
Women, Work and Transport

ISBN: 978-1-80071-670-4, eISBN: 978-1-80071-669-8

ISSN: 2044-9941

Publication date: 17 October 2022

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(2022), "Index", Wright, T., Budd, L. and Ison, S. (Ed.) Women, Work and Transport (Transport and Sustainability, Vol. 16), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 357-370.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2022 Tessa Wright, Lucy Budd and Stephen Ison


Note: Page numbers followed by “n” indicate notes.

Ab initio pilots
, 158

AccelerateHer programme
, 62

Active travel
, 4


civil society organizations
, 46

collaboration between stakeholders
, 46–47

, 44

operators and employers
, 44

role in eliminating gender-based violence and sexual harassment in transport
, 43

trade unions
, 44–46

Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA)
, 282

Additive approach
, 144–145, 147

Advanced fire-fighting certificate, 245n19

Aerospace industry, women in
, 174–175

Aesthetic femininity
, 5, 107–110

aesthetic femininity as enterprise
, 112–114

aesthetic femininity as self-flexibility
, 114–116

practices in rail
, 112


female-only ride-hailing services in
, 60

gender mainstreaming in
, 57

gender-based violence in
, 46–47

independent businesses in
, 59

male domination of transport infrastructure sector across
, 62

road transport in
, 3

women in Africa’s road transport sector
, 65–67

African-American women
, 142

, 146–147

Air Operator’s Certificate (AOC)
, 328

air Transport, cyclical demand for
, 7, 327

, 170

Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL)
, 161

Airport executive team
, 195

gender composition of UK Airport Executive Teams
, 196–199

All-encompassing approach
, 315

All-Party Parliamentary Group (AAPG)
, 14

Alta mentoring scheme
, 6, 170, 175

, 326

Amended Sexual Offences Act
, 46

Anglo-American media culture
, 108

‘Anti-categorical’ methodological approach
, 144

, 106, 111–115, 117

Artificial Intelligence
, 280

, 308

, 349

and changing skills
, 81–82

, 190

aviation in VUCA environment
, 216

resilience for women in aviation
, 217–218

resilience in
, 214

women in
, 5–6, 174–175

workplace adversity for women in
, 215–216

workplace adversity in
, 215

Aviation leadership

access to role models, mentors and networks
, 199–200

effective talent management planning
, 200–201

entry barriers for women in male-dominated industries
, 193–195

female leaders in aviation
, 195–196

gender composition of UK Airport Executive Teams
, 196–199

gender stereotypes
, 191–192

glass ceiling theory
, 192–193

masculine culture in aviation
, 190–191

theoretical underpinning
, 191

women culture in
, 190

Avoidance (of trade unions)
, 328

Backlash by men
, 132–133

Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO)
, 236


to female participation
, 12

to gender equality in maritime sector
, 235–242

, 235, 320

of mentoring
, 171–172

, 320

for women in transport sector
, 340–352

Behaviour change
, 33

Beijing Declaration
, 282

Benefits of mentoring
, 171

Beta career priorities
, 133–134

, 192, 341

, 91, 93–94

, 88–89

Bike messengers
, 89–90

Body self-care
, 108

Bogus self-employment
, 80

Bolt (ride-hailing services)
, 59

Boundary-work theory
, 250, 253

British legal system
, 140

, 75–76

, 140, 146–147

intersectional bullying and harassment
, 142–143

logistic regression of subject to
, 154

in rail sector
, 141–142

Bus drivers
, 61

Bus rapid transit (BRT)
, 13, 61, 349

Business logistics
, 75

C-suite aviation leadership roles
, 158

, 319


body self-care
, 108

mobility of care
, 3, 94–96

unpaid work of care
, 93–96

Career breaks
, 315

Career commitment
, 134

Career counseling
, 275

Career decidedness
, 266

Career opportunities
, 308

Career self-efficacy
, 266

Career self-reflection
, 273

Career-decision approach
, 266

gender gap
, 273–275

maritime careers
, 266–268

in maritime industry
, 268

occupational exploration and context
, 270–273

self-reflection and context
, 269–270

Careers education
, 275


, 231–232, 290, 292, 295

, 6, 250

Cargo bikes
, 91

, 91, 95–96

, 147

Case studies

, 25, 28

Japanese transport STEM careers
, 239

, 26–27

White Paper case study findings
, 313–317

Certificate of Competence (CoC)
, 231, 239

Certificate of fitness (COF), 245n19

Chief Financial Officers (CFO)
, 198

Chief Operating Officers
, 198

Chief public relations officer (CPRO)
, 127

Civil aviation
, 324

trade unions
, 326–329

women in
, 332–334

Civil society organizations
, 43, 46

, 90, 94, 108, 111–112, 114, 116–117

Collaboration between stakeholders
, 46–47

Commercial airline pilots
, 5, 208

Commercial aviation sector, female in
, 158

Community health care
, 93

Community Health Workers (CHWs)
, 93

, 108, 112

Connor–Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC)
, 218

, 64, 66, 111

Copenhagen Malmö Port (CMP)
, 233

Coping strategies
, 213–214

Corporate support functions
, 7

COVID-19 pandemic
, 4, 8, 14, 30, 79

BRT in Nairobi
, 61

impacts and potential for building more central space for women in Africa’s road transport sector
, 65–67

