
Robert Cameron

Public Sector Reform in South Africa 1994–2021

ISBN: 978-1-80382-736-0, eISBN: 978-1-80382-735-3

ISSN: 2053-7697

Publication date: 2 August 2022

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Cameron, R. (2022), "Index", Public Sector Reform in South Africa 1994–2021 (Public Policy and Governance, Vol. 36), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 183-191.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2022 Emerald Publishing Limited


Academic evaluation of performance management
, 140–144

, 100, 151–152

challenge of
, 122–123

Administration Boards
, 13

Administrative decentralisation
, 88

Administrative delegation
, 89

Administrative politicisation
, 38

Administrative processes approach
, 20–21

Africa, performance management in
, 123–125

African National Congress (ANC)
, 2

Afrikanerisation of public service
, 13–14

, 88, 120

Annual Performance Plan (APP)
, 129


, 16

, 12–13, 15

logic around human rights issues
, 21

public service
, 51

, 21

, 49

Apex priorities
, 134

‘Atlas of the Politics–Administration Dichotomy’ (Georgiou)
, 44

Auditor General (AG)
, 111

, 89

Behavioural approach
, 118

, 117, 120–121

Blame avoidance strategy
, 112

British Westminster system
, 12

Broader governance issues
, 150

, 151–152

centralisation vs. decentralisation
, 152–153

downplaying of politics
, 150

Elite formation
, 151

independent verification of data
, 153

isomorphic mimicry
, 152

, 151

transferability of developed countries’ reforms to developing countries
, 150

Bureaucratic autonomy
, 111

Bureaucratic performance
, 47

Cadre Deployment policy
, 156

Cape Provincial Administration (CPA)
, 20

Cape Town City Council
, 36

Cash bonuses
, 127

, 119

, 152–153

Chief Director (CD)
, 100

Civil Service Commission (CSC)
, 18

Collaborative model
, 45

Collusive model
, 45, 84, 157

Commission of Administration (CoA)
, 9, 18–20

Complementarity model
, 37

Constitution of Republic of South Africa Act
, 3

Constitutional Assembly
, 3, 22

Constitutional Court
, 28

Conventional academic wisdom
, 116

Conventional theory
, 91

Coping organisations
, 118

Correlational analysis
, 121–122

Country ownership
, 122

Craft organisations
, 118

Credibility of performance management
, 153

Cumbersome appointment process
, 100

de facto Prime Minister (see Mbeki, Thabo)

, 88, 152–153

Decentralisation of Managerial Responsibility and Accountability
, 95

, 87–88

bureaucratic autonomy and delegation
, 91–92

delegation in developing countries
, 92–94

delegation of powers
, 106–109

developed vs. developing countries
, 92

implementation of
, 97–100

issue of Blame avoidance strategy
, 112

literature review
, 88

management empowerment debate in South Africa
, 94

online survey
, 90–91

patron–client networks
, 110–111

political–administrative relationships
, 87–88

political–administrative system
, 109–110

of powers
, 89

PSC assessment of implementation of human resources and financial delegations
, 100–102

resurgence of delegation initiatives
, 102–103

in South Africa
, 88

in South Africa government
, 94–97

state of compliance by departments with delegation directives
, 104–106

Democratic Alliance (DA)
, 28, 83

Democratic Centralism
, 110

Democratic rule
, 4

Department of Cooperation and Development (DCD)
, 13

Department of Labour (DoL)
, 140

Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME)
, 8, 128

Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA)
, 8, 160

Deployment Committee
, 82

Deputy director-general (DDG)
, 56

Developing countries
, 5, 44–45

delegation in
, 92

performance management in
, 121–122

political–administrative typology in
, 45–46

transferability of developed countries’ reforms to
, 150

Development state
, 47–49, 54

, 88, 95

administrative powers to heads of department while retaining strategic powers
, 161

