, 82, 85
unaccompanied migrant children in
, 85–87
Canada Student Financial Assistance Act
, 114
Canada’s position on refugees
, 111
Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture (CCVT)
, 114–16, 229
Canadian labor market
, 110–11
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)
, 114–15, 233
Child development
, 181
impact on development
, 174–75
implications for staff development and support
, 181–82
play-based provision role within refugee camps
, 175–79
in refugee camps
, 176
supporting transition to mainstream education
, 179–81
aware of symptoms
, 180–81
, 204
, 174
majority of world’s total refugee population
, 172
refugee camps
, 173–74
in refugee community
, 159
within refugee crisis
, 171
of refugees
, 34
study in formal educational system
, 35
, 173
, 172–73
, 36, 140, 177, 200
Church World Service (CWS)
, 158–59
Churning production in United States
, 68
, 10, 66–67, 76, 96, 238
, 24, 68–69, 102, 204, 225
, 26
Citizenship Immigration Canada (CIC)
, 110
Clinical Apprenticeship Scheme (CAP)
, 62
Clinical Attachments
, 61–62
, 13, 140, 143, 145
Collaborative analysis
, 70
Collaborative approaches to higher education access
, 224
Collaborative experiences
, 11, 96, 99–03
, 225
, 198
, 18, 96
Colleges and universities
, 219
challenges faced by students from refugee backgrounds
, 222–223
educational support to students from refugee backgrounds
, 225
financial support to students from refugee backgrounds
, 223–224
recommendations for future practice
, 226
refugee access to higher education
, 221–222
refugee status and educational access
, 219–221
refugee status and refugee population
, 217–219
students from refugee backgrounds in united states
, 216
technology-facilitated education
, 226
, 131, 180
, 9
Facebook MessengerTM app
, 130, 135
intentional partnering and
, 169
inter-personal system of
, 42
lack of
, 28
, 42
, 61
personal–emotional communications system
, 36–37
Communicative skills
, 220
building and content, preparing gardeners through
, 164
dialogue designing grounded in findings from South Sudan
, 73
findings enhancing larger inquiry afoot
, 74–76
lack of institutional responsiveness
, 74–76
preparing gardeners with community engagement
, 163–64
primary research
, 73–74
putting findings in dialogue
, 76–77
, 158
relevance and significance of community partners
, 114
silencing of agency and self-determination
, 76
support for refugees
, 128–29
Community-based action approach (CBA approach)
, 13, 141, 144
Community-based organizations (CBO)
, 130
Community-based participatory research framework (CBPR framework)
, 114–15
Community-building strategy
, 165
Community-education component
, 204
Compassionate witnessing
, 22–23
, 8, 14, 21, 25, 145, 150
children displacing by
, 199
conflict-ridden countries
, 186
fleeing from
, 146
, 151
in South Sudan
, 68
Contemporary commons
, 67
churning production in United States
, 68
inquiring into
, 68–69
pernicious legacy
, 67–68
Contextual and explicit vocabulary development
, 161
Cooperative learning experiences
, 97
, 12, 160–61, 163, 166, 201, 205
Creativity And Reading Education (CARE)
, 12, 160
, 158
critical reflections and steps for 2017 garden
, 168
families as cultivators of garden of
, 162
Harrisonburg, Virginia
, 158–59
identifying and planting seeds of
, 159–60
intentional partnering and communication
, 169
intentional time for content and planning
, 168–69
opportunity for different stakeholders to mutually benefit
, 159
process of cultivating garden
, 160–62
recruiting JMU gardeners
, 163–67
weeds threatening garden
, 167–68
Critical hope
, 13, 141–42, 152
Critical reflection, time for
, 145–47
Critical Thinking Skills
, 142, 151
Critical-friend approach
, 143–44
Critical-hope framework
, 141–42
Cross Cultural communication
, 193
Cross-cultural experiences
, 97
Cultivating garden process of CARE
, 160–62
Cultural differences
, 11, 35, 112, 189–90
Cultural-linguistic mediator
, 89
Curriculum Vitaes (CVs)