impacts women
, 350

Cultural barriers
, 236–237

Cultural-endorsed leadership theory (CLT)
, 241

, 88

and paid employment
, 88–93

and unpaid work of care
, 93–96

Cyprus Public Transport
, 27, 29–31

, 90

Dangerous cargo endorsement certificate (DCE certificate), 245n19

Data collection
, 111

, 80

Demand-side perspectives
, 124

Department for Transport (DfT)
, 317

Digital collectivism
, 76

, 296, 349

, 146–147

Discrimination against women
, 64

Discriminatory personnel policies
, 124

, 327

Diversity management
, 124

Division of labour
, 77, 92, 98, 251

‘Doing’ gender
, 106

Double-bind dilemma
, 194–195

, 29

, 95–96

, 30–31

eCargo bike deliveries
, 91, 95–96

Economic empowerment of women
, 287

, 147, 289–290

Educational qualification
, 147

Effective talent management planning
, 200–201

Embodied femininity
, 107

Employee resilience

implications for supporting
, 218

personal resources for
, 210–211

in workplace
, 209–210

Employee’s social competency
, 210

, 43

, 287–288

barriers to
, 17–19

, 5, 46, 106–107, 110, 112, 116, 118, 130, 135, 182, 297

, 56, 62, 160, 174, 215, 231, 236, 267, 347

Enterprise, aesthetic femininity as
, 112–114

Entry barriers for women in male-dominated industries
, 193–195

Equal Rights Advocates
, 191

, 140

Equality Act
, 143

, 146–147

, 254

European Economic and Social Committee
, 340

European Sea Ports Organization (ESPO)
, 284

Evidence and Data for Gender Equality (EDGE)
, 283

, 40, 66, 81, 83, 136, 191, 236, 251, 258–259

Executive Team
, 198

, 308

External violence
, 141

, 76

, 76

‘Family-friendly’ policies
, 79

Federal Aviation Administration
, 214

Female Advocates in Rail programme (FAIR programme)
, 316

Female Drivers Campaign
, 61

Female employment in transport
, 30

Female leaders in aviation
, 195–196

Female mentorship
, 200

Female-dominated occupations
, 125

Female-only ride-hailing services
, 60

, 107–108

Feminised jobs
, 77

Feminised work
, 82

, 77

Feminist civil society groups
, 46

Feminist economic geography (FEG)
, 77

Feminist relational mentoring framework
, 170

First World Wars
, 12

‘Flags of Convenience and Crews of Convenience’ approach
, 328

, 80

of (paid) working life
, 79

, 79, 109

Flexible working policies
, 318

‘Flexible’ work
, 79

Flight Schools (FS)
, 160–161

Flight training
, 165, 167, 201

Flone Initiative
, 46

Focus group demographics
, 176

Food delivery platform
, 80

Food delivery riders
, 88–90, 344

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
, 126

Formal jobs
, 1

Formal mentoring
, 172

, 76


, 72

, 4

, 72

, 74–75

Freight work
, 79–80

futures of
, 82–83

gender implications of key trends in
, 77–82

nature of
, 75–77

Friendships/interactions between cadets
, 163–165

Future of work
, 347–348

Future transport skills
, 31–33

Gate Gourmet dispute
, 331

, 146–147

addressing issue of
, 27–31

, 4

composition of UK Airport Executive Teams
, 196–199

, 191

inconsistencies between job and gender roles
, 125

issues in transport
, 308

mainstreaming approach
, 235

and occupational stress
, 213–214

organisational culture model
, 125

perceptions and experiences working in transport
, 307–308

, 316

roles in Indian railways
, 129–130

, 13

specific mentoring
, 172–173

, 2, 191–192

Gender (im)balance

gendered institution and profit-oriented maritime business
, 234–235

in maritime sector
, 231

women in shore-based maritime industries
, 233–234

women seafarers
, 231–232

women workers in ports and shipyards
, 232–233

Gender diversity

case study sites
, 26–27, 28

future transport skills
, 31–33

transport and workforce in Island states
, 25–26

women in transport workforce
, 24–25

work in transport
, 27–31

working conditions
, 24–25

Gender equality
, 280

aspects affecting gender dimension in maritime shipping and ports
, 286–289

barriers to gender equality in maritime sector
, 235–242

, 289–290

gender (in)equality and efforts at closing gap
, 281–284

in global economy
, 340

literature review
, 284–286

literature review and context
, 281

for ports
, 282–283

tracking, measuring, and reporting on gender equality in ports
, 290–297

in transport
, 350–352

Gender Equality Officer