of human resources powers to heads of departments
, 161–162

Dichotomy, persistence of
, 36–37

Directors General (DGs)
, 17, 94

, 58–59

, 120

Eastern Cape Province
, 143

, 133

Elite formation
, 151

Emasculation of PSC
, 24–26

Embedded Autonomy
, 48

Employee empowerment
, 91

Employee performance
, 130

Employee Performance Management and Development System (EPMDS)
, 128

Employment Equity Act
, 57, 107–108, 156

Empowerment of department of Public Service and Administration
, 27

Executive authorities (EAs)
, 50, 111

perspectives of EAs on HR and financial delegations
, 100–101

relationship between HoDs and EAs
, 57–58

Executive authorities
, 161

Executive council (EXCO)
, 52

, 18, 138, 141, 149, 163

Final Constitution
, 3, 27–30

Final Phase to democratisation
, 21

Financial delegations

HoDs perspectives on HR and
, 101–102

perspectives of EAs on HR and
, 100–101

Formal politicisation
, 38

Functional politicisation
, 38

, 117–118, 149–150

Gauteng Province
, 141

Generic management theory
, 110

Genesis of organisational performance management
, 130

‘Good Enough Governance’
, 94

Government and Public Policy (GAPP)
, 6, 80

‘Government efficiency’
, 116

Government performance improvement
, 116

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
, 47

Growth, Employment and Redistribution (GEAR)
, 53–54

Heads of Department (HoDs)
, 4

perspectives on HR and financial delegations
, 101–102

relationship between EAs and
, 57–58

, 133

Human resource (HR)
, 46

devolution of human resources powers to heads of departments
, 161–162

, 51

HoDs perspectives on HR and financial delegations
, 101–102

perspectives of EAs on HR and financial delegations
, 100–101

policy in public service
, 56–57

Human Resource Management (HRM)
, 7, 89

Human Resources Powers of HoDs
, 162

Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC)
, 51

Hybrid approach
, 69

Ideal-type bureaucracy
, 34–35

Incentive system
, 137

Inconsistent allocation of performance assessment
, 149

Independent authorities
, 13

Independent verification of data
, 153

Individual performance evaluation
, 134–135

Individual performance management
, 126

directive, performance management and development system for heads of department
, 128–129

further changes to SMS performance management system
, 128

performance management and development system for members of senior management system
, 130

