, 122
Cybernetics theory, 163
Dansk Biblioteksforskning
, 107
Dantas, Júlio, 131, 132
De Grolier, Eric, 18, 35, 37–38
De Grolier, Georgette, 29, 37, 39–40
Denmark, 62, 79, 81, 83–84, 87–90, 96, 98, 106–107, 109, 134–135, 167
Department of Information Studies (INF), 83
Department of Language and Culture, 105
Dewey, Melvil, 28, 138
Document Academy, 105, 112
Documentació científica, 116–119, 122–123, 125, 156–159
Documentalisme, 156
Documentalist, 26–29, 38–42, 44, 56, 64, 66, 81, 116, 129, 165
Documentation, 35–38, 47–50, 66, 129, 135, 137–141, 166
Documentation Institute, 98, 105, 135
Documentation Science Institute at Tromsø, 98–101
Documentation sciences, 119, 128, 140, 157
Documentologia, 148, 156
Documentology, 26, 28, 36, 141, 147–150, 156
Dokumentasjonsvitenskap (Dokvit), 100, 103–105
D’Ors, Eugeni, 115
Dreyfus, Philippe (Ph. Dreyfus), 152
Dubrovnik, 73–74
École de Chartes
, 12, 15, 17, 39
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Sciences de l’Information et des Bibliothèques (ENSSIB), 13–14
Ecole National Supérieure des Bibliothécaires (ENSB), 13–14
Economic or political gratifications, 86
Elberling, B.V., 89
Emerek, Leif, 88
Enmark, Romulo, 95, 108, 137, 168
Escarpit, Robert, 36, 48–50, 53, 147
Escola de Bibliotecàries (EB), 120
Escuela de Documentalistas, 116
Escuelas Universitarias de Biblioteconomia y Documentación
, 116–117
Escuela Superior de Diplomática (ESD), 114–116, 121
e-t-ac-s-a complex, 161–165
EUCLID, 110, 126
European Space Agency-Information Retrieval Service in Italy (ESA-IRS), 87
Fédération Internationale de Documentation (FID), 23, 26, 29, 40, 49, 61, 123–124, 143, 154, 174
Fernando, Félix Sagredo, 121
Ferrão, António, 131–132
Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), 65
France, 11–58, 62, 96, 104–105, 107, 115, 118, 125, 126, 128, 132, 133, 134, 141, 147, 149, 162–164, 170, 175
French National Library, 104
Gardin, Jean-Claude, 34–35, 37, 134
Garfield, Eugene, 63, 73, 134
Giljarevski, R.S., 151
Gothenburg, 91, 93, 95, 97, 108, 135, 168
Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS), 138
Grenoble, 14, 50, 53–54
Grundtvig, N.F.S., 88
Guanter, José Maria Desantes, 121
Hansen, Dorte Skot, 89
Harbo, Ole, 87, 110, 134
Hayes, Robert, 63, 73, 78, 134
Hjerppe, Roland, 96, 111
Hjørland, Birger, 88–89, 91, 110–111, 135
Höglund, Lars, 92, 95, 108, 168
, 95
The Inforcom Letter, 49
Informacija, 154–156
Informatics, 45, 67, 137, 142, 149–150, 151–156, 161, 174
Informatikka, 152
Information and communication sciences, 30, 47–50, 66
Information brokers, 93
Information Center for the Information Sciences and Services (ICISS), 73
Information-documentation-communication (INDOC), 67, 161–162
Information management, 93, 158
Information processing paradigm, 151–156
Information production process, 56
Information Research
, 110
Information retrieval (IR), 82
Information sciences (IS), 87, 160–166
Information Seeking, 38, 54, 84, 87, 109, 111, 171
Information Seeking in Context (ISIC), 111
Information systems, 164
Information Systems Technology, Systems Develop Corporation, 160–161
Information technology, 93
Informatique, 45, 50, 52, 152–153, 156
Informatiste, 148–149
Informative and documentary process, 157
Informative documentation, 157
Informatologia Yugoslavica (INYU)
, 59, 64, 70–72, 73, 141, 161
Informatologie, 148
Informatologist, 145
Informatologue, 148
Informatology, 141–156, 161
Inforsk, 95
Ingwersen, Peter, 82, 87, 89, 108, 109, 111, 134–135
Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), 63
Institut International de Documentation (IID), 23, 26
Institut National des Techniques Documentaires (INTD), 17, 21–23, 26, 40, 42, 51, 54
Interactive Information Retrieval (IIR), 87, 89, 109
Internacionalna Stalna Izložba Publikacija (ISIP), 59, 63, 65, 67, 69–71
International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), 21, 29, 110, 124, 128, 171
International hub for information science, 73–78
International Institute of Bibliography (IIB), 17, 18, 23, 26, 28, 38, 131
International Permanent Exhibition of Publications, 59, 63–65
iSchool movement, 83, 98
Jiménez-Placer, Javier Lasso-de-la-Vega, 121
Johansen, Carl Gustav, 89
Kaae, Søren, 87
Kirkegaard, Preben, 80, 110
Klasson, Maj, 92
Knowledge organization, 33, 38, 83, 123, 158
La Fontaine, Henri, 17, 18, 28, 35, 55, 65, 134, 139
La Revue du Livre
, 29
Librarianship, 11–14, 16–18, 20, 22, 27, 29, 38, 39, 42, 46, 59, 60, 63, 66, 67, 71, 72, 75, 76, 80, 85, 87, 89, 90, 92, 93, 95–97, 100, 102, 105–108, 111, 113–116, 118, 127, 129, 138, 139, 149, 158, 159, 160, 167, 173, 174
Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA), 74
Library and Information Science Laboratory (Liblab), 96
Library economy, 138
Library of Congress’s Referral Centre, 62
Library science, 66, 76, 84, 101, 129, 135, 137–141, 166
, 118
Linköping, 111
Ljubljana, 60, 71, 78
Lund, 92
Lyche, Hans Tambs, 96
Lyon, 13–14, 51, 53–54
Markić-Čučuković, Ljerka, 60, 66, 76
Mecanography, 27
Metascience of information, 141–151
Meyriat, Jean, 32, 36, 48, 52, 126, 134, 141, 147, 149–150, 169
Mihaijlov, A.I., 151
Mikačić, Mira, 60, 66, 76
Ministry of Cultural Affairs and Communications, 81
Morel, Eugène, 13–18, 39, 63, 134
Motzfeldt, Ingeborg, 100
Museology, 66
Narrow conception of LIS, 167
National University Library of Zagreb, 65
Natural Language Processing (NLP), 164
Naucno-Teknicekaja informacija
, 154
Neo-documentation movement, 103, 105
Nordic Cooperation, 106–112
Nordic Research School in Information Studies (NORSLIS), 108
NordInfo, 95, 107, 109
Nordisk kulturpolitisk tidskrift
, 95
Nordisk Tidsskrift for Informationsvidenskab og Kulturformidling (NTIK)
, 108
NordISNet, 108
Norway, 79, 88, 96–106, 109, 134, 135, 143, 167, 174, 175
Norwegian Research Council (NRC), 100, 109
Norwegian School of Librarians (NSOL), 97–98
Nyhuus, Haakon, 96
Odense, 83, 107
Olander, Birgitta, 92
Ørom, Anders, 88–89
Ortega y Gasset, José, 121
Osijek, 65, 74, 78
Oslo, 90, 97–102, 107, 109, 135
Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet), 98
Otlet, Paul, 17–19, 30, 34–35, 55, 61, 65, 103–104, 124–125, 131, 133–134, 138, 139
Pagès, Robert, 36, 55
Paris, 12–18, 22–24, 34–35, 49, 51, 52–53, 61, 65, 122, 131
Pédauque, 104–105
Pejtersen, Annelise Mark, 87
Personal information management (PIM), 92
Petersen, Erland Munch, 88, 108
Pors, Niels Ole, 89
Portugal, 34, 58, 107, 113–136, 158
Problem-based learning (PBL), 104
Proença, Raul, 131, 134
Provincial Government of Barcelona, 115
Puente, Emilia Currás, 123
Quaderns de treball
, 115
Rayward, Boyd, 30, 34, 103, 105, 112
Referral Center (RC), 59, 67–70
Revue des Bibliothèques
, 29
Rijeka, 60, 65, 71
Royal School of Librarianship (RSL), 82, 90
Royal School of Library and Information Science (RSLIS), 82–83, 84–90, 109
Rydbeck, Kerstin, 92
Saracevic, Tefko, 73–74, 134
School of Information Management and Systems (SIMS), 105
Schrettinger, Martin, 138
Scientific and technical information (STI), 61, 113, 139
Section of modern libraries, 16
Semiotic conception of document, 23–26
Serendipity, power of, 103–106
Sharp, Katharine, 138
Shera, Jesse, 32, 73, 134
Social institutionalisation, 56
Social liberation movement, 82
Sociedad Española de Documentación e Información Científica (SEDIC), 119, 123–124