, 341

Gender gap
, 273–275

Gender imbalance
, 158, 218, 266

Gender implications of key trends in freight work
, 77–82

Gender inequities
, 79

Gender realities

, 134–135

Indian railways
, 126–127

male-dominated occupations
, 124–125

research methodology
, 127–129

women experiences in Indian railways
, 129–134

Gender-based bullying
, 142

Gender-based occupational segregation (GBOS)
, 340, 347–348

Gender-based violence
, 4, 8, 38, 39–41

actors role in eliminating gender-based violence in transport
, 43–47

men in preventing
, 46–47

Gender-blind approach
, 342

to sanitation
, 340

Gender-responsive economic stimulus
, 350

Gender-responsive stimulus packages
, 351–352

Gender-role socialization
, 124–125

Gendered mobility
, 79

Gendered nature of jobs
, 4

Gendered organization
, 133

Gendered workplace interactions
, 250

Gendering of mobility
, 88

Gig economy
, 72, 90

Gig work
, 79

Glass ceiling theory
, 192–193

Global financial crisis
, 74, 76

Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS), 245n19

Global North
, 2

Global South
, 2, 79

Global union federations (GUFs)
, 340

Globalisation masculinities
, 79

, 43, 44

Government role and transport sector

gender perceptions and experiences working in transport
, 307–308

policy implications and recommendations
, 317–319

previous research into women in transport
, 306–307

White Paper case study findings
, 313–317

White Paper survey findings
, 308–313

White Paper survey methodology
, 308

women employed in transport sector
, 306

, 80

Gran Canaria
, 3–4, 25–27

Green jobs in transport
, 31–32

Green shipping
, 6, 244

Green skills
, 4, 31

Greener system
, 317

Gross domestic product (GDP)
, 282

, 27

, 93–94

, 140, 340

ILO Convention 190 on Violence and Harassment in World of Work
, 47–48

intersectional bullying and harassment
, 142–143

in rail sector
, 141–142

in workplace
, 343–345

Harvard Business Review
, 91

Health, Safety, Environment, and Quality regulations (HSEQ regulations)
, 285

Hetero-normative sexuality
, 240

HGV drivers
, 62, 74

Higher quality bus services
, 13

Horários do Funchal
, 27

Human resource management practices
, 124

Identity management
, 236, 253

ILO Convention 190
, 345–346

(Im)mobile freight work and workplaces
, 78–79

, 64, 311

, 318

of gender equality
, 330

gendered patterns of
, 83

of men in preventing gender-based violence
, 46–47

of women
, 351

Indian railways

backlash by men
, 132–133

beta career priorities
, 133–134

gender realities in
, 126–127

gender roles
, 129–130

lack of role model and mentors
, 132

limited empowerment
, 130

occupational segregation
, 130–131

queen bee behavior
, 133

restricted informal networks
, 134

women experiences in
, 129

working conditions
, 131

Individual resilience
, 209–210

, 109

Industrial relations
, 16, 326, 329

Industry culture
, 14, 309

Industry initiatives
, 7, 284

, 144

Informal jobs
, 1

Informal mentoring
, 172

Informal workers associations
, 349

Informed career-decision framework
, 273

Inter-categorical approach
, 144

Internal violence
, 141

International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU), 244n2

International Association of Ports and harbours (IAPH)
, 284

International Association of Public Transport
, 348

International Aviation Women’s Association (IAWA)
, 195

International Chamber of Shipping (ICS)
, 236, 282

International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW)
, 231, 266

International Energy Agency (IEA)
, 243

International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers’ Associations (IFATCA)
, 327

International Human Rights
, 280

International Labour Conference
, 47

ILO Convention 190 on Violence and Harassment in World of Work
, 47–48

International Labour Organization (ILO)
, 2, 38, 39, 282

International Maritime Law Institute in Malta (IMLI)
, 284

International Maritime Organisation (IMO)
, 230, 271, 284

International Research and Training Institute for Advancement of Women (INSTRAW)
, 282

International solidarity
, 329

International Transport Forum (IFT)
, 317

International Transport Workers Federation (ITF)
, 7–8, 43, 46, 82, 273–275, 284, 340–341, 348