, 62
Early childhood
, 161–62, 176
Economic-assistance programs
, 128
, 35, 36, 85, 110, 113, 150–51, 158, 172–73, 199, 221, 223
elements of education process
, 57–58
in emergencies
, 140
, 38–41
, 9
, 76
, 126
problems of displaced youth and refugees
, 199–200
refugee status and educational access
, 219–221
of refugees
, 221
support to students from refugee backgrounds
, 225
for values
, 41
Electrifying intensity
, 207
education programs
, 94, 165
MAT program
, 163
, 98–99
“Emergency North Africa”
, 87, 91n3
Emotional development
, 177
, 8, 26, 30, 96–97, 102, 198, 204
, 48–49, 51–52, 55, 63, 110, 112, 173, 219
Encouraging inclusion
, 175
, 98
english-comprehension testing
, 120–21
English as new language teacher (ENL teacher)
, 126–27, 129–30, 132
English as Second Language (ESL)
, 97–98, 100, 102, 159, 190
English language proficiency
, 130, 219, 222
Entry-level English for Speakers of Other Languages
, 60
“Equal group status” condition
, 5
Equivalency/re-qualification process
, 49
Essential Clinical Knowledge teaching
, 61
Ethical-humanistic education
, 38–41
, 74, 84, 147, 149, 217
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
, 129
Experiential design networking current public workers
, 72–73
Experiential knowledge
, 70
Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)
, 217
In-Canada Asylum program (ICAP)
, 121
In-service teacher’s programs
, 18
Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
, 127
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
, 132
Informal educational practice
, 34
Informal mentoring
, 134–35
Inquiry professional making with public-workers-in-training
, 71–72
Institute of International Education (IIE)
, 224
Institutional constraints
, 167–68
Institutional responsiveness, lack of
, 74–76
Institutional Review Boards
, 145
, 223–224
, 119
, 13
, 4, 10, 68
, 4
for refugees
, 110
“Integration potential” of Italian Regions
, 91n6
Intentional partnering and communication
, 169
Intentional time for content and planning
, 168–69
Intercultural inquiry
, 67
Internally displaced people (IDPs)
, 4
International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
, 51, 60
International Medical Graduates (IMGs)
, 56
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
, 91n2
International students
, 95, 98–01
non-formal education practices in
, 34
refugee children in
, 35–36
Italian local welfare
best practices for inclusive and responsive hospitality
, 90–91
continuous emergency
, 87–89
national regulatory framework
, 83–85
unaccompanied migrant children in Calabria
, 85–87
National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)
, 189
National Health Service (NHS)
, 51
National Reception Plan
, 83
National regulatory framework
, 83
Native administration”, policy of
, 67
“The Nature of Prejudice”
, 6
Negative post-migration conditions
, 112
New American Student Scholarship
, 223
New South Wales (NSW)
, 173–74
New York State Education Department (NYSED)
, 128
NHS Education for Scotland
, 51
Nile Institute for Peace and Development
, 73
1951 Convention
, 4, 48, 172
Non-academic stressors
, 189
Non-formal education practices
, 34
, 36–41
in Israel
, 34
refugee children in Israel
, 35–36
research method
, 36
young volunteers in
, 34–35
Non-government organizations (NGOs)
, 24, 67, 173, 198
serving refugees
, 201
Non-refugee students
, 192–93
Noodling through ambiguities
, 164–65
North East London Health Authority
, 56
Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC)
, 49, 53
Parent gardeners, CARE
, 166–67
Parent/parent support
, 190
Parenting in adverse conditions
, 174
, 140
, 97, 115, 143, 160, 225
Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9)
, 133
“Patients Listening and Negotiating” scenarios
, 61
Personal development
, 177
Personal–emotional communications system, creation of
, 36–37
Personality traits
, 174–75
Place to share knowledge
, 147–48, 151
, 177
play-based approaches
, 8
play-based provision role within refugee camps
