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Chapter 1 Organizing for Sustainable Effectiveness: Taking Stock and Moving Forward

Organizing for Sustainability

ISBN: 978-0-85724-557-1, eISBN: 978-0-85724-558-8

Publication date: 21 June 2011


The large number of publications about sustainability and sustainable development that have been published during the past decade has dealt largely with the science of sustainability, the content of sustainability initiatives, and increasingly with the need to more closely link the economic, environmental, and social purposes and operating logic of the firm. Recent literature stresses the inherent social nature of the challenges to aggressively moving to more sustainable ways of operating for the well-being of our planet, society, economy, organizations, and humans. Despite rich case examples, guidance on how to organize to achieve the triple bottom line is limited. We take stock of the current state of knowledge, using an adaptive complex system perspective to articulate the challenges of organizing for sustainable effectiveness. Most of the global economy and the knowledge upon which it is predicated carry a logic of resource abundance even in the face of increasing competition for scarce resources, and a singular focus on economic outcomes. We argue that the development of new capabilities to address triple bottom line sustainability requires a change in that logic and requires new rules of interaction, new organizational and interorganizational designs, and new ways of learning. The premise is that systems can build on their inherent capabilities to learn and to act collectively in order to adapt. We argue that by working together to collaboratively explore how to organize for sustainability, academics and practitioners can accelerate knowledge generation and progress. This chapter provides the theoretical framing context for the chapters to come.



Albers Mohrman, S. and (Rami) Shani, A.B. (2011), "Chapter 1 Organizing for Sustainable Effectiveness: Taking Stock and Moving Forward", Albers Mohrman, S. and (Rami) Shani, A.B. (Ed.) Organizing for Sustainability (Organizing for Sustainable Effectiveness, Vol. 1), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 1-40.



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