International Women’s Day
, 170

Intersectional analysis
, 141

bullying and harassment in British rail sector
, 149–150

bullying and harassment in rail sector
, 141–142

data and methods
, 145–146

dependent variable
, 146–147

intersectional bullying and harassment
, 142–143

intersectionality and law
, 143–144

logistic regression of subject to bullying
, 154

multiplicative approach
, 147–149

quantitative analysis of intersectional research data
, 144–145

, 147

unitary or ‘additive’ approach
, 147

, 140, 142, 143

and law
, 143–144

Intimate partners sexual violence
, 38

Intra-categorical approach
, 144

Iron Women heavy-duty truck driving school
, 62


transport and workforce in Island states
, 25–26

workforce description from transport operators in four case study islands
, 28

, 89–90

inconsistencies between job and gender roles
, 125

Journey to work
, 96–97

‘Just-in-time’ production
, 75–76

, 80

, 60


CHWs in
, 94

ride-hailing services in
, 59

sexual harassment
, 42

transport work in
, 3

women transport workers in
, 64

women’s direct employment in transport services in
, 58

Kenyan Rural Roads Authority (KeRRa)
, 64

Knowledge exchange project
, 170

KopTaCo Coaches
, 27, 29


, 327

importing economy
, 25

labour-based construction
, 64

, 74

, 124

Labour force skills
, 31–32

LadyBug (Nairobi’s female-only service)
, 60–61

Law, intersectionality and
, 143–144

Leadership barriers
, 241–242

Likert scale
, 308

, 76

Little Blue Private Jets Limited
, 170

Logistic regression of subject to bullying
, 154

, 75

, 4

, 79, 82–83

‘Loving Variety’ campaign
, 316

, 80

Machine learning
, 280

‘Macho’ culture
, 5

, 80

, 3–4, 25–26, 30

Male automobility impact on women’s place in transport sector
, 56–57

Male-dominated occupations
, 124–125, 208–209

entry barriers for women in
, 193–195

within Indian Railways
, 126

Male-dominated professions, women in
, 159–160

Male-dominated workplace
, 110, 158

Malta Public Transport
, 27, 29, 31

Management responsibility
, 147

Managing Directors
, 198

‘Manpower report’
, 236

Marginalising interactions
, 262

Marine engineers
, 236

Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA)
, 233

Maritime careers
, 266–268

women in
, 7–8

Maritime education and training (MET)
, 238

Maritime industry, career decision in
, 268–273

Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA), 245n10

Maritime market
, 276

Maritime sector
, 230

barriers to gaining employment
, 239–240

barriers to gender equality in maritime sector
, 235

challenges and opportunities
, 242–243

cultural barriers
, 236–237

gender (im)balance in
, 231–235

leadership barriers
, 241–242

legal and policy barriers
, 237–238

retention barriers
, 240–241

training barriers
, 238–239

women employees in
, 230

women in
, 6–8

Maritime shipping
, 250, 280

aspects affecting gender dimension in maritime shipping and ports
, 286–289

Maritime Shipping and Port Gender Equality and Diversity Index
, 297–299

Maritime transport
, 2, 238, 244, 266, 280–284, 299

‘Maritime workforce report’
, 236

Marketing advertisements
, 78

Masculine cultural values
, 241

Masculine culture
, 158

in aviation
, 190–191

Masculine leadership
, 241

, 77, 110