Societat Catalana de Documentació i Informació (SOCADI), 119
Solvberg, Ingeborg, 98, 109
Spain, 5, 6, 34, 107, 109, 113–136, 139, 148–149, 156, 158, 180
Spanish Civil war, 115
Special librarian, 23, 40–41, 109, 144
State School of Librarianship, 80
Steenberg, Andreas Schack, 80
Štefinović, Josip, 64
Stockholm, 90–93, 107, 142–144, 146
Study of Librarianship, Documentation and Information Sciences (CSLDIS), 66–67
Svensk biblioteksforskning
, 95
Sweden, 62, 79, 87, 90–96, 98, 106–107, 110, 111, 134–135, 142–143, 150–151, 167, 174, 175
Swedish National Committee for Documentation, 145
Swedish Research Council (SRC), 135
Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS), 87, 91, 93–94
Swedish State Library School (SSLS), 90, 93–94
Syntagmatic Organization Language (SYNTOL), 35, 37
Tampere, 103, 109, 111, 135
Tengström, Emin, 95
Težak, Božo, 59–78
Timmerman, Povl, 87
Toth, Tibor, 66
Tromsø, 98–102, 105, 109, 135, 140
Trondheim, 98, 102, 109
Tudor-Šilović, Neva, 149
The Turn
, 87
Umeå, 92–95, 108
UNESCO-OECD funding, 62
Union Française des Organismes de Documentation (UFOD), 21, 23, 29, 35, 38–40
Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) system, 65
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), 63
Uppsala, 92–94
Vakkari, Pertti, 103, 108, 109, 111, 134
Växjö, 93–94
Verona, Eva, 60, 66, 76
Villeurbanne, 13–14, 22
Webometrics, 88
Wilson, Tom, 92, 110, 165–166
Windfield, Niels Lund, 34
Winge, Mette, 88
Wormell, Irene, 82, 87
Yepes, José López, 123
Yugoslavia, 59–78, 134
Yugoslavia, emergence of LIS, 59–70, 72–78
Zadar, 65, 74, 78
Zagreb, 59–61, 63–65, 68–76, 78
Cain, Julien, 20–21, 29, 38, 42
Carlo, Agustín Millares, 121
Center for Cultural Policy Research and Debate (CCPRD), 95
Center for the Study of Librarianship, Documentation and Information Sciences (CSLDIS), 59, 63, 66–67
Central Chemical Library (CCL), 61
Centrum för biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap, 95
Cerni, A.I., 151
Chicago Library school, 139
Coded analysis, 36
CODOC, 36–37
Collegi Oficial de Bibliotecaris-Documentalistes de Catalunya, 119
Committee for Information and Communication Sciences, 48
Communication, 165–166
Communicology, 48
Computer science, 152–153
Conceptions of Library and Information Science (COLIS), 34, 103, 105, 111–112
Conservatoire National des Arts et des Métiers (CNAM), 14
Copenhagen, 34, 79–90, 97, 99, 103, 106–111, 140
Copenhagen, LIS development, 80–90
Croatia, 59, 61, 65, 67, 69, 72, 78, 134
Croatica Chemica Acta (CCA), 75
Cronin, Blaise, 73, 93, 134
Cuerpo de Facultativos de Archivos, Bibliotecas y Museos del Estado
, 118
Cuerpo Facultativo de Archiveros, Bibliotecarios y Museólogos
, 114, 122
Cybernetics theory, 163
Dansk Biblioteksforskning
, 107
Dantas, Júlio, 131, 132
De Grolier, Eric, 18, 35, 37–38
De Grolier, Georgette, 29, 37, 39–40
Denmark, 62, 79, 81, 83–84, 87–90, 96, 98, 106–107, 109, 134–135, 167
Department of Information Studies (INF), 83
Department of Language and Culture, 105
Dewey, Melvil, 28, 138
Document Academy, 105, 112
Documentació científica, 116–119, 122–123, 125, 156–159
Documentalisme, 156
Documentalist, 26–29, 38–42, 44, 56, 64, 66, 81, 116, 129, 165
Documentation, 35–38, 47–50, 66, 129, 135, 137–141, 166
Documentation Institute, 98, 105, 135
Documentation Science Institute at Tromsø, 98–101
Documentation sciences, 119, 128, 140, 157
Documentologia, 148, 156
Documentology, 26, 28, 36, 141, 147–150, 156
Dokumentasjonsvitenskap (Dokvit), 100, 103–105
D’Ors, Eugeni, 115
Dreyfus, Philippe (Ph. Dreyfus), 152
Dubrovnik, 73–74
École de Chartes
, 12, 15, 17, 39
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Sciences de l’Information et des Bibliothèques (ENSSIB), 13–14
Ecole National Supérieure des Bibliothécaires (ENSB), 13–14
Economic or political gratifications, 86
Elberling, B.V., 89
Emerek, Leif, 88
Enmark, Romulo, 95, 108, 137, 168
Escarpit, Robert, 36, 48–50, 53, 147
Escola de Bibliotecàries (EB), 120
Escuela de Documentalistas, 116
Escuelas Universitarias de Biblioteconomia y Documentación
, 116–117
Escuela Superior de Diplomática (ESD), 114–116, 121
e-t-ac-s-a complex, 161–165
EUCLID, 110, 126
European Space Agency-Information Retrieval Service in Italy (ESA-IRS), 87
Fédération Internationale de Documentation (FID), 23, 26, 29, 40, 49, 61, 123–124, 143, 154, 174
Fernando, Félix Sagredo, 121
Ferrão, António, 131–132
Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), 65
France, 11–58, 62, 96, 104–105, 107, 115, 118, 125, 126, 128, 132, 133, 134, 141, 147, 149, 162–164, 170, 175
French National Library, 104
Gardin, Jean-Claude, 34–35, 37, 134
Garfield, Eugene, 63, 73, 134
Giljarevski, R.S., 151
Gothenburg, 91, 93, 95, 97, 108, 135, 168
Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS), 138
Grenoble, 14, 50, 53–54
Grundtvig, N.F.S., 88
Guanter, José Maria Desantes, 121
Hansen, Dorte Skot, 89
Harbo, Ole, 87, 110, 134
Hayes, Robert, 63, 73, 78, 134
Hjerppe, Roland, 96, 111
Hjørland, Birger, 88–89, 91, 110–111, 135
Höglund, Lars, 92, 95, 108, 168
, 95
The Inforcom Letter, 49
Informacija, 154–156
Informatics, 45, 67, 137, 142, 149–150, 151–156, 161, 174
Informatikka, 152
Information and communication sciences, 30, 47–50, 66
Information brokers, 93
Information Center for the Information Sciences and Services (ICISS), 73
Information-documentation-communication (INDOC), 67, 161–162
Information management, 93, 158
Information processing paradigm, 151–156
Information production process, 56
Information Research
, 110
Information retrieval (IR), 82
Information sciences (IS), 87, 160–166
Information Seeking, 38, 54, 84, 87, 109, 111, 171
Information Seeking in Context (ISIC), 111
Information systems, 164
Information Systems Technology, Systems Develop Corporation, 160–161
Information technology, 93
Informatique, 45, 50, 52, 152–153, 156
Informatiste, 148–149
Informative and documentary process, 157
Informative documentation, 157
Informatologia Yugoslavica (INYU)
, 59, 64, 70–72, 73, 141, 161
Informatologie, 148
Informatologist, 145
Informatologue, 148
Informatology, 141–156, 161
Inforsk, 95
Ingwersen, Peter, 82, 87, 89, 108, 109, 111, 134–135
Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), 63
Institut International de Documentation (IID), 23, 26
Institut National des Techniques Documentaires (INTD), 17, 21–23, 26, 40, 42, 51, 54
Interactive Information Retrieval (IIR), 87, 89, 109
Internacionalna Stalna Izložba Publikacija (ISIP), 59, 63, 65, 67, 69–71
International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), 21, 29, 110, 124, 128, 171
International hub for information science, 73–78
International Institute of Bibliography (IIB), 17, 18, 23, 26, 28, 38, 131
International Permanent Exhibition of Publications, 59, 63–65
iSchool movement, 83, 98
Jiménez-Placer, Javier Lasso-de-la-Vega, 121
Johansen, Carl Gustav, 89
Kaae, Søren, 87
Kirkegaard, Preben, 80, 110
Klasson, Maj, 92
Knowledge organization, 33, 38, 83, 123, 158
La Fontaine, Henri, 17, 18, 28, 35, 55, 65, 134, 139
La Revue du Livre
, 29
Librarianship, 11–14, 16–18, 20, 22, 27, 29, 38, 39, 42, 46, 59, 60, 63, 66, 67, 71, 72, 75, 76, 80, 85, 87, 89, 90, 92, 93, 95–97, 100, 102, 105–108, 111, 113–116, 118, 127, 129, 138, 139, 149, 158, 159, 160, 167, 173, 174
Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA), 74
Library and Information Science Laboratory (Liblab), 96
Library economy, 138
Library of Congress’s Referral Centre, 62
Library science, 66, 76, 84, 101, 129, 135, 137–141, 166
, 118
Linköping, 111
Ljubljana, 60, 71, 78
Lund, 92
Lyche, Hans Tambs, 96
Lyon, 13–14, 51, 53–54
Markić-Čučuković, Ljerka, 60, 66, 76
Mecanography, 27
Metascience of information, 141–151
Meyriat, Jean, 32, 36, 48, 52, 126, 134, 141, 147, 149–150, 169
Mihaijlov, A.I., 151
Mikačić, Mira, 60, 66, 76
Ministry of Cultural Affairs and Communications, 81
Morel, Eugène, 13–18, 39, 63, 134
Motzfeldt, Ingeborg, 100
Museology, 66
Narrow conception of LIS, 167
National University Library of Zagreb, 65
Natural Language Processing (NLP), 164
Naucno-Teknicekaja informacija
, 154
Neo-documentation movement, 103, 105
Nordic Cooperation, 106–112
Nordic Research School in Information Studies (NORSLIS), 108
NordInfo, 95, 107, 109
Nordisk kulturpolitisk tidskrift
, 95
Nordisk Tidsskrift for Informationsvidenskab og Kulturformidling (NTIK)
, 108
NordISNet, 108
Norway, 79, 88, 96–106, 109, 134, 135, 143, 167, 174, 175
Norwegian Research Council (NRC), 100, 109
Norwegian School of Librarians (NSOL), 97–98
Nyhuus, Haakon, 96
Odense, 83, 107
Olander, Birgitta, 92
Ørom, Anders, 88–89
Ortega y Gasset, José, 121
Osijek, 65, 74, 78
Oslo, 90, 97–102, 107, 109, 135
Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet), 98
Otlet, Paul, 17–19, 30, 34–35, 55, 61, 65, 103–104, 124–125, 131, 133–134, 138, 139
Pagès, Robert, 36, 55
Paris, 12–18, 22–24, 34–35, 49, 51, 52–53, 61, 65, 122, 131
Pédauque, 104–105
Pejtersen, Annelise Mark, 87
Personal information management (PIM), 92
Petersen, Erland Munch, 88, 108
Pors, Niels Ole, 89
Portugal, 34, 58, 107, 113–136, 158
Problem-based learning (PBL), 104
Proença, Raul, 131, 134
Provincial Government of Barcelona, 115
Puente, Emilia Currás, 123
Quaderns de treball
, 115
Rayward, Boyd, 30, 34, 103, 105, 112
Referral Center (RC), 59, 67–70
Revue des Bibliothèques
, 29
Rijeka, 60, 65, 71
Royal School of Librarianship (RSL), 82, 90
Royal School of Library and Information Science (RSLIS), 82–83, 84–90, 109
Rydbeck, Kerstin, 92
Saracevic, Tefko, 73–74, 134
School of Information Management and Systems (SIMS), 105
Schrettinger, Martin, 138
Scientific and technical information (STI), 61, 113, 139
Section of modern libraries, 16
Semiotic conception of document, 23–26
Serendipity, power of, 103–106
Sharp, Katharine, 138
Shera, Jesse, 32, 73, 134
Social institutionalisation, 56
Social liberation movement, 82
Sociedad Española de Documentación e Información Científica (SEDIC), 119, 123–124
Societat Catalana de Documentació i Informació (SOCADI), 119
Solvberg, Ingeborg, 98, 109
Spain, 5, 6, 34, 107, 109, 113–136, 139, 148–149, 156, 158, 180
Spanish Civil war, 115
Special librarian, 23, 40–41, 109, 144
State School of Librarianship, 80
Steenberg, Andreas Schack, 80
Štefinović, Josip, 64
Stockholm, 90–93, 107, 142–144, 146
Study of Librarianship, Documentation and Information Sciences (CSLDIS), 66–67
Svensk biblioteksforskning
, 95
Sweden, 62, 79, 87, 90–96, 98, 106–107, 110, 111, 134–135, 142–143, 150–151, 167, 174, 175
Swedish National Committee for Documentation, 145
Swedish Research Council (SRC), 135
Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS), 87, 91, 93–94
Swedish State Library School (SSLS), 90, 93–94
Syntagmatic Organization Language (SYNTOL), 35, 37
Tampere, 103, 109, 111, 135
Tengström, Emin, 95
Težak, Božo, 59–78
Timmerman, Povl, 87
Toth, Tibor, 66
Tromsø, 98–102, 105, 109, 135, 140
Trondheim, 98, 102, 109
Tudor-Šilović, Neva, 149
The Turn
, 87
Umeå, 92–95, 108
UNESCO-OECD funding, 62
Union Française des Organismes de Documentation (UFOD), 21, 23, 29, 35, 38–40
Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) system, 65
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), 63
Uppsala, 92–94
Vakkari, Pertti, 103, 108, 109, 111, 134
Växjö, 93–94
Verona, Eva, 60, 66, 76
Villeurbanne, 13–14, 22
Webometrics, 88
Wilson, Tom, 92, 110, 165–166
Windfield, Niels Lund, 34
Winge, Mette, 88
Wormell, Irene, 82, 87
Yepes, José López, 123
Yugoslavia, 59–78, 134
Yugoslavia, emergence of LIS, 59–70, 72–78
Zadar, 65, 74, 78
Zagreb, 59–61, 63–65, 68–76, 78
École de Chartes
, 12, 15, 17, 39
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Sciences de l’Information et des Bibliothèques (ENSSIB), 13–14
Ecole National Supérieure des Bibliothécaires (ENSB), 13–14
Economic or political gratifications, 86
Elberling, B.V., 89
Emerek, Leif, 88
Enmark, Romulo, 95, 108, 137, 168
Escarpit, Robert, 36, 48–50, 53, 147
Escola de Bibliotecàries (EB), 120
Escuela de Documentalistas, 116
Escuelas Universitarias de Biblioteconomia y Documentación
, 116–117
Escuela Superior de Diplomática (ESD), 114–116, 121
e-t-ac-s-a complex, 161–165
EUCLID, 110, 126
European Space Agency-Information Retrieval Service in Italy (ESA-IRS), 87
Fédération Internationale de Documentation (FID), 23, 26, 29, 40, 49, 61, 123–124, 143, 154, 174
Fernando, Félix Sagredo, 121
Ferrão, António, 131–132
Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), 65
France, 11–58, 62, 96, 104–105, 107, 115, 118, 125, 126, 128, 132, 133, 134, 141, 147, 149, 162–164, 170, 175
French National Library, 104
Gardin, Jean-Claude, 34–35, 37, 134
Garfield, Eugene, 63, 73, 134
Giljarevski, R.S., 151
Gothenburg, 91, 93, 95, 97, 108, 135, 168
Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS), 138
Grenoble, 14, 50, 53–54
Grundtvig, N.F.S., 88
Guanter, José Maria Desantes, 121
Hansen, Dorte Skot, 89
Harbo, Ole, 87, 110, 134
Hayes, Robert, 63, 73, 78, 134
Hjerppe, Roland, 96, 111
Hjørland, Birger, 88–89, 91, 110–111, 135
Höglund, Lars, 92, 95, 108, 168
, 95
The Inforcom Letter, 49
Informacija, 154–156
Informatics, 45, 67, 137, 142, 149–150, 151–156, 161, 174
Informatikka, 152
Information and communication sciences, 30, 47–50, 66
Information brokers, 93
Information Center for the Information Sciences and Services (ICISS), 73
Information-documentation-communication (INDOC), 67, 161–162
Information management, 93, 158
Information processing paradigm, 151–156
Information production process, 56
Information Research
, 110
Information retrieval (IR), 82
Information sciences (IS), 87, 160–166
Information Seeking, 38, 54, 84, 87, 109, 111, 171
Information Seeking in Context (ISIC), 111
Information systems, 164
Information Systems Technology, Systems Develop Corporation, 160–161
Information technology, 93
Informatique, 45, 50, 52, 152–153, 156
Informatiste, 148–149
Informative and documentary process, 157
Informative documentation, 157
Informatologia Yugoslavica (INYU)
, 59, 64, 70–72, 73, 141, 161
Informatologie, 148
Informatologist, 145
Informatologue, 148
Informatology, 141–156, 161
Inforsk, 95
Ingwersen, Peter, 82, 87, 89, 108, 109, 111, 134–135
Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), 63
Institut International de Documentation (IID), 23, 26
Institut National des Techniques Documentaires (INTD), 17, 21–23, 26, 40, 42, 51, 54
Interactive Information Retrieval (IIR), 87, 89, 109
Internacionalna Stalna Izložba Publikacija (ISIP), 59, 63, 65, 67, 69–71