, 175–79
, 177
Population in camps
, 205–206
Population of refugees in Israel
, 35
Post-assessment survey
, 102
Post-migratory stressors
, 112
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
, 11, 25, 110, 127, 132–33, 188–90
Post-Traumatic Victimhood
, 25
Posttraumatic stress
, 191
, 41, 55, 82, 88, 110, 161, 190, 199, 231
“Praesidium” project
, 91n4
Pre-assessment survey
, 102
Pre-service teachers
, 98, 100–01, 159
Preparing for Work in NHS (PFW)
, 62–63
Prior Learning Assessments
, 120
Problem-Based Learning approach
, 61
Professional Linguistic Assessment Board (PLAB)
, 57, 61
Program content framework
, 117
Program process
in camps
, 206
electrifying intensity
, 207
good-bye ceremony; closing circle
, 208
Healing Box Circle
, 207
hope stones
, 207
hopeful thought
, 207
, 118
protected path of love and hope
, 208
realities of war through eyes of child
, 206–207
Tree of Hope
, 207–208
Protection System for Refugees and Asylum Seekers (SPRAR)
, 82, 84–85
“Protective” factors
, 191
Psychological effects
, 174–75
Psychosocial educational peace-building activities
, 151
Psychosocial Peace-Building Education (PPBE)
, 13, 140, 142–43, 151
Public life reconfiguration
community dialogue designing grounded in findings from South Sudan
, 73–77
contemporary commons
, 67–69
experiential design networking current public workers
, 72–73
inquiry professional making with public-workers-in-training
, 71–72
, 77–78
Women’s Talking Group
, 69–71
Public-workers-in-training, inquiry professional making with
, 71–72
, 12, 60, 66, 98, 102, 158–61, 180, 199–200
Reception system
, 10, 82–83, 85, 88–89, 91
Recruiting JMU gardeners
, 163
CARE garden
, 165–67
noodling through ambiguities
, 164–65
preparing gardeners through community building and content
, 164
preparing gardeners through community engagement
, 163–64
Refugee and Asylum Seeking Centre for Healthcare Professionals Education North West (REACHE North West)
, 9, 48, 51–56
provision by stage
, 59
Refugee Doctors’ Programme
, 51
Refugee education
, 151, 187
Allport’s contact theory
, 5–6
Schlossberg’s transition theory
, 6–7
Refugee Health Screener 15 (RHS-15)
, 133
Refugee healthcare professionals (RHPs)
, 48
asylum seekers and refugees
, 48–49
Clinical Attachments
, 61–62
generic process for obtaining licence to practice
, 50
language classes
, 60–61
, 56–60
North East
, 51
, 62–63
, 61
REACHE North West
, 51–56
regulatory process
, 49–51
Refugee resettlement
, 217–218, 220–221
, 199
climate in United States
, 218–219
, 185
Refugee status
, 217
and educational access
, 219–221
refugee resettlement
, 217–218
refugee resettlement climate in United States
, 218–219
, 48–49, 83, 90, 152, 172
access to higher education
, 221–222
and asylum seekers
, 172
, 7, 19, 147, 173–74
, 35–36, 95, 199–200
children within refugee crisis
, 171–74
, 159
, 49
, 205
, 112
hosting countries
, 217, 220
, 113
or asylum-seeking children
, 179–80
play-based provision role within refugee camps
, 175–79
, 217–219
refugee-resettlement agency
, 160
restorative practitioner’s experience in refugee camp
, 24–26
, 129
, 140, 191–92, 199
Refugees transition
, 136
Canada’s position on refugees
, 111
higher education and refugees
, 113–14
from margins to centre through education research project
, 114
mental health distress of refugees
, 110
policy recommendations
, 120–21
practice framework
, 119–20
programming and findings
, 116–19
relevance and significance of community partners
, 114
research methodology
, 114–16
survivors of war and/or torture
, 111–13
Regulatory process
, 49–51
Rehabilitation Act (1973)
, 132
Relational Ladder
, 20, 23–24
Research-based practices
, 71
, 68–69, 73
, 128–29
, 102
, 186–87
, 190–92, 201
schools and families
, 192–94
, 13, 173, 191, 199
, 66, 68, 70, 73–74
Responsive adult literacy education
, 70–73
Restorative approaches
, 20, 24
compassionate-witnessing process
, 23
restorative questions to addressing harm
, 21
Weingarten’s witness positions