Matatu Workers Union (MWU)
, 45

Material management
, 75


barriers to
, 171–172

benefits of
, 171

gender specific mentoring
, 172–173

, 5–6

, 173–174

types of
, 172

wish list
, 183

, 132, 199–200

, 199

lack of
, 193

, 208

#MeToo movement
, 38

, 80

Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
, 282

Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), 245n4

Minority status

coping with
, 165–166

, 161–162

, 256, 259, 262

Mobile phone applications
, 76

Mobile work
, 80, 83

Mobilities approach
, 77

Mobility 2. 0 concept
, 33

Mobility as a Service (MaaS)
, 31, 32

Mobility management
, 33

Mobility of care
, 3, 88, 94–96

Mother Truckers
, 73

freight scholarship
, 72

freight workforce
, 74–75

futures of freight and logistics work
, 82–83

gender implications of key trends in freight work
, 77–82

nature of freight work
, 75–77

Motorcycle taxi sector
, 60

Multi-crew Pilot Licence (MPL)
, 161

Multinational companies (MNCs)
, 326

Multiplicative analysis tests
, 145, 147–149

, 44

National Poverty Eradication Programme
, 60

Negative mentoring experiences
, 171–172

Neo-classical human capital theories
, 124

, 106, 107–110

Networking skills
, 134

, 199–200

Next-gen technologies
, 280

‘Nominated women’
, 64

Non-governmental organisations (NGOs)
, 130

Non-partner sexual violence
, 38

Non-standard workers
, 323

Norwegian Air International (NAI)
, 328

, 193


, 270–272

, 272, 274–275

, 253, 255–257, 261–262

, 130–131

stressors and resilience
, 212–214

Occupational culture

, 254

and identities
, 251

, 251, 262

of seafaring
, 236

in shipping
, 257

Occupational exploration
, 268, 270–273

Occupational gender segregation
, 182–183

Occupational Health and Safety Committee (OHS)
, 16

Occupational identity
, 253

Occupational safety and health (OSH)
, 233

‘On-demand’ models of work
, 80

‘One-size-fits-men’ approach
, 342

Operators and employers
, 44

Opportunity structure
, 124

, 210

Organisation culture
, 193–194

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OCED)
, 317

Organisational culture
, 125

Organisational gender diversity-related policies
, 124

Organisational support
, 171, 208, 216, 241

Organisational violence
, 141

Outsourcing process
, 331

‘Owner operator’ models
, 72

Paid employment

, 92–93

, 88–91

walking, cycling and
, 88

(Paid) working life
, 79

Pandemic affect women working in public transport
, 19

Parson’s framework
, 269

Perceptions of women in transport
, 319

Perceptions–differences between genders
, 307–308

, 327

Personal resources for employees’ resilience
, 210–211

Philippine Port Authority (PPA)
, 233

Physical distribution management
, 75

Physical fitness
, 89

Physical violence
, 38

Pilot training
, 5, 158

, 208


to increase women participation in public transport
, 12

, 306, 307, 317–319

Port Management Programme (PMP)
, 281

Port Performance Scorecard (PPS)
, 281, 290–294

Port sector
, 7

gender equality in
, 281

IAPH Women’s Forum in
, 284

women participation in
, 289, 291

Port-based jobs
, 231

Porterage work
, 58


aspects affecting gender dimension in maritime shipping and ports
, 286–289

gender equality in
, 290–297

Positive psychology
, 209

Post First World War
, 12

Post-Brexit immigration policies