International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), 21, 29, 110, 124, 128, 171
International hub for information science, 73–78
International Institute of Bibliography (IIB), 17, 18, 23, 26, 28, 38, 131
International Permanent Exhibition of Publications, 59, 63–65
iSchool movement, 83, 98
Jiménez-Placer, Javier Lasso-de-la-Vega, 121
Johansen, Carl Gustav, 89
Kaae, Søren, 87
Kirkegaard, Preben, 80, 110
Klasson, Maj, 92
Knowledge organization, 33, 38, 83, 123, 158
La Fontaine, Henri, 17, 18, 28, 35, 55, 65, 134, 139
La Revue du Livre
, 29
Librarianship, 11–14, 16–18, 20, 22, 27, 29, 38, 39, 42, 46, 59, 60, 63, 66, 67, 71, 72, 75, 76, 80, 85, 87, 89, 90, 92, 93, 95–97, 100, 102, 105–108, 111, 113–116, 118, 127, 129, 138, 139, 149, 158, 159, 160, 167, 173, 174
Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA), 74
Library and Information Science Laboratory (Liblab), 96
Library economy, 138
Library of Congress’s Referral Centre, 62
Library science, 66, 76, 84, 101, 129, 135, 137–141, 166
, 118
Linköping, 111
Ljubljana, 60, 71, 78
Lund, 92
Lyche, Hans Tambs, 96
Lyon, 13–14, 51, 53–54
Markić-Čučuković, Ljerka, 60, 66, 76
Mecanography, 27
Metascience of information, 141–151
Meyriat, Jean, 32, 36, 48, 52, 126, 134, 141, 147, 149–150, 169
Mihaijlov, A.I., 151
Mikačić, Mira, 60, 66, 76
Ministry of Cultural Affairs and Communications, 81
Morel, Eugène, 13–18, 39, 63, 134
Motzfeldt, Ingeborg, 100
Museology, 66
Narrow conception of LIS, 167
National University Library of Zagreb, 65
Natural Language Processing (NLP), 164
Naucno-Teknicekaja informacija
, 154
Neo-documentation movement, 103, 105
Nordic Cooperation, 106–112
Nordic Research School in Information Studies (NORSLIS), 108
NordInfo, 95, 107, 109
Nordisk kulturpolitisk tidskrift
, 95
Nordisk Tidsskrift for Informationsvidenskab og Kulturformidling (NTIK)
, 108
NordISNet, 108
Norway, 79, 88, 96–106, 109, 134, 135, 143, 167, 174, 175
Norwegian Research Council (NRC), 100, 109
Norwegian School of Librarians (NSOL), 97–98
Nyhuus, Haakon, 96
Odense, 83, 107
Olander, Birgitta, 92
Ørom, Anders, 88–89
Ortega y Gasset, José, 121
Osijek, 65, 74, 78
Oslo, 90, 97–102, 107, 109, 135
Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet), 98
Otlet, Paul, 17–19, 30, 34–35, 55, 61, 65, 103–104, 124–125, 131, 133–134, 138, 139
Pagès, Robert, 36, 55
Paris, 12–18, 22–24, 34–35, 49, 51, 52–53, 61, 65, 122, 131
Pédauque, 104–105
Pejtersen, Annelise Mark, 87
Personal information management (PIM), 92
Petersen, Erland Munch, 88, 108
Pors, Niels Ole, 89
Portugal, 34, 58, 107, 113–136, 158
Problem-based learning (PBL), 104
Proença, Raul, 131, 134
Provincial Government of Barcelona, 115
Puente, Emilia Currás, 123
Quaderns de treball
, 115
Rayward, Boyd, 30, 34, 103, 105, 112
Referral Center (RC), 59, 67–70
Revue des Bibliothèques
, 29
Rijeka, 60, 65, 71
Royal School of Librarianship (RSL), 82, 90
Royal School of Library and Information Science (RSLIS), 82–83, 84–90, 109
Rydbeck, Kerstin, 92
Saracevic, Tefko, 73–74, 134
School of Information Management and Systems (SIMS), 105
Schrettinger, Martin, 138
Scientific and technical information (STI), 61, 113, 139
Section of modern libraries, 16
Semiotic conception of document, 23–26
Serendipity, power of, 103–106
Sharp, Katharine, 138
Shera, Jesse, 32, 73, 134
Social institutionalisation, 56
Social liberation movement, 82
Sociedad Española de Documentación e Información Científica (SEDIC), 119, 123–124
Societat Catalana de Documentació i Informació (SOCADI), 119
Solvberg, Ingeborg, 98, 109
Spain, 5, 6, 34, 107, 109, 113–136, 139, 148–149, 156, 158, 180
Spanish Civil war, 115
Special librarian, 23, 40–41, 109, 144
State School of Librarianship, 80
Steenberg, Andreas Schack, 80
Štefinović, Josip, 64
Stockholm, 90–93, 107, 142–144, 146
Study of Librarianship, Documentation and Information Sciences (CSLDIS), 66–67
Svensk biblioteksforskning
, 95
Sweden, 62, 79, 87, 90–96, 98, 106–107, 110, 111, 134–135, 142–143, 150–151, 167, 174, 175
Swedish National Committee for Documentation, 145
Swedish Research Council (SRC), 135
Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS), 87, 91, 93–94
Swedish State Library School (SSLS), 90, 93–94
Syntagmatic Organization Language (SYNTOL), 35, 37
Tampere, 103, 109, 111, 135
Tengström, Emin, 95
Težak, Božo, 59–78
Timmerman, Povl, 87
Toth, Tibor, 66
Tromsø, 98–102, 105, 109, 135, 140
Trondheim, 98, 102, 109
Tudor-Šilović, Neva, 149
The Turn
, 87
Umeå, 92–95, 108
UNESCO-OECD funding, 62
Union Française des Organismes de Documentation (UFOD), 21, 23, 29, 35, 38–40
Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) system, 65
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), 63
Uppsala, 92–94
Vakkari, Pertti, 103, 108, 109, 111, 134
Växjö, 93–94
Verona, Eva, 60, 66, 76
Villeurbanne, 13–14, 22
Webometrics, 88
Wilson, Tom, 92, 110, 165–166
Windfield, Niels Lund, 34
Winge, Mette, 88
Wormell, Irene, 82, 87
Yepes, José López, 123
Yugoslavia, 59–78, 134
Yugoslavia, emergence of LIS, 59–70, 72–78
Zadar, 65, 74, 78
Zagreb, 59–61, 63–65, 68–76, 78
Gardin, Jean-Claude, 34–35, 37, 134
Garfield, Eugene, 63, 73, 134
Giljarevski, R.S., 151
Gothenburg, 91, 93, 95, 97, 108, 135, 168
Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS), 138
Grenoble, 14, 50, 53–54
Grundtvig, N.F.S., 88
Guanter, José Maria Desantes, 121
Hansen, Dorte Skot, 89
Harbo, Ole, 87, 110, 134
Hayes, Robert, 63, 73, 78, 134
Hjerppe, Roland, 96, 111
Hjørland, Birger, 88–89, 91, 110–111, 135
Höglund, Lars, 92, 95, 108, 168
, 95
The Inforcom Letter, 49
Informacija, 154–156
Informatics, 45, 67, 137, 142, 149–150, 151–156, 161, 174
Informatikka, 152
Information and communication sciences, 30, 47–50, 66
Information brokers, 93
Information Center for the Information Sciences and Services (ICISS), 73
Information-documentation-communication (INDOC), 67, 161–162
Information management, 93, 158
Information processing paradigm, 151–156
Information production process, 56
Information Research
, 110
Information retrieval (IR), 82
Information sciences (IS), 87, 160–166
Information Seeking, 38, 54, 84, 87, 109, 111, 171
Information Seeking in Context (ISIC), 111
Information systems, 164
Information Systems Technology, Systems Develop Corporation, 160–161
Information technology, 93
Informatique, 45, 50, 52, 152–153, 156
Informatiste, 148–149
Informative and documentary process, 157
Informative documentation, 157
Informatologia Yugoslavica (INYU)
, 59, 64, 70–72, 73, 141, 161
Informatologie, 148
Informatologist, 145
Informatologue, 148
Informatology, 141–156, 161
Inforsk, 95
Ingwersen, Peter, 82, 87, 89, 108, 109, 111, 134–135
Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), 63
Institut International de Documentation (IID), 23, 26
Institut National des Techniques Documentaires (INTD), 17, 21–23, 26, 40, 42, 51, 54
Interactive Information Retrieval (IIR), 87, 89, 109
Internacionalna Stalna Izložba Publikacija (ISIP), 59, 63, 65, 67, 69–71
International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), 21, 29, 110, 124, 128, 171
International hub for information science, 73–78
International Institute of Bibliography (IIB), 17, 18, 23, 26, 28, 38, 131
