Introduction to Refugee Education: Integration and Acceptance of Refugees in Mainstream Society
Refugee Education: Integration and Acceptance of Refugees in Mainstream Society
ISBN: 978-1-78714-796-6, eISBN: 978-1-78714-795-9
Publication date: 10 September 2018
This chapter focuses on the concept integration and its wider meaning in the context of refugees and internally displaced people across the globe. The purpose of this volume is to highlight the various interventions used to integrate refugees and the efforts implemented by the non-governmental organizations and local governments toward achieving an optimal level of integration with host communities. Using case studies and other empirical research, this volume presents a broad and in-depth overview of the various methods implemented to integrate the refugees into the society. This chapter provides an overview to this volume and establishes a framework for a better understanding of the nature of integration. It also reveals the complexity of the perception-practice dynamic and the multifaceted factors, which influence the various levels of integration.
Sengupta, E. and Blessinger, P. (2018), "Introduction to Refugee Education: Integration and Acceptance of Refugees in Mainstream Society", Sengupta, E. and Blessinger, P. (Ed.) Refugee Education: Integration and Acceptance of Refugees in Mainstream Society (Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning, Vol. 11), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 3-15.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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