, 74

, 106, 107–110

Postfeminist aesthetic femininity

aesthetic femininity as self-confidence
, 116–117

aesthetic femininity as self-flexibility
, 114–116

data analysis
, 111–112

data collection
, 111

, 111

practices of aesthetic femininity in rail
, 112–114

rail as context for exploring aesthetic femininity
, 110–111

Postfeminist entanglement
, 118

Potential workers
, 75

Power relations
, 75, 77, 150, 347

, 329

, 114, 345

, 233

Process of comparing self and environment
, 268

Professional identities
, 5, 159, 166, 253

Professional identity formation
, 159

Profit-oriented maritime business, gendered institution and
, 234–235

Psychological barriers
, 208

Public transport
, 3

actors role in eliminating gender-based violence and sexual harassment in transport
, 43–47

background to interviewees
, 16–17

barriers to employing women in public transport
, 19–20

barriers to employment
, 17–19

contextual background to women working in
, 12–15

gender-based violence and sexual harassment
, 39–41

ILO Convention 190 on violence and harassment in world of work
, 47–48

men and women treated equally
, 19

nature of transport industry
, 15–16

pandemic affect women working in
, 19

public transport Vignettes
, 16

sexual harassment
, 38–39

sexual harassment in male-dominated work
, 41–42

sexual harassment on public transport
, 42–43

, 20–21

women travelling on
, 12

Public–private partnerships (PPPs)
, 233

Quality of work
, 81

Quantitative analysis of intersectional research data
, 144–145

Queen bee behavior
, 133

Rail as context for exploring aesthetic femininity
, 110–111

Rail industry

barrier for women’s success in
, 118

gender strategies for career progression in
, 111

women transport workers within
, 307

Rail sector

bullying and harassment in
, 141–142

women in
, 5

Rapid Integrated Assessment (RIA)
, 243

‘Real wages’
, 324–325

Recruitment practices
, 318

Regional Maritime University (RMU)
, 238

Relational mentoring
, 171, 173–174

addressing barriers
, 182

aviation and aerospace industry
, 174–175

background literature and theoretical framework
, 171–173

barriers to mentoring
, 181–182

benefits and barriers of mentoring
, 178–181

feminist relational mentoring framework
, 170

findings 178–182

, 175–178

Remote Control Centers (RCC)
, 82

, 209–210

in aviation
, 214–218

occupational stressors and
, 212–214

for women in aviation
, 217–218

Restricted informal networks
, 134

Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU)
, 325

Retainment practices
, 318

Retention barriers
, 240–241

Retrievable picking
, 93

Revitalisation (of trade unions)
, 330, 333

Ride-hailing services
, 59

, 89

Road construction, women workers experiences in
, 62–65

Road transport
, 4–5

Road transport services
, 57–58

Role model
, 132, 199–200

Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS)
, 170

Royal Air Force
, 170

‘Safe Ride’ campaign
, 47

Safety, personal
, 344

, 93

access to
, 350

gender-blind approaches to
, 340

human right to
, 343

provision of
, 342

urban sanitation system
, 98

Savings and Credit Cooperatives Societies (SACCOs)
, 44–45

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics fields (STEM fields)
, 235–236