International Permanent Exhibition of Publications, 59, 63–65
iSchool movement, 83, 98
Jiménez-Placer, Javier Lasso-de-la-Vega, 121
Johansen, Carl Gustav, 89
Kaae, Søren, 87
Kirkegaard, Preben, 80, 110
Klasson, Maj, 92
Knowledge organization, 33, 38, 83, 123, 158
La Fontaine, Henri, 17, 18, 28, 35, 55, 65, 134, 139
La Revue du Livre
, 29
Librarianship, 11–14, 16–18, 20, 22, 27, 29, 38, 39, 42, 46, 59, 60, 63, 66, 67, 71, 72, 75, 76, 80, 85, 87, 89, 90, 92, 93, 95–97, 100, 102, 105–108, 111, 113–116, 118, 127, 129, 138, 139, 149, 158, 159, 160, 167, 173, 174
Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA), 74
Library and Information Science Laboratory (Liblab), 96
Library economy, 138
Library of Congress’s Referral Centre, 62
Library science, 66, 76, 84, 101, 129, 135, 137–141, 166
, 118
Linköping, 111
Ljubljana, 60, 71, 78
Lund, 92
Lyche, Hans Tambs, 96
Lyon, 13–14, 51, 53–54
Markić-Čučuković, Ljerka, 60, 66, 76
Mecanography, 27
Metascience of information, 141–151
Meyriat, Jean, 32, 36, 48, 52, 126, 134, 141, 147, 149–150, 169
Mihaijlov, A.I., 151
Mikačić, Mira, 60, 66, 76
Ministry of Cultural Affairs and Communications, 81
Morel, Eugène, 13–18, 39, 63, 134
Motzfeldt, Ingeborg, 100
Museology, 66
Narrow conception of LIS, 167
National University Library of Zagreb, 65
Natural Language Processing (NLP), 164
Naucno-Teknicekaja informacija
, 154
Neo-documentation movement, 103, 105
Nordic Cooperation, 106–112
Nordic Research School in Information Studies (NORSLIS), 108
NordInfo, 95, 107, 109
Nordisk kulturpolitisk tidskrift
, 95
Nordisk Tidsskrift for Informationsvidenskab og Kulturformidling (NTIK)
, 108
NordISNet, 108
Norway, 79, 88, 96–106, 109, 134, 135, 143, 167, 174, 175
Norwegian Research Council (NRC), 100, 109
Norwegian School of Librarians (NSOL), 97–98
Nyhuus, Haakon, 96
Odense, 83, 107
Olander, Birgitta, 92
Ørom, Anders, 88–89
Ortega y Gasset, José, 121
Osijek, 65, 74, 78
Oslo, 90, 97–102, 107, 109, 135
Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet), 98
Otlet, Paul, 17–19, 30, 34–35, 55, 61, 65, 103–104, 124–125, 131, 133–134, 138, 139
Pagès, Robert, 36, 55
Paris, 12–18, 22–24, 34–35, 49, 51, 52–53, 61, 65, 122, 131
Pédauque, 104–105
Pejtersen, Annelise Mark, 87
Personal information management (PIM), 92
Petersen, Erland Munch, 88, 108
Pors, Niels Ole, 89
Portugal, 34, 58, 107, 113–136, 158
Problem-based learning (PBL), 104
Proença, Raul, 131, 134
Provincial Government of Barcelona, 115
Puente, Emilia Currás, 123
Quaderns de treball
, 115
Rayward, Boyd, 30, 34, 103, 105, 112
Referral Center (RC), 59, 67–70
Revue des Bibliothèques
, 29
Rijeka, 60, 65, 71
Royal School of Librarianship (RSL), 82, 90
Royal School of Library and Information Science (RSLIS), 82–83, 84–90, 109
Rydbeck, Kerstin, 92
Saracevic, Tefko, 73–74, 134
School of Information Management and Systems (SIMS), 105
Schrettinger, Martin, 138
Scientific and technical information (STI), 61, 113, 139
Section of modern libraries, 16
Semiotic conception of document, 23–26
Serendipity, power of, 103–106
Sharp, Katharine, 138
Shera, Jesse, 32, 73, 134
Social institutionalisation, 56
Social liberation movement, 82
Sociedad Española de Documentación e Información Científica (SEDIC), 119, 123–124
Societat Catalana de Documentació i Informació (SOCADI), 119
Solvberg, Ingeborg, 98, 109
Spain, 5, 6, 34, 107, 109, 113–136, 139, 148–149, 156, 158, 180
Spanish Civil war, 115
Special librarian, 23, 40–41, 109, 144
State School of Librarianship, 80
Steenberg, Andreas Schack, 80
Štefinović, Josip, 64
Stockholm, 90–93, 107, 142–144, 146
Study of Librarianship, Documentation and Information Sciences (CSLDIS), 66–67
Svensk biblioteksforskning
, 95
Sweden, 62, 79, 87, 90–96, 98, 106–107, 110, 111, 134–135, 142–143, 150–151, 167, 174, 175
Swedish National Committee for Documentation, 145
Swedish Research Council (SRC), 135
Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS), 87, 91, 93–94
Swedish State Library School (SSLS), 90, 93–94
Syntagmatic Organization Language (SYNTOL), 35, 37
Tampere, 103, 109, 111, 135
Tengström, Emin, 95
Težak, Božo, 59–78
Timmerman, Povl, 87
Toth, Tibor, 66
Tromsø, 98–102, 105, 109, 135, 140
Trondheim, 98, 102, 109
Tudor-Šilović, Neva, 149
The Turn
, 87
Umeå, 92–95, 108
UNESCO-OECD funding, 62
Union Française des Organismes de Documentation (UFOD), 21, 23, 29, 35, 38–40
Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) system, 65
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), 63
Uppsala, 92–94
Vakkari, Pertti, 103, 108, 109, 111, 134
Växjö, 93–94
Verona, Eva, 60, 66, 76
Villeurbanne, 13–14, 22
Webometrics, 88
Wilson, Tom, 92, 110, 165–166
Windfield, Niels Lund, 34
Winge, Mette, 88
Wormell, Irene, 82, 87
Yepes, José López, 123
Yugoslavia, 59–78, 134
Yugoslavia, emergence of LIS, 59–70, 72–78
Zadar, 65, 74, 78
Zagreb, 59–61, 63–65, 68–76, 78
The Inforcom Letter, 49
Informacija, 154–156
Informatics, 45, 67, 137, 142, 149–150, 151–156, 161, 174
Informatikka, 152
Information and communication sciences, 30, 47–50, 66
Information brokers, 93
Information Center for the Information Sciences and Services (ICISS), 73
Information-documentation-communication (INDOC), 67, 161–162
Information management, 93, 158
Information processing paradigm, 151–156
Information production process, 56
Information Research
, 110
Information retrieval (IR), 82
Information sciences (IS), 87, 160–166
Information Seeking, 38, 54, 84, 87, 109, 111, 171
Information Seeking in Context (ISIC), 111
Information systems, 164
Information Systems Technology, Systems Develop Corporation, 160–161
Information technology, 93
Informatique, 45, 50, 52, 152–153, 156
Informatiste, 148–149
Informative and documentary process, 157
Informative documentation, 157
Informatologia Yugoslavica (INYU)
, 59, 64, 70–72, 73, 141, 161
Informatologie, 148
Informatologist, 145
Informatologue, 148
Informatology, 141–156, 161
Inforsk, 95
Ingwersen, Peter, 82, 87, 89, 108, 109, 111, 134–135
Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), 63
Institut International de Documentation (IID), 23, 26
Institut National des Techniques Documentaires (INTD), 17, 21–23, 26, 40, 42, 51, 54
Interactive Information Retrieval (IIR), 87, 89, 109
Internacionalna Stalna Izložba Publikacija (ISIP), 59, 63, 65, 67, 69–71
International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), 21, 29, 110, 124, 128, 171
International hub for information science, 73–78
International Institute of Bibliography (IIB), 17, 18, 23, 26, 28, 38, 131
International Permanent Exhibition of Publications, 59, 63–65
iSchool movement, 83, 98
Jiménez-Placer, Javier Lasso-de-la-Vega, 121
Johansen, Carl Gustav, 89
Kaae, Søren, 87
Kirkegaard, Preben, 80, 110
Klasson, Maj, 92
Knowledge organization, 33, 38, 83, 123, 158
La Fontaine, Henri, 17, 18, 28, 35, 55, 65, 134, 139
La Revue du Livre
, 29
Librarianship, 11–14, 16–18, 20, 22, 27, 29, 38, 39, 42, 46, 59, 60, 63, 66, 67, 71, 72, 75, 76, 80, 85, 87, 89, 90, 92, 93, 95–97, 100, 102, 105–108, 111, 113–116, 118, 127, 129, 138, 139, 149, 158, 159, 160, 167, 173, 174
Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA), 74
Library and Information Science Laboratory (Liblab), 96
Library economy, 138
Library of Congress’s Referral Centre, 62