, 22
Restorative experience
, 26–28
Restorative practices
, 21, 24
Restorative practitioner’s experience in refugee camp
, 24–26
Safe and Effective Clinical Communication skills (SECC)
, 62
Salford Royal Foundation NHS Trust (SRFT)
, 51
Schlossberg’s transition theory
, 6–7
School leaders and refugee students
, 185
, 188–90
refugee education
, 187
resettlement strategy
, 186–87
, 190–94
trauma and effects
, 187–88
School studies, promoting success in
, 41
School-based health clinic (SBHC)
, 126, 130
School-based healthcare provider
, 130–32
Schools/public schools
, 132, 218
Second reception process
, 87–89
Simulated patients/actors (SPs)
, 61
Single “pet theory” of prejudice
, 6
, 18, 30, 166, 221, 237
, 220
, 186
, 51–52
, 49–50, 60–61
language and vocational
, 7
, 38, 73
Social and emotional growth
, 205
Social exclusion
, 88, 110, 231
Social inclusion
, 12, 82, 87, 90, 111, 115
Social Science Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
, 114
Social work
, 71, 229, 231
, 85, 88, 128
Socio-cultural factors supporting to refugees
community support
, 128–29
ENL teachers
, 129–30
, 126–27
learning accommodations
, 132–33
, 133–34
, 136
school-based healthcare provider
, 130–32
social media
, 134–36
, 134
Syracuse High School
, 127–28
, 7, 35, 110, 114, 141, 143, 145–49, 151–52, 200, 204
, 35, 146, 148–50, 186, 216–218, 223
South Sudan
, 66–68
community dialogue designing grounded in findings from
, 73–77
Tarnjeet Kang’s primary research in
, 73
South Sudanese Community Insights
, 68
South Sudanese refugees in United States
, 68
Space for agency and personhood
, 148–50
Space for shared agency
, 152–53
“Stable social support”
, 180
Staff development and support
, 181–82
Stakeholders to mutually benefit, opportunity for different
, 159
, 23, 25, 29, 103–04, 127, 142, 145–50, 212
, 23, 143, 166, 177, 212
, 112, 189, 191, 194
Student Refugee Program
, 223
Students from refugee backgrounds (SRB)
, 11
, 222–223
educational support
, 225
financial support
, 223–224
recommendations for future practice
, 226
refugee access to higher education
, 221–222
refugee status and educational access
, 219–221
refugee status and refugee population
, 217–219
technology-facilitated education
, 226
Summer program
, 12, 160, 162, 213
for transition of refugees and victims
, 110–21
transition to mainstream education,
, 179–81
“Support of Authority”
, 5–6
Survivors of war and/or torture
, 111–13
Syracuse City School District (SCSD)
, 127
Syrian refugee crisis
, 111
Teacher education
, 97–98, 100
, 58–59, 61, 95–03
Technology-facilitated education
, 226
Tell, Ask, and Give technique (TAG technique)
, 143
Temporary assistance for needy families (TANF)
, 126
Thematic analysis approach
, 13–4, 144–45
Theoretical discourse development
, 113
Therapeutic art
, 13, 201, 212
Thinking Classroom (education journal)
, 94
Time for critical reflection
, 145–47, 152
, 7–0, 28, 48, 51, 56–60, 62, 76, 97, 135, 1126
Transformative education
, 151
, 26
to mainstream education
, 179–81
, 6
, 191, 222
and effects
, 187–88
, 19
, 200–201
Trauma management
, 18
brain in
, 19–20
relational ladder
, 20
restorative approaches
, 20–24
restorative experience
, 26–28
restorative practitioner’s experience in refugee camp
, 24–26
Traumatized refugees
, 24, 26
UK-based organizations
, 51
Unaccompanied migrant children in Calabria
, 85–87
Unanticipated transition
, 7
Unequal local citizenship in Italian welfare
, 83–85
United Nations Convention
, 111
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)
, 83
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
, 141
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
, 12, 35, 110, 140, 186, 198, 199, 217, 222
United Nations International Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
, 172
United Nations refugee agency
, 18
United States, refugee resettlement climate in
, 218–219
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
, 217
University of Kansas
, 98, 103