Sea-based jobs
, 231–232

Seafarers, 245n19
, 266

Seafaring jobs
, 236

, 232

Second World Wars
, 12

, 109

, 108, 194

, 80

, 109

Self-promoted as commodity
, 109

, 268

Self-reflection and context
, 269–270

Senior leadership, women in
, 190

Service related violence
, 141

Sexual harassment
, 14, 38–39, 39–41

actors role in eliminating sexual harassment in transport
, 43–47

in male-dominated work
, 41–42

on public transport
, 42–43

Sexual Offences Act of 2006
, 44

Sexual violence
, 44

Shanghai Maritime University (SMU)
, 238

Shared mobility services
, 31

Shift working
, 18

Shipping industry
, 13, 251, 270

, 242

benefits of working in
, 274

integration of women
, 252

Shore-based jobs
, 231

Shore-based maritime jobs
, 233

women in shore-based maritime industries
, 233–234

Shore-based maritime jobs
, 241


, 31

future transport
, 31–33

, 31

, 4, 31

labour force
, 31–32

, 134

, 89

, 31

Small Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs)
, 63

Smart and green shipping
, 6, 244

Smart shipping
, 230, 242, 244

Social anthropology
, 254

Social boundaries
, 257–258

Social category
, 144

Social dumping
, 328

Social elements
, 288–289

Social support
, 211

Socialisation process
, 134

Southern European islands
, 25

, 89

, 193

, 193

Stakeholders, collaboration between
, 46–47

, 233

, 21, 125, 296

, 215

Structural gendering of professions
, 251

Sub-Saharan Africa
, 63

Supply chains
, 72–73, 79

Support network
, 175

Supportive leadership
, 211

Symbolic boundary-work
, 257–258

Taxi drivers
, 59

Technical skills
, 89

Technologies development
, 33

, 20–21, 296

Third Country Nationals (TCNs)
, 29

, 319

Tourism travel
, 33

Trade unions
, 2, 43, 44–46, 324–326, 349

and civil aviation
, 326–329

, 323–324

and gender equity in transport
, 350–352

women and
, 329–331

Trades Union Congress (TUC)
, 142

Traffic Marshal
, 316

TrainForTrade (TfT)
, 281

TrainForTrade Port Management Programme
, 7


, 238–239

, 193–194

, 76

, 31

Transnational business masculinity
, 79

, 72

toilet problem
, 342–343

women in
, 341–342

work in
, 27–31

Transport and Salaried Staffs Association (TSSA)
, 140

Transport authorities
, 4, 39, 42, 48

Transport hubs
, 141

Transport industry
, 15–16

Transport modes
, 72

Transport operators
, 43

Transport sector
, 140

women in
, 2

Transport unions
, 340

Transport work
, 3

Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF)
, 238

Transport workforce
, 24

transport and workforce in Island states
, 25–26

Travel information platforms
, 31

Tricycle taxis
, 60

Truck drivers
, 82

Truck driving
, 58–62

, 76

Uber (ride-hailing services)
, 59, 80

UK Airport Executive Teams

gender composition of
, 196–199

UN statistics division (UNSD)
, 283

UN Sustainable Development Goal 5 (SDG 5)
, 295–297

UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
, 243, 280, 282

UNCTAD Port Performance Scorecard and gender indicator
, 290–294

Under-representation of women
, 14, 170, 319

Unitary approach
, 147

United Nations Conference for Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
, 7, 266, 280

United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM)
, 282

Universal Declaration of Human Rights
, 280

Unpaid labour
, 88, 92, 97–98, 347–348

Unpaid work of care

journeys of community service
, 93–94

mobility of care
, 94–96

walking, cycling and
, 93

US-born workforce
, 76

Verbal abuse
, 38, 41, 44

, 14, 38, 140, 340

ILO Convention 190 on Violence and Harassment in World of Work
, 47–48

on public transport
, 141

in workplace
, 343–345

, 82, 108–110, 166, 173

Vocational educational and training (VET)
, 239, 306

Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous environment (VUCA environment)
, 212