Library science, 66, 76, 84, 101, 129, 135, 137–141, 166
, 118
Linköping, 111
Ljubljana, 60, 71, 78
Lund, 92
Lyche, Hans Tambs, 96
Lyon, 13–14, 51, 53–54
Markić-Čučuković, Ljerka, 60, 66, 76
Mecanography, 27
Metascience of information, 141–151
Meyriat, Jean, 32, 36, 48, 52, 126, 134, 141, 147, 149–150, 169
Mihaijlov, A.I., 151
Mikačić, Mira, 60, 66, 76
Ministry of Cultural Affairs and Communications, 81
Morel, Eugène, 13–18, 39, 63, 134
Motzfeldt, Ingeborg, 100
Museology, 66
Narrow conception of LIS, 167
National University Library of Zagreb, 65
Natural Language Processing (NLP), 164
Naucno-Teknicekaja informacija
, 154
Neo-documentation movement, 103, 105
Nordic Cooperation, 106–112
Nordic Research School in Information Studies (NORSLIS), 108
NordInfo, 95, 107, 109
Nordisk kulturpolitisk tidskrift
, 95
Nordisk Tidsskrift for Informationsvidenskab og Kulturformidling (NTIK)
, 108
NordISNet, 108
Norway, 79, 88, 96–106, 109, 134, 135, 143, 167, 174, 175
Norwegian Research Council (NRC), 100, 109
Norwegian School of Librarians (NSOL), 97–98
Nyhuus, Haakon, 96
Odense, 83, 107
Olander, Birgitta, 92
Ørom, Anders, 88–89
Ortega y Gasset, José, 121
Osijek, 65, 74, 78
Oslo, 90, 97–102, 107, 109, 135
Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet), 98
Otlet, Paul, 17–19, 30, 34–35, 55, 61, 65, 103–104, 124–125, 131, 133–134, 138, 139
Pagès, Robert, 36, 55
Paris, 12–18, 22–24, 34–35, 49, 51, 52–53, 61, 65, 122, 131
Pédauque, 104–105
Pejtersen, Annelise Mark, 87
Personal information management (PIM), 92
Petersen, Erland Munch, 88, 108
Pors, Niels Ole, 89
Portugal, 34, 58, 107, 113–136, 158
Problem-based learning (PBL), 104
Proença, Raul, 131, 134
Provincial Government of Barcelona, 115
Puente, Emilia Currás, 123
Quaderns de treball
, 115
Rayward, Boyd, 30, 34, 103, 105, 112
Referral Center (RC), 59, 67–70
Revue des Bibliothèques
, 29
Rijeka, 60, 65, 71
Royal School of Librarianship (RSL), 82, 90
Royal School of Library and Information Science (RSLIS), 82–83, 84–90, 109
Rydbeck, Kerstin, 92
Saracevic, Tefko, 73–74, 134
School of Information Management and Systems (SIMS), 105
Schrettinger, Martin, 138
Scientific and technical information (STI), 61, 113, 139
Section of modern libraries, 16
Semiotic conception of document, 23–26
Serendipity, power of, 103–106
Sharp, Katharine, 138
Shera, Jesse, 32, 73, 134
Social institutionalisation, 56
Social liberation movement, 82
Sociedad Española de Documentación e Información Científica (SEDIC), 119, 123–124
Societat Catalana de Documentació i Informació (SOCADI), 119
Solvberg, Ingeborg, 98, 109
Spain, 5, 6, 34, 107, 109, 113–136, 139, 148–149, 156, 158, 180
Spanish Civil war, 115
Special librarian, 23, 40–41, 109, 144
State School of Librarianship, 80
Steenberg, Andreas Schack, 80
Štefinović, Josip, 64
Stockholm, 90–93, 107, 142–144, 146
Study of Librarianship, Documentation and Information Sciences (CSLDIS), 66–67
Svensk biblioteksforskning
, 95
Sweden, 62, 79, 87, 90–96, 98, 106–107, 110, 111, 134–135, 142–143, 150–151, 167, 174, 175
Swedish National Committee for Documentation, 145
Swedish Research Council (SRC), 135
Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS), 87, 91, 93–94
Swedish State Library School (SSLS), 90, 93–94
Syntagmatic Organization Language (SYNTOL), 35, 37
Tampere, 103, 109, 111, 135
Tengström, Emin, 95
Težak, Božo, 59–78
Timmerman, Povl, 87
Toth, Tibor, 66
Tromsø, 98–102, 105, 109, 135, 140
Trondheim, 98, 102, 109
Tudor-Šilović, Neva, 149
The Turn
, 87
Umeå, 92–95, 108
UNESCO-OECD funding, 62
Union Française des Organismes de Documentation (UFOD), 21, 23, 29, 35, 38–40
Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) system, 65
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), 63
Uppsala, 92–94
Vakkari, Pertti, 103, 108, 109, 111, 134
Växjö, 93–94
Verona, Eva, 60, 66, 76
Villeurbanne, 13–14, 22
Webometrics, 88
Wilson, Tom, 92, 110, 165–166
Windfield, Niels Lund, 34
Winge, Mette, 88
Wormell, Irene, 82, 87
Yepes, José López, 123
Yugoslavia, 59–78, 134
Yugoslavia, emergence of LIS, 59–70, 72–78
Zadar, 65, 74, 78
Zagreb, 59–61, 63–65, 68–76, 78
Kaae, Søren, 87
Kirkegaard, Preben, 80, 110
Klasson, Maj, 92
Knowledge organization, 33, 38, 83, 123, 158
La Fontaine, Henri, 17, 18, 28, 35, 55, 65, 134, 139
La Revue du Livre
, 29
Librarianship, 11–14, 16–18, 20, 22, 27, 29, 38, 39, 42, 46, 59, 60, 63, 66, 67, 71, 72, 75, 76, 80, 85, 87, 89, 90, 92, 93, 95–97, 100, 102, 105–108, 111, 113–116, 118, 127, 129, 138, 139, 149, 158, 159, 160, 167, 173, 174
Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA), 74
Library and Information Science Laboratory (Liblab), 96
Library economy, 138
Library of Congress’s Referral Centre, 62
Library science, 66, 76, 84, 101, 129, 135, 137–141, 166
, 118
Linköping, 111
Ljubljana, 60, 71, 78
Lund, 92
Lyche, Hans Tambs, 96
Lyon, 13–14, 51, 53–54
Markić-Čučuković, Ljerka, 60, 66, 76
Mecanography, 27
Metascience of information, 141–151
Meyriat, Jean, 32, 36, 48, 52, 126, 134, 141, 147, 149–150, 169
Mihaijlov, A.I., 151
Mikačić, Mira, 60, 66, 76
Ministry of Cultural Affairs and Communications, 81
Morel, Eugène, 13–18, 39, 63, 134
Motzfeldt, Ingeborg, 100
Museology, 66
Narrow conception of LIS, 167
National University Library of Zagreb, 65
Natural Language Processing (NLP), 164
Naucno-Teknicekaja informacija
, 154
Neo-documentation movement, 103, 105
Nordic Cooperation, 106–112
Nordic Research School in Information Studies (NORSLIS), 108
NordInfo, 95, 107, 109
Nordisk kulturpolitisk tidskrift
, 95
Nordisk Tidsskrift for Informationsvidenskab og Kulturformidling (NTIK)
, 108
NordISNet, 108
Norway, 79, 88, 96–106, 109, 134, 135, 143, 167, 174, 175
Norwegian Research Council (NRC), 100, 109
Norwegian School of Librarians (NSOL), 97–98
Nyhuus, Haakon, 96
Odense, 83, 107
Olander, Birgitta, 92
Ørom, Anders, 88–89
Ortega y Gasset, José, 121
Osijek, 65, 74, 78
Oslo, 90, 97–102, 107, 109, 135
Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet), 98
Otlet, Paul, 17–19, 30, 34–35, 55, 61, 65, 103–104, 124–125, 131, 133–134, 138, 139
Pagès, Robert, 36, 55
Paris, 12–18, 22–24, 34–35, 49, 51, 52–53, 61, 65, 122, 131
Pédauque, 104–105
Pejtersen, Annelise Mark, 87
Personal information management (PIM), 92
Petersen, Erland Munch, 88, 108
Pors, Niels Ole, 89
Portugal, 34, 58, 107, 113–136, 158
Problem-based learning (PBL), 104
Proença, Raul, 131, 134
Provincial Government of Barcelona, 115
Puente, Emilia Currás, 123
Quaderns de treball
, 115
Rayward, Boyd, 30, 34, 103, 105, 112
Referral Center (RC), 59, 67–70
Revue des Bibliothèques
, 29
Rijeka, 60, 65, 71
Royal School of Librarianship (RSL), 82, 90
Royal School of Library and Information Science (RSLIS), 82–83, 84–90, 109
Rydbeck, Kerstin, 92
Saracevic, Tefko, 73–74, 134
School of Information Management and Systems (SIMS), 105
Schrettinger, Martin, 138
Scientific and technical information (STI), 61, 113, 139
Section of modern libraries, 16
Semiotic conception of document, 23–26
Serendipity, power of, 103–106
Sharp, Katharine, 138
Shera, Jesse, 32, 73, 134
Social institutionalisation, 56
Social liberation movement, 82
Sociedad Española de Documentación e Información Científica (SEDIC), 119, 123–124
