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Riding the Waves of COVID-19: A Holistic Approach to Accreditation in Higher Education

Safiya Mukhtar Alshibani, Atiya Bukhari, Renu Sharma, Norah Ali Albishri

Quality Assurance in Higher Education in the Middle East: Practices and Perspectives

ISBN: 978-1-80262-556-1, eISBN: 978-1-80262-555-4

Publication date: 11 December 2023


Faced with the existential threat of COVID-19, the College of Business Administration (CBA) at Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University (PNU) decided to work toward the dual goals to achieve accreditation and an effective social and educational response to the pandemic. CBA’s quality improvement process was implemented synergistically with Seligman’s (2011) PERMA well-being model, namely positive emotions, engagement, relationship, meaning, and accomplishment/achievement. The case study methodology, which was based on direct observations, faculty and students’ interviews, surveys, feedback, documents, and archival data records, allowed to capture the context and lived reality of all the participants in QAA processes. Results showed that quality improvement was facilitated through three domains: (1) governance and academic leadership, (2) teaching and learning, and (3) digitalization and technology. Within each domain, specific programs, activities, human resources, and networks were enabled through a framework based on the PERMA well-being model. As a result of this hybrid QAA well-being implementation process, CBA achieved NCAAA accreditation for its offered programs, while experiencing high levels of well-being and commitment to teaching and learning by the staff members and students. The description of CBA’s accreditation journey might be insightful for other higher education institutions (HEIs).



Alshibani, S.M., Bukhari, A., Sharma, R. and Albishri, N.A. (2023), "Riding the Waves of COVID-19: A Holistic Approach to Accreditation in Higher Education", Saeed, S.T. and Sherwani, K.H. (Ed.) Quality Assurance in Higher Education in the Middle East: Practices and Perspectives (Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning, Vol. 54), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 115-142.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024 Safiya Mukhtar Alshibani, Atiya Bukhari, Renu Sharma and Norah Ali Albishri