aviation in
, 216

, 57, 111, 150, 251

, 88, 94

and paid employment
, 88–93

and unpaid work of care
, 93–96

War work and women
, 12

Waste collection
, 92–93, 98

Waste picking
, 92–93

, 76

White Paper
, 307–308

case study findings
, 313–317

survey findings
, 308–313

survey methodology
, 308

Wider factors
, 308

‘Winter of Discontent’ strikes
, 76

, 1–2

barriers to employing women in public transport
, 19–20

bus drivers
, 61

in civil aviation
, 332–334

commercial truck drivers
, 62

direct employment in transport services
, 58–62

in employment
, 24

, 130

entry barriers for women in male-dominated industries
, 193–195

experience violence
, 38

experiences in Indian railways
, 129–134

leaders in UK rail
, 5

in male-dominated professions
, 159–160

participation in transport
, 3

road transport
, 4–5

sexual harassment and bullying for working
, 142

in shore-based maritime industries
, 233–234

and trade unions
, 329–331

in transport
, 14

in transport unions
, 345

in transport workforce
, 24–25

in transportation industry
, 208

working in public transport
, 12–15

working in public transport
, 4

Women ab initio airline pilots

challenges of pilot profession
, 158–159

coping with minority status
, 165–166

differential treatment
, 162–163

effects of
, 166–167

experience of minority status
, 161–162

, 161

friendships/interactions between cadets
, 163–165

, 160–161

women in male-dominated professions
, 159–160

Women in Aviation and Aerospace Charter (WiAAC)
, 317

Women leaders’ aesthetic femininity
, 106

Women seafarer experiences

construction of occupational identities
, 252–253

, 254–261

women seafarers in European countries
, 250–251

Women Transport Workers
, 341

Women travelling on public transport
, 12

Women workers

COVID-19 impacts and potential for building more central space for women in Africa’s road transport sector
, 65–67

in formalising and automating transport sector
, 348–350

in ports and shipyards
, 232–233

prevailing cultures of male automobility impact on women’s place in transport sector
, 56–57

road construction
, 62–65

women’s direct employment in transport services
, 58–62

Women workforce participation
, 124

Women-led civil society groups
, 46

Women-owned road contracting businesses
, 63

Women’s International Shipping and Trading Association (WISTA)
, 268, 284

Women’s mobility
, 78

Women’s progression
, 190

Women’s representation
, 124, 190, 199, 241

Women’s resilience

employee resilience in workplace
, 209–210

implications for supporting employee resilience
, 218

occupational roles
, 208–209

occupational stressors and resilience
, 212–214

personal resources for employees’ resilience
, 210–211

resilience in aviation
, 214–218

workplace resources and demands
, 211


, 76

in transport
, 27–31

walking, cycling and journey to
, 96–97

, 140

Working conditions
, 24–25, 131

Working lives

walking, cycling and journey to work
, 96–97

walking, cycling and paid employment
, 88–93

walking, cycling and unpaid work of care
, 93–96

Work–life balance
, 134, 194

, 78, 109

(Im)mobile freight work and
, 78–79

, 41, 159, 251, 262, 266, 273–274, 276, 347

employee resilience in
, 209–210

, 209

resources and demands
, 211

violence and harassment in
, 343–345

Workplace adversity

in aviation
, 215

for women in aviation
, 215–216

World Maritime Day
, 230

World Maritime University (WMU)
, 284

Zambia Association for Women in Construction (ZAWIC)
, 63

Chapter 1: Introduction
Public Transport
Chapter 2: Women and Work in Public Transport: Historical and Contemporary Evidence
Chapter 3: Current Trends in Gender, Work and Transport: An Island Perspective
Chapter 4: Tackling Gender-based Violence and Sexual Harassment in the Public Transport Sector: The Role of Key Actors
Road Transport, Active Travel and Logistics
Chapter 5: Experiences of Women Workers in the African Road Transport Sector
Chapter 6: MotherTruckers? The Gendered Work of Freight and Logistics
Chapter 7: Walking, Cycling and Gendered Journeys of Working Lives
Rail Transport
Chapter 8: Women Leaders in Rail: A Postfeminist Aesthetic Femininity
Chapter 9: Gender Realities in Indian Railways
Chapter 10: Bullying and Harassment in the British Rail Sector: An Intersectional Analysis
Air Transport
Chapter 11: Negotiating Personal and Professional Identities in the Workplace: The Case of Women Ab Initio Airline Pilots
Chapter 12: Relational Mentoring in the Aviation and Aerospace Industry: Meeting Women’s Needs Through the Alta Mentoring Scheme
Chapter 13: Examining the Culture of Women in Aviation Leadership: A Case of UK Airports
Chapter 14: Fostering Women’s Resilience in the Aviation Sector
Maritime Transport
Chapter 15: Gender and Work within the Maritime Sector
Chapter 16: ‘If God Had Wanted You to Go to Sea …’ Experiences of Women Seafarers
Chapter 17: Closing the Gender Gap in the Maritime Industry: A Career-decision Approach
Chapter 18: Tracking Gender Equality in Ports
Governance and Trade Unions
Chapter 19: The Role of Government and the Transport Sector with Respect to Women Working in Transport
Chapter 20: Trade Unions and Organising Women in Civil Aviation
Chapter 21: ‘Not Like Other Women’: Understanding the Barriers for Women in the Transport Sector and the Role of Trade Unions