Societat Catalana de Documentació i Informació (SOCADI), 119
Solvberg, Ingeborg, 98, 109
Spain, 5, 6, 34, 107, 109, 113–136, 139, 148–149, 156, 158, 180
Spanish Civil war, 115
Special librarian, 23, 40–41, 109, 144
State School of Librarianship, 80
Steenberg, Andreas Schack, 80
Štefinović, Josip, 64
Stockholm, 90–93, 107, 142–144, 146
Study of Librarianship, Documentation and Information Sciences (CSLDIS), 66–67
Svensk biblioteksforskning
, 95
Sweden, 62, 79, 87, 90–96, 98, 106–107, 110, 111, 134–135, 142–143, 150–151, 167, 174, 175
Swedish National Committee for Documentation, 145
Swedish Research Council (SRC), 135
Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS), 87, 91, 93–94
Swedish State Library School (SSLS), 90, 93–94
Syntagmatic Organization Language (SYNTOL), 35, 37
Tampere, 103, 109, 111, 135
Tengström, Emin, 95
Težak, Božo, 59–78
Timmerman, Povl, 87
Toth, Tibor, 66
Tromsø, 98–102, 105, 109, 135, 140
Trondheim, 98, 102, 109
Tudor-Šilović, Neva, 149
The Turn
, 87
Umeå, 92–95, 108
UNESCO-OECD funding, 62
Union Française des Organismes de Documentation (UFOD), 21, 23, 29, 35, 38–40
Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) system, 65
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), 63
Uppsala, 92–94
Vakkari, Pertti, 103, 108, 109, 111, 134
Växjö, 93–94
Verona, Eva, 60, 66, 76
Villeurbanne, 13–14, 22
Webometrics, 88
Wilson, Tom, 92, 110, 165–166
Windfield, Niels Lund, 34
Winge, Mette, 88
Wormell, Irene, 82, 87
Yepes, José López, 123
Yugoslavia, 59–78, 134
Yugoslavia, emergence of LIS, 59–70, 72–78
Zadar, 65, 74, 78
Zagreb, 59–61, 63–65, 68–76, 78
Markić-Čučuković, Ljerka, 60, 66, 76
Mecanography, 27
Metascience of information, 141–151
Meyriat, Jean, 32, 36, 48, 52, 126, 134, 141, 147, 149–150, 169
Mihaijlov, A.I., 151
Mikačić, Mira, 60, 66, 76
Ministry of Cultural Affairs and Communications, 81
Morel, Eugène, 13–18, 39, 63, 134
Motzfeldt, Ingeborg, 100
Museology, 66
Narrow conception of LIS, 167
National University Library of Zagreb, 65
Natural Language Processing (NLP), 164
Naucno-Teknicekaja informacija
, 154
Neo-documentation movement, 103, 105
Nordic Cooperation, 106–112
Nordic Research School in Information Studies (NORSLIS), 108
NordInfo, 95, 107, 109
Nordisk kulturpolitisk tidskrift
, 95
Nordisk Tidsskrift for Informationsvidenskab og Kulturformidling (NTIK)
, 108
NordISNet, 108
Norway, 79, 88, 96–106, 109, 134, 135, 143, 167, 174, 175
Norwegian Research Council (NRC), 100, 109
Norwegian School of Librarians (NSOL), 97–98
Nyhuus, Haakon, 96
Odense, 83, 107
Olander, Birgitta, 92
Ørom, Anders, 88–89
Ortega y Gasset, José, 121
Osijek, 65, 74, 78
Oslo, 90, 97–102, 107, 109, 135
Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet), 98
Otlet, Paul, 17–19, 30, 34–35, 55, 61, 65, 103–104, 124–125, 131, 133–134, 138, 139
Pagès, Robert, 36, 55
Paris, 12–18, 22–24, 34–35, 49, 51, 52–53, 61, 65, 122, 131
Pédauque, 104–105
Pejtersen, Annelise Mark, 87
Personal information management (PIM), 92
Petersen, Erland Munch, 88, 108
Pors, Niels Ole, 89
Portugal, 34, 58, 107, 113–136, 158
Problem-based learning (PBL), 104
Proença, Raul, 131, 134
Provincial Government of Barcelona, 115
Puente, Emilia Currás, 123
Quaderns de treball
, 115
Rayward, Boyd, 30, 34, 103, 105, 112
Referral Center (RC), 59, 67–70
Revue des Bibliothèques
, 29
Rijeka, 60, 65, 71
Royal School of Librarianship (RSL), 82, 90
Royal School of Library and Information Science (RSLIS), 82–83, 84–90, 109
Rydbeck, Kerstin, 92
Saracevic, Tefko, 73–74, 134
School of Information Management and Systems (SIMS), 105
Schrettinger, Martin, 138
Scientific and technical information (STI), 61, 113, 139
Section of modern libraries, 16
Semiotic conception of document, 23–26
Serendipity, power of, 103–106
Sharp, Katharine, 138
Shera, Jesse, 32, 73, 134
Social institutionalisation, 56
Social liberation movement, 82
Sociedad Española de Documentación e Información Científica (SEDIC), 119, 123–124
Societat Catalana de Documentació i Informació (SOCADI), 119
Solvberg, Ingeborg, 98, 109
Spain, 5, 6, 34, 107, 109, 113–136, 139, 148–149, 156, 158, 180
Spanish Civil war, 115
Special librarian, 23, 40–41, 109, 144
State School of Librarianship, 80
Steenberg, Andreas Schack, 80
Štefinović, Josip, 64
Stockholm, 90–93, 107, 142–144, 146
Study of Librarianship, Documentation and Information Sciences (CSLDIS), 66–67
Svensk biblioteksforskning
, 95
Sweden, 62, 79, 87, 90–96, 98, 106–107, 110, 111, 134–135, 142–143, 150–151, 167, 174, 175
Swedish National Committee for Documentation, 145
Swedish Research Council (SRC), 135
Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS), 87, 91, 93–94
Swedish State Library School (SSLS), 90, 93–94
Syntagmatic Organization Language (SYNTOL), 35, 37
Tampere, 103, 109, 111, 135
Tengström, Emin, 95
Težak, Božo, 59–78
Timmerman, Povl, 87
Toth, Tibor, 66
Tromsø, 98–102, 105, 109, 135, 140
Trondheim, 98, 102, 109
Tudor-Šilović, Neva, 149
The Turn
, 87
Umeå, 92–95, 108
UNESCO-OECD funding, 62
Union Française des Organismes de Documentation (UFOD), 21, 23, 29, 35, 38–40
Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) system, 65
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), 63
Uppsala, 92–94
Vakkari, Pertti, 103, 108, 109, 111, 134
Växjö, 93–94
Verona, Eva, 60, 66, 76
Villeurbanne, 13–14, 22
Webometrics, 88
Wilson, Tom, 92, 110, 165–166
Windfield, Niels Lund, 34
Winge, Mette, 88
Wormell, Irene, 82, 87
Yepes, José López, 123
Yugoslavia, 59–78, 134
Yugoslavia, emergence of LIS, 59–70, 72–78
Zadar, 65, 74, 78
Zagreb, 59–61, 63–65, 68–76, 78
Odense, 83, 107
Olander, Birgitta, 92
Ørom, Anders, 88–89
Ortega y Gasset, José, 121
Osijek, 65, 74, 78
Oslo, 90, 97–102, 107, 109, 135
Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet), 98
Otlet, Paul, 17–19, 30, 34–35, 55, 61, 65, 103–104, 124–125, 131, 133–134, 138, 139
Pagès, Robert, 36, 55
Paris, 12–18, 22–24, 34–35, 49, 51, 52–53, 61, 65, 122, 131
Pédauque, 104–105
Pejtersen, Annelise Mark, 87
Personal information management (PIM), 92
Petersen, Erland Munch, 88, 108
Pors, Niels Ole, 89
Portugal, 34, 58, 107, 113–136, 158
Problem-based learning (PBL), 104
Proença, Raul, 131, 134
Provincial Government of Barcelona, 115
Puente, Emilia Currás, 123
Quaderns de treball
, 115
Rayward, Boyd, 30, 34, 103, 105, 112
Referral Center (RC), 59, 67–70
Revue des Bibliothèques
, 29
Rijeka, 60, 65, 71
Royal School of Librarianship (RSL), 82, 90
Royal School of Library and Information Science (RSLIS), 82–83, 84–90, 109
Rydbeck, Kerstin, 92
Saracevic, Tefko, 73–74, 134
School of Information Management and Systems (SIMS), 105
Schrettinger, Martin, 138
Scientific and technical information (STI), 61, 113, 139
Section of modern libraries, 16
Semiotic conception of document, 23–26
Serendipity, power of, 103–106
Sharp, Katharine, 138
Shera, Jesse, 32, 73, 134
Social institutionalisation, 56
Social liberation movement, 82
Sociedad Española de Documentación e Información Científica (SEDIC), 119, 123–124
Societat Catalana de Documentació i Informació (SOCADI), 119
Solvberg, Ingeborg, 98, 109
Spain, 5, 6, 34, 107, 109, 113–136, 139, 148–149, 156, 158, 180
Spanish Civil war, 115
Special librarian, 23, 40–41, 109, 144
State School of Librarianship, 80
Steenberg, Andreas Schack, 80