performance management system for SMS
, 127–128

Inspection Enforcement Services (IES)
, 140

Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS)
, 8

Integrated model
, 46

Integrated Performance Management System (IPMS)
, 123

Interim Constitution
, 21

Provincial Service Commissions
, 23–24

Public Administration in Interim Phase
, 22–23

Interim Constitution
, 3

Interim Phase
, 21

Internal public administration issues
, 146

, 148–149

, 149

disjuncture between organisational and individual performance
, 148

, 149–150

managers management
, 147–148

measurement of targets
, 146–147

outputs vs. outcomes
, 147

International Political Science Association (IPSA)
, 150

Intrusive model
, 46, 84, 156–157

Isomorphic mimicry
, 121, 152

Jamaica, performance management in
, 124–125

Joined-up Government
, 17

Key Government Focus Area (KGFA)
, 129

Key Result Areas (KRAs)
, 127

Limpopo Province
, 141

, 21

, 93, 98

Management autonomy
, 88

Management empowerment debate in South Africa
, 94

Management Performance Assessment Tool (MPAT)
, 131, 145, 150

, 88

Mandela, Nelson
, 4, 49

ANC under
, 109

intrusive model and
, 156–157

, 84

Manipulation of reported results
, 117

Mbeki, Thabo
, 4, 49

ANC and
, 30

intrusive model and
, 84, 156–157

Mbeki-type intrusive model
, 157

political–administrative framework
, 65

, 96–97

signing of PA
, 134, 159

Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF)
, 72, 132

Member of Executive Council (MEC)
, 2, 27, 50

Merit-based career system
, 40

Meritocratic appointment
, 47

Meritocratic criteria
, 38

Meritocratic recruitment
, 46

Minister for Public Service and Administration (MPSA)
, 22

Ministerial Programme of Action
, 132

Ministry of Performance, Monitoring and Evaluation (MPME)
, 131, 144–145

Mixed methods approach
, 7

Multi-party negotiations
, 2–3

National Assembly
, 3, 28

National Council of Provinces (NCOP)
, 28

National Development Plan (NDP)
, 99, 132

, 67–70

, 70

National Implementation Framework
, 79

National Party (NP)
, 2, 12

National Planning Commission (NPC)
, 66

draft National Development Plan
, 67–70

final National Development Plan
, 70

National School of Government (NSG)
, 164

Native Urban Areas Act
, 12

, 93, 111, 142, 151

during Zuma Presidency
, 158

New Employment Service
, 126

New Public Administration Initiative (NPAI)
, 21

New Public Governance
, 42

New Public Management (NPM)
, 4, 41, 88, 115–116

impact of
, 41–42

‘post’ NPM studies
, 42–44

, 120

New Public Service Regulations
, 51–52

Northcote-Trevelyan report
, 34

Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
, 64

Organisational culture
, 119

Organisational performance
, 130

genesis of organisational performance management
, 130–131

monitoring and evaluation
, 131

process of organisational performance management
, 131–132

service delivery
, 132–133

Orwellian Protection of Information Act
, 2

Parliamentary Monitoring Group
, 8

Patronage systems
, 39–40

Patronage-based politics
, 110

‘Patronage’ political approaches
, 93

Patron–client networks
, 110–111

Pay-roll system
, 8

Performance agreements (PA)
, 146–147

signing of
, 134

Performance management
, 115–116

academic evaluation of performance management in South Africa
, 140–144

in Africa
, 123–125

, 120–121

broader governance issues
, 150–153

challenge of accountability
, 122–123

in developing countries
, 121–122

evaluation of
, 133

using evidence in policy and practice
, 145

evolution of performance management in democratic South Africa
, 125–126

focusing on indicators
, 117–118

general government evaluation of
, 135–140

individual performance evaluation
, 134–135

internal public administration issues
, 146–149

literature review
, 116

monitoring and evaluation
, 144

performance management implementation in South African Public Service
, 126–133

politics and performance management
, 144–145

in South Africa
, 125

South Africa
, 145–146

studies on performance
, 119–120

, 117

Performance Management and Development System (PMDS)
, 127

Performance measurement
, 150

Performance Paradox
, 117

Persistence of dichotomy
, 36–37

Personnel and Information System (PERSAL)
, 8

Planning, Organising, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Reporting, Budgeting (PODSCORB)
, 21

Policy goals
, 117

Political decentralisation
, 88

Political rights of heads of department, limitation of
, 162

Political–administrative relationships
, 2, 4, 15–16, 52, 87–88, 109–110, 156

administrative processes approach
, 20–21

Afrikanerisation of public service
, 13–14

Anglo-Boer War
, 12

bureaucratic performance
, 47

complementarity model
, 37

demise of Public Service Commission
, 26–27

developing countries
, 44–45

development state
, 47–49

emasculation of PSC
, 24–26

empowerment of department of Public Service and Administration
, 27

evolution of
, 12

final constitution
, 27–30

interim constitution
, 21–24

meritocratic appointment
, 47

impact of NPM
, 41–42

persistence of dichotomy
, 36–37

as policy issue
, 71–78

political–administrative typology in developing countries
, 45–46

politicians and bureaucrats
, 35

politicisation of Public Service
, 38–40

politics–administration distinction
, 35–36

‘post’ NPM studies
, 42–44

, 85

Public Administration
, 33–34

public sector reform in 1980s
, 16–18

Public Service Commission/Commission for Administration
, 18–20

seminal model of
, 83

service delivery
, 16

skills shortages in public service
, 14–15

in South Africa
, 49–60

typologies of
, 37–38

typology of
, 84

Weber’s ideal-type bureaucracy
, 34–35

, 38, 90

, 64

political–administrative interface
, 63

President Zuma’s model
, 65

of public service
, 38–40

South African Constitution
, 62

in South African Public Service
, 61


delegation of
, 89, 106–109

downplaying of
, 150

Power-sharing mechanisms
, 3

, 131–132

President Zuma’s model
, 65

Presidential Review Commission (PRC)
, 25, 51, 52

Principal functionaries
, 103

Principles of Public Administration and Financial Delegations
, 102

Procedural organisations
, 118

Production organisations
, 118

Professional management
, 88

Professional Protocol
, 53

Professionalisation of public service
, 106

Programmatic approach
, 93

Provincial Review Report
, 50, 54, 95, 126

Provincial Service Commissions
, 23–24, 95

Public Administration
, 2, 16, 33–34, 94, 118, 155–156

in Interim Phase
, 22–23

Public Administration and Management Act (PAMA)
, 165

Public Administration in Final Constitution
, 28–30

Public Affairs Research Institute (PARI)
, 6, 58

Public Audit Amendment Act
, 139

Public Finance Management Act (PFMA)
, 59–60, 97

Public hospitals
, 142

Public management reform process
, 122

Public sector reform
, 5–7, 50

in 1980s
, 16–18

Public service
, 89

Afrikanerisation of
, 13–14

HR policy in
, 56–57

politicisation of
, 38–40

skills shortages in
, 14–15

Public Service Act (PSA)
, 16, 49–50, 57, 96, 127, 161

PSA Amendment Act
, 59

Public Service Amendment Bill
, 79, 163

Public Service and Administration, empowerment of department of
, 27

Public Service Commission (PSC)
, 8, 9, 18–20, 60–61

assessment of implementation of human resources and financial delegations
, 100

demise of
, 26–27

emasculation of
, 24–26

HoDs perspectives on HR and financial delegations
, 101–102

, 77–78

in promoting norms and standards, and monitoring recruitment processes
, 68

creating administrative head of public service
, 68–69

perspectives of EAs on HR and financial delegations
, 100–101

Public Service Law Amendment Act
, 27, 50, 95, 126

Public Service Motivation
, 118

Public Service Regulations (PSR)
, 51–52, 58, 96

‘Qualitative data’
, 8

Quantitative target systems
, 116

Quantitative technique
, 7–8

Ramaphosa, Cyril
, 4, 66, 82

National Implementation Framework
, 79

political–administrative relationships under
, 79

, 78

, 160

Zondo Commission
, 80–83

Ratchet effect
, 117

Rational model
, 118

, 17

Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP)
, 53

, 106–109

Reinventing Government
, 89, 94

Republic of South Africa (RSA)
, 2

Republic of South Africa Constitution Act (RSA)
, 17

Resurgence of delegation initiatives
, 102–103

, 54

Rule-of-law-oriented politically neutral bureaucracies
, 84

‘Scientific management’
, 116

, 106–109

Self-governing territories (SGTs)
, 13

Self-Government Act
, 13

Senior executive systems (SESs)
, 56

Senior management service (SMS)
, 4, 55–56, 96, 127

further changes to SMS performance management system
, 128

performance management system for
, 127–128

Service delivery
, 16, 132–133

Skills shortages in public service
, 14–15

South Africa
, 2

academic evaluation of performance management in
, 140–144

appointment of special advisers
, 59–60

constitutional and legislative framework
, 49–50

contract appointments
, 55

delegation in South Africa government
, 94–97

developmental state
, 54

, 58–59

evolution of
, 125–126

, 53–54

HR policy in public service
, 56–57

management empowerment debate in
, 94

open competition
, 55

performance management in
, 125

political–administrative relationships in
, 49

Public Administration areas in
, 3–4

public sector reform
, 50–53

relationship between HoDs and EAs
, 57–58

, 54

, 55–56

South African bureaucracy
, 111–112

South African Constitution
, 59, 62

South African Public Service

individual performance management
, 126–128

organisational performance
, 130–133

performance management implementation in
, 126

South African Qualification Authority (SAQA)
, 108

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time bound principles (SMART principles)
, 129

State of Nation Address (SONA)
, 78

State Security Agency (SSA)
, 108

Strategic behavior
, 117

Strategic departments
, 142

Strategic management
, 94

‘Structural’ NPM reforms
, 120

, 117

‘Sunset clause’
, 51

Superintendent-General of Education
, 2

Technical Indicator Guidelines
, 140

Technocratic systems
, 137

Tenets of system
, 137

Three-tier system
, 22

Three-tier unitary system
, 12

Threshold effect
, 117

Total Strategy
, 17

Towards a Ten-Year Review
, 96

Traditional personnel management
, 89

Transferability of developed countries’ reforms to developing countries
, 150

Tricameral Parliament
, 17

Tyranny of Merit, The
, 44

United Democratic Front (UDF)
, 17

United States of America (USA)
, 35

University of Cape Town (UCT)
, 66–67

Verwoerdian ideology
, 15

Voluntary Severance Programmes (VSPs)
, 54

Weak accountability frameworks
, 136

Weber’s ideal-type bureaucracy
, 34–35

Weberian bureaucracy
, 47

Western Cape Education Department (WCED)
, 143

Western Cape Province
, 143

Westminster system
, 17, 89

White Paper on Training and Education
, 95

White Paper on Transformation of Public Service (WPTPS)
, 25, 27, 50, 94, 125

White Papers on Human Resources Management
, 126

‘Whole of Government Approach’
, 121

Working Group
, 26

World Development Report
, 122

Zondo Commission
, 80–83

Zuma, Jacob
, 4

, 84–85, 113

democratic centralism
, 110

, 82, 111, 113, 142, 142

, 66

signed PAs
, 144