Advertising in the Context of Radio Programming: From Ad Formats toward Ad Meta Formats
This research analyzes how ad formats are incorporated into the structure of radio programming and provides a scheme for classifying advertisements in light of the overall organization of the radio programming schedule.
This chapter consists of three parts. The first part presents the main ad formats aired on the radio. The second discusses the challenges for classifying ad formats based on the characteristics usually employed in most studies. Finally, the third part of the chapter proposes a new taxonomic basis for the classification of radio advertising. Scholars from Spain and the United States provide the theoretical framework that serves as a main foundation for this work. However, Brazilian data forms the empirical basis for the classification of the ad formats in this research.
The approach moves the description of ad formats from an individual definition of each type of announcement – the ad formats – toward a broad analysis of radio advertisements, which groups the set of compositions in ad meta formats. The meta formats are distinguishable by the distribution mode or insertion mode of the ads in the radio programming.
The chapter presents an original taxonomy, which allows the development of a general framework regarding the advertising typology aired on the radio.
Future research could use this taxonomy to attend to the new landscape created by the changing electronic media and its influence on the analog radio programming.
Reis, C. (2017), "Advertising in the Context of Radio Programming: From Ad Formats toward
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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