Štefinović, Josip, 64
Stockholm, 90–93, 107, 142–144, 146
Study of Librarianship, Documentation and Information Sciences (CSLDIS), 66–67
Svensk biblioteksforskning
, 95
Sweden, 62, 79, 87, 90–96, 98, 106–107, 110, 111, 134–135, 142–143, 150–151, 167, 174, 175
Swedish National Committee for Documentation, 145
Swedish Research Council (SRC), 135
Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS), 87, 91, 93–94
Swedish State Library School (SSLS), 90, 93–94
Syntagmatic Organization Language (SYNTOL), 35, 37
Tampere, 103, 109, 111, 135
Tengström, Emin, 95
Težak, Božo, 59–78
Timmerman, Povl, 87
Toth, Tibor, 66
Tromsø, 98–102, 105, 109, 135, 140
Trondheim, 98, 102, 109
Tudor-Šilović, Neva, 149
The Turn
, 87
Umeå, 92–95, 108
UNESCO-OECD funding, 62
Union Française des Organismes de Documentation (UFOD), 21, 23, 29, 35, 38–40
Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) system, 65
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), 63
Uppsala, 92–94
Vakkari, Pertti, 103, 108, 109, 111, 134
Växjö, 93–94
Verona, Eva, 60, 66, 76
Villeurbanne, 13–14, 22
Webometrics, 88
Wilson, Tom, 92, 110, 165–166
Windfield, Niels Lund, 34
Winge, Mette, 88
Wormell, Irene, 82, 87
Yepes, José López, 123
Yugoslavia, 59–78, 134
Yugoslavia, emergence of LIS, 59–70, 72–78
Zadar, 65, 74, 78
Zagreb, 59–61, 63–65, 68–76, 78
Quaderns de treball
, 115
Rayward, Boyd, 30, 34, 103, 105, 112
Referral Center (RC), 59, 67–70
Revue des Bibliothèques
, 29
Rijeka, 60, 65, 71
Royal School of Librarianship (RSL), 82, 90
Royal School of Library and Information Science (RSLIS), 82–83, 84–90, 109
Rydbeck, Kerstin, 92
Saracevic, Tefko, 73–74, 134
School of Information Management and Systems (SIMS), 105
Schrettinger, Martin, 138
Scientific and technical information (STI), 61, 113, 139
Section of modern libraries, 16
Semiotic conception of document, 23–26
Serendipity, power of, 103–106
Sharp, Katharine, 138
Shera, Jesse, 32, 73, 134
Social institutionalisation, 56
Social liberation movement, 82
Sociedad Española de Documentación e Información Científica (SEDIC), 119, 123–124
Societat Catalana de Documentació i Informació (SOCADI), 119
Solvberg, Ingeborg, 98, 109
Spain, 5, 6, 34, 107, 109, 113–136, 139, 148–149, 156, 158, 180
Spanish Civil war, 115
Special librarian, 23, 40–41, 109, 144
State School of Librarianship, 80
Steenberg, Andreas Schack, 80
Štefinović, Josip, 64
Stockholm, 90–93, 107, 142–144, 146
Study of Librarianship, Documentation and Information Sciences (CSLDIS), 66–67
Svensk biblioteksforskning
, 95
Sweden, 62, 79, 87, 90–96, 98, 106–107, 110, 111, 134–135, 142–143, 150–151, 167, 174, 175
Swedish National Committee for Documentation, 145
Swedish Research Council (SRC), 135
Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS), 87, 91, 93–94
Swedish State Library School (SSLS), 90, 93–94
Syntagmatic Organization Language (SYNTOL), 35, 37
Tampere, 103, 109, 111, 135
Tengström, Emin, 95
Težak, Božo, 59–78
Timmerman, Povl, 87
Toth, Tibor, 66
Tromsø, 98–102, 105, 109, 135, 140
Trondheim, 98, 102, 109
Tudor-Šilović, Neva, 149
The Turn
, 87
Umeå, 92–95, 108
UNESCO-OECD funding, 62
Union Française des Organismes de Documentation (UFOD), 21, 23, 29, 35, 38–40
Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) system, 65
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), 63
Uppsala, 92–94
Vakkari, Pertti, 103, 108, 109, 111, 134
Växjö, 93–94
Verona, Eva, 60, 66, 76
Villeurbanne, 13–14, 22
Webometrics, 88
Wilson, Tom, 92, 110, 165–166
Windfield, Niels Lund, 34
Winge, Mette, 88
Wormell, Irene, 82, 87
Yepes, José López, 123
Yugoslavia, 59–78, 134
Yugoslavia, emergence of LIS, 59–70, 72–78
Zadar, 65, 74, 78
Zagreb, 59–61, 63–65, 68–76, 78
Saracevic, Tefko, 73–74, 134
School of Information Management and Systems (SIMS), 105
Schrettinger, Martin, 138
Scientific and technical information (STI), 61, 113, 139
Section of modern libraries, 16
Semiotic conception of document, 23–26
Serendipity, power of, 103–106
Sharp, Katharine, 138
Shera, Jesse, 32, 73, 134
Social institutionalisation, 56
Social liberation movement, 82
Sociedad Española de Documentación e Información Científica (SEDIC), 119, 123–124
Societat Catalana de Documentació i Informació (SOCADI), 119
Solvberg, Ingeborg, 98, 109
Spain, 5, 6, 34, 107, 109, 113–136, 139, 148–149, 156, 158, 180
Spanish Civil war, 115
Special librarian, 23, 40–41, 109, 144
State School of Librarianship, 80
Steenberg, Andreas Schack, 80
Štefinović, Josip, 64
Stockholm, 90–93, 107, 142–144, 146
Study of Librarianship, Documentation and Information Sciences (CSLDIS), 66–67
Svensk biblioteksforskning
, 95
Sweden, 62, 79, 87, 90–96, 98, 106–107, 110, 111, 134–135, 142–143, 150–151, 167, 174, 175
Swedish National Committee for Documentation, 145
Swedish Research Council (SRC), 135
Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS), 87, 91, 93–94
Swedish State Library School (SSLS), 90, 93–94
Syntagmatic Organization Language (SYNTOL), 35, 37
Tampere, 103, 109, 111, 135
Tengström, Emin, 95
Težak, Božo, 59–78
Timmerman, Povl, 87
Toth, Tibor, 66
Tromsø, 98–102, 105, 109, 135, 140
Trondheim, 98, 102, 109
Tudor-Šilović, Neva, 149
The Turn
, 87
Umeå, 92–95, 108
UNESCO-OECD funding, 62
Union Française des Organismes de Documentation (UFOD), 21, 23, 29, 35, 38–40
Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) system, 65
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), 63
Uppsala, 92–94
Vakkari, Pertti, 103, 108, 109, 111, 134
Växjö, 93–94
Verona, Eva, 60, 66, 76
Villeurbanne, 13–14, 22
Webometrics, 88
Wilson, Tom, 92, 110, 165–166
Windfield, Niels Lund, 34
Winge, Mette, 88
Wormell, Irene, 82, 87
Yepes, José López, 123
Yugoslavia, 59–78, 134
Yugoslavia, emergence of LIS, 59–70, 72–78
Zadar, 65, 74, 78
Zagreb, 59–61, 63–65, 68–76, 78
Umeå, 92–95, 108
UNESCO-OECD funding, 62
Union Française des Organismes de Documentation (UFOD), 21, 23, 29, 35, 38–40
Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) system, 65
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), 63
Uppsala, 92–94
Vakkari, Pertti, 103, 108, 109, 111, 134
Växjö, 93–94
Verona, Eva, 60, 66, 76
Villeurbanne, 13–14, 22
Webometrics, 88
Wilson, Tom, 92, 110, 165–166
Windfield, Niels Lund, 34
Winge, Mette, 88
Wormell, Irene, 82, 87
Yepes, José López, 123
Yugoslavia, 59–78, 134
Yugoslavia, emergence of LIS, 59–70, 72–78
Zadar, 65, 74, 78
Zagreb, 59–61, 63–65, 68–76, 78
Webometrics, 88
Wilson, Tom, 92, 110, 165–166
Windfield, Niels Lund, 34
Winge, Mette, 88
Wormell, Irene, 82, 87
Yepes, José López, 123
Yugoslavia, 59–78, 134
Yugoslavia, emergence of LIS, 59–70, 72–78
Zadar, 65, 74, 78
Zagreb, 59–61, 63–65, 68–76, 78
Zadar, 65, 74, 78
Zagreb, 59–61, 63–65, 68–76, 78
- Prelims
- Scope and Aims of the Book
- Chapter 1 Emergence of LIS in France: A Tale of Academic Cohabitation and of Memory Loss
- Chapter 2 Emergence of LIS in Yugoslavia: Božo Težak’s Information Super-structures
- Chapter 3 Emergence of LIS in Three Scandinavian Countries: A Tale of Nordic Competition and Cooperation
- Chapter 4 Emergence of LIS in Spain and Portugal under Francophone Influence
- Chapter 5 In Search of an Identity and the Object of a Discipline
- Conclusion
- Epilogue
- Appendix
